Universe Storage Box

C2632 A Huge Loss

C2632 A Huge Loss

3"How could this be? How could this be? " Under the protection of those generals and personal guards, the Fengjue Country's Fourth Prince successfully broke out of the encirclement. However, he was not in the mood to be happy at all. Instead, he looked at the army in front of him with blank eyes and muttered to himself.    


Not long ago, Fourth Prince came out of the Fengjue Country with fifty to sixty thousand people in high spirits. He wanted to occupy more territory as soon as possible and obtain more money so that he could win the competition and ascend to that position.    


Although they were leaving, Old Emperor told them to be careful of the army of Yuan Feng Country. However, Fourth Prince didn't take it to heart. He had brought fifty to sixty thousand men with him. This was no less than the number of soldiers in the entire Yuan Feng Country. So what if they encountered the army of Yuan Feng Country? How could he be afraid of them?    


Fourth Prince did not think that he would really encounter the armies of the Yuan Feng Country on the way. They had been ambushed by the enemy, causing them to lose a lot of men as soon as they arrived. However, at that time, Fourth Prince didn't realize the seriousness of the matter. He was still thinking of defeating the army of Yuan Feng Country on the battlefield.    


Later on, although he was reminded by the generals that he didn't want to be entangled with the army of Yuan Feng Country for too long, what a waste! That was why they chose to break out of the encirclement. Even at this moment, Fourth Prince had never thought that his army would not be a match for the Yuan Feng Country. He had only suffered a shameful ambush from the enemy.    


The generals under him also promised him. They would be able to lead most of the troops to break out of the encirclement. At that time, although they would lose some of their troops... However, their overall strength was not inferior to the other princes... It was still the same. They still had the chance to compete for the throne.    


However, what was going on? Why were there only so few people who had broken out of the encirclement? Where were the others?    


Fourth Prince looked around and confirmed that he did not see any more subordinates. His face became angry, like a furious lion. He looked at the generals beside him and shouted, "What do you think is going on? Why are there only so few people breaking out of the encirclement? Didn't you promise me before that you would be able to break out of the encirclement with most of your people? Why are there only so few people coming out? Ah! Where were the others? Why is it like this?!"    


The generals lowered their heads and did not say anything in the face of Fourth Prince's furious roar. Their expressions were also very ugly, but they could not refute Fourth Prince.    


Looking at the scene, it was no wonder that Fourth Prince was furious. After the fifty to sixty thousand troops were ambushed by the enemy, if they successfully broke out of the encirclement, there might not even be five to six thousand people. In other words, the number of people they broke out of the encirclement was less than ten percent of their original number. There was too much of a difference from the number they had promised. There were only so few of them, let alone competing against the other princes for the throne. Even if they really went to other countries, they might not be able to successfully conquer these countries. Even if the main forces of the other countries were wiped out by Yuan Feng Country... However... With just the army left in the country and the civilians, these five to six thousand people were fighting to the death against the enemy. They really might not be able to win.    


Furthermore, the five to six thousand soldiers who had escaped with them... The situation was not very good. Many of them were injured. As for the rest, even if they were not injured, their faces were filled with fear and numbness. Such an expression would never appear on the faces of the soldiers of the Fengjue Country army. But now, it had truly appeared.    


This army needed to rest and reorganize. Within a short period of time, they no longer had the ability to fight. They had already been defeated mentally. If they were to be sent to the battlefield at this time, they would not be able to display much of their strength.    


Although these Fengjue Countries generals had already realized that the situation wasn't good, however, they had never thought that the one who would be able to escape in the end... There were only a few of them! There were fifty to sixty thousand of them before this! In less than half a day, there was only this little left. This was a huge loss. Not to mention that Fourth Prince couldn't accept it. Even they couldn't accept it.    


After all, these soldiers were all their subordinates! The reason Fourth Prince had been polite to them earlier was to fight for their support. Wasn't it because they had these subordinates? As long as they had the support of the soldiers, even if it was the other princes... They wouldn't dare to be rude to them.    


However, the entire army had been wiped out in just one battle. They had also lost most of their capital. In the future, Fourth Prince and the other princes wouldn't be as polite to them as before.    


"Speak! Are you all mute?! "Fourth Prince's remaining anger had yet to dissipate.    


Fourth Prince was really too angry right now. He had never thought that this would happen. A battle that he didn't put in his heart would actually put them in danger of retreating from the fight for the throne. Originally, he had the support of fifty to sixty thousand soldiers, which was the largest number of princes. His strength was naturally the strongest, and it was also most likely that he would be able to take that position. And because of that, he had been very proud of himself.    


But now? There were only so few people left. Moreover, they were all defeated by the remnants of the army. It was a miserable sight. With such a few people, how could he compete with his brothers for the throne?    


At the same time, Fourth Prince clearly knew the cruelty of the competition for the throne. If he won, everything would be fine. He would win everything. However, if he lost, he would definitely be hated by the future of the throne. At that time, once the winner ascended the throne, it would be the time to settle the score. He might not end well in the revenge of the other party.    


Thinking of the possible outcome that he might end up in, Fourth Prince felt a chill in his heart. It was as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, and his entire body felt cold.    


He could not lose, he definitely could not lose!    


However, what else could he do now? Without the support of the army, he would have no hope of winning. Failure was already foreseeable.    


It was all their fault!    


Fourth Prince looked at those generals with resentment. In his heart, he wished he could kill all of them right now. However, he knew that the rest of them were still the subordinates of the generals. Therefore, although he wished he could kill them now, however, he could only endure it for now.    


This made Fourth Prince feel even more uncomfortable.    


"Your Highness, please calm down. We didn't expect this to happen. We didn't expect the army of Yuan Feng Country to become so strong. It seems like the previous news was true. We have underestimated the army of Yuan Feng Country. " Apart from Fourth Prince, who was the highest ranked general, the rest of the people present looked at Fourth Prince who was still angry. They could only bite the bullet and explain.    


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