Universe Storage Box

C2628 Retreat

C2628 Retreat

1"How could this be? It shouldn't be like this. " The Fengjue Country's Fourth Prince stared blankly at the chaotic battlefield, unable to accept what he was seeing.    


From what he knew, no matter what aspect the outside world competed in, it didn't matter. The Fengjue Country was the strongest, and it was the same in terms of military affairs. The Fengjue Country Military Peak was at its peak, and no country could compare to them. Even the Great Lu Dynasty in the pass was no match for them on the battlefield.    


Therefore, even if they were ambushed and lost a lot of people, Fourth Prince firmly believed that his army could defeat the army of Yuan Feng Country who ambushed them on the battlefield.    


However, what was happening in front of him? Why was his powerful army under the charge of the soldiers of Yuan Feng Country? You can't even withstand a single blow? Could it be that his identity had been reversed? Since when did the Fengjue Country army become so weak? Or could it be that the strength of Yuan Feng Country was already so much stronger than their Fengjue Country?    


Fourth Prince couldn't believe what he saw. However, this scene happened right in front of his eyes. Even if he didn't want to believe it, he had to admit that it was true.    


"Kill! Kill! Kill these bastards from Yuan Feng Country!" Fourth Prince shouted at the top of his lungs. His face looked extremely ferocious, and he no longer had his usual elegant demeanor.    


However, the generals who were following Fourth Prince could more or less understand the situation in front of them.    


They knew that the reason why the situation in front of them was like this was because their army had just gone through a long distance raid. Whether it was the soldiers or the horses, they were all exhausted. It was fine if they didn't stop, but now that they stopped... It would be very difficult for them to move again, let alone fight with the army of Yuan Feng Country. Now, their soldiers didn't even have the strength to carry weapons. Under such circumstances, how could they fight?    


Before this, it was not like these generals did not know the situation in their own troops. They also knew that in their current situation, if they were to be attacked... They simply didn't have the ability to resist. However, they were the same as Fourth Prince. They believed that there wouldn't be any danger along the way. The people of the other countries were busy with their own affairs, and the people of Yuan Feng Country should be resting as well. Therefore, there wouldn't be any danger along the way. The most important thing was to reach their destination as fast as possible.    


It was precisely because of this kind of luck that these generals knew that the current situation of the troops was very dangerous. However, they did not stop the troops. Instead, they continued to maintain a high-intensity march.    


And now, the cruel reality had ruthlessly slapped their faces. However, it was already too late to regret it now.    


Of course, other than their own problems, the traps and the strength displayed by the Yuan Feng Country army were also the reason why the battlefield had fallen.    


Those traps not only caused nearly a quarter of the Fengjue Country's army to be lost in an instant, but also caused the remaining troops to be in chaos. There was no Formation to speak of when they were crowded together, which forced them to stop. When the cavalry lost their charging speed, their power would be reduced by more than half. Even if they weren't as tired as they were now, they still couldn't fully exert their strength.    


In addition, the army of Yuan Feng Country charging towards them was also much stronger than they had imagined.    


Before they left the Fengjue Country, they had heard about the Yuan Feng Country before. They knew that they had defeated the army of Money Yuan Kingdom and the other countries. However, at that time, regardless of whether it was the Fengjue Country's Old Emperor, the officials in the court, or the generals in the army, none of them thought so. The strength of Yuan Feng Country was already on par with their Fengjue Country.    


They all thought that the reason why the army of Yuan Feng Country was able to defeat those two powers was because of this. There must be a trick. It could be an ambush. Perhaps it was because they had instigated the rebellion of the generals, the strength of Yuan Feng Country could not be improved so much in such a short period of time. The combat strength of the army was increasing bit by bit, even if it was their Fengjue Country. The reason why they were so strong now was because they had worked hard for many years. They were constantly improving themselves in battle. That was why they had become so strong.    


However, what did the Yuan Feng Country have? They had basically never experienced any major battles in these years. Furthermore, their country's population was small and their economy was poor. Under such circumstances, how could they nurture such a powerful army?    


Therefore, the Fengjue Country did not take Yuan Feng Country seriously.    


However, both sides had really met on the battlefield and were fighting. Fourth Prince might not be able to discover anything about the Fengjue Country. After all... He did not know much about war, but the generals of the Fengjue Country... They quickly discovered the strength displayed by the army of Yuan Feng Country... It was far beyond their expectations, especially those who were charging at the front. They were like arrowheads, easily piercing through the defense line of Fengjue Country's army.    


These generals of the Fengjue Country were shocked by the strength displayed by the Yuan Feng Country's army. Especially those who were charging at the front. They even felt that... Even if they weren't ambushed, they wouldn't be so tired. Both sides were fighting in a fair environment, and they didn't have the confidence to defeat those soldiers.    


This was a true elite!    


The Fengjue Country generals who had been in the army for many years and had experienced many battles quickly determined the true strength of this group. Because of this, they were greatly shocked.    


How did Yuan Feng Country nurture such elite soldiers? When did they nurture them?    


This kind of elite soldier was definitely not something that could be trained just by training. It had to go through many battles. In order to become a team like this, although Yuan Feng Country had some minor conflicts with the surrounding countries in the past few years, however, there were no major battles. Logically speaking, it was impossible to nurture such an elite team.    


It was truly too shocking.    


The defeat was set!    


There was a huge problem with them, and the other party's performance was so formidable. These Fengjue Countries generals were already able to guess the final outcome of this battle.    


"Fourth Prince, let's retreat." One of the generals shouted at Fourth Prince, who was still shouting, hoping that the army would launch a counterattack against the Yuan Feng Country's army as soon as possible.    


"Retreat? What retreat? I want to kill all these bastards of Yuan Feng Country! We are Fengjue Country! The strongest country outside the pass, how can we be scared away by such a small country?" Fourth Prince complained.    


Obviously, Fourth Prince, who did not know military, had not realized that they could no longer defeat the army of Yuan Feng Country who ambushed them. If they continued to stay here, they would only end up being killed.    


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