Universe Storage Box

C3071 How Did It Appear

C3071 How Did It Appear

0"Hey, Charles, after the shift, are we going to have some fun?"    


"You only know those things all day long."    


"Don't you want to? You have to stand guard here all day long. There is nothing. I am so tired. Can't you relax and have fun after changing shifts?"    


"That's true. You tell me, Flaming Wind Kingdom and the others are busy with their own affairs now. The people from other countries don't dare to attack us at this time. Even if they want to fight, they don't have the ability to do so. Why are they standing guard all day long?"    


"Who says so? However, the mysterious army in Flaming Wind Kingdom is really powerful. Until now, no one knows where they came from. No one knows why they attacked the Wind Flame Country."    


"Who knows? Perhaps, they have a grudge against the Wind Flame Kingdom."    


"Fortunately, they didn't hit us. Even the Windy Nation couldn't withstand it, let alone us."    


"You can't say that. The Flaming Wind Kingdom couldn't defeat that army because most of their forces were pulled by us. They couldn't use all their strength to deal with that army, but those people took advantage of the loophole. In my opinion, they aren't as powerful as the rumors say. If they really came to our Wind Rider Country, they would definitely not be our match. "    


"I think so too. That team just seized the opportunity. In fact, they might not be that powerful. If they dare to appear in front of me, I can definitely beat them until they wet their pants."    


"Haha, you're the only one who's strong."    


On the city wall in front of Huang Feng and the others, a few soldiers gathered together. They chatted and laughed casually. They were supposed to be on duty seriously. However, at this moment, they were not in their seats. Instead, they found a corner and sat down to rest and chat. Because they didn't feel that there was any danger on their side.    


The Flaming Wind Kingdom was busy with their own affairs. The other countries did not dare to fight, nor did they have the strength to fight them. Furthermore, their city was in the heartland of Wind Machinist Country. There was no need to worry about being attacked. It was possible that there were only a few stupid thieves.    


"Eh? What's that sound?"    


Among the people who were chatting, someone seemed to have heard something and suddenly froze.    


"What's that sound? You didn't sleep well last night, did you? You were so shocked."    


"No, I really seemed to have heard something just now." The man said, "I'll go and take a look."    


"You're the only one with a lot of things to do. Look, what can you see?" the man asked. The others didn't mind.    


The young man had similar thoughts in his heart. However, he felt that he had indeed heard a sound coming from outside the city. If he did not go and take a look, he would feel uncomfortable.    


However, when he came to the front of the city wall and saw the scene outside, he froze there.    


"What's wrong with you, kid? Why are you in a daze?"    


"This kid might be thinking about women, haha."    


"Eh, I think I heard something too."    


"I think so."    


The others were laughing at the young man earlier, but soon, they heard a strange sound coming from outside the city.    


They immediately stood up and went to the city wall. Then, their reaction was exactly the same as the first young man.    


They were all stunned by the scene outside.    


At this moment, outside their city, there was a dense crowd of people, as well as numerous combat robots and Machine Armor. The sound just now was the sound that the combat robots and Machine Armor made when they walked.    


In addition to these, there were also countless drones and spaceships in the sky. It was a black mass.    


And these things were constantly approaching their city walls.    


The question was, how did these things appear, and when did they appear? Why was there no wind at all before, and no sound at all?    


Furthermore, who were they? What were they doing here?    


"Enemy... Enemy attack!"    


"Enemy attack!"    


Those who had regained their senses shouted frantically. Their expressions became fearful and malevolent.    


No matter how these people appeared, no matter when they appeared, no matter what their identities were, appearing in such a state outside the city, they definitely did not come with any good intentions.    


As they shouted, they contacted their superiors through their communication devices. At the same time, they were cursing in their hearts, wondering what those people in the city were up to. Were all the radar decorations? Were the surrounding surveillance systems all made? Why is it that the enemy is already so close, yet they didn't discover anything at all.    


"Did you find anything? It's too late!" Huang Feng heard the shrill noise coming from the top of the city wall and laughed coldly. Then, with a wave of his right hand, the entire team started to attack.    


Without any surprise, Huang Feng and the others had taken them by surprise. There was no preparation in the city, plus there were not many guards in the city. The weapons were not as advanced as Huang Feng and the others, so it only took them less than half an hour. Huang Feng had already occupied the city. If it wasn't for the fact that the City Lord's Mansion was a little far away... If they needed to hurry, this time could be greatly shortened.    


The news of the fall of this city quickly spread throughout the entire Fengji Country, reaching the ears of those big shots.    


"What's going on? Where did that army come from? Why didn't anyone notice it before?"    


In the meeting room, boss, who sat at the top of the table, no longer had the joy of knowing that the Flamewind Kingdom wanted to negotiate. Instead, he was like a furious lion.    


The reason why he spoke was not only because he had lost control of a city, but also because he had lost control of it. More importantly, he knew that his country was very empty right now. Once that army continued to advance, they would not have the strength to resist that army at all. At that time, the entire Flaming Wind Kingdom would suffer a huge loss.    


Obviously, everyone in the meeting room understood this situation. Therefore, they remained silent after hearing his furious roar, because they were also puzzled and angry about this matter.    


"Everyone, do you think this army is related to the army in the Flaming Wind Kingdom?" Suddenly, a certain big shot spoke.    


"Hmm? Why do you say that?" Another boss asked.    


"Because these two armies are very mysterious and powerful. No one knows how they suddenly appeared in the hinterland." The big boss said.    


"Now that you mention it, it does seem a bit similar." The person beside him said.    


"It shouldn't be possible for them to belong to the same force. They are currently at war with the Flaming Wind Kingdom. They still dare to continue the war with us? Just how strong are they? How dare they declare war against two superpowers at the same time? " Someone questioned.    


"Yeah, their combat strength is indeed very strong, but fighting two superpowers at the same time is simply courting death." Another person agreed.    


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