Universe Storage Box

C2607 Confident Thoughts

C2607 Confident Thoughts

2"The army of Yuan Feng Country has just arrived. Isn't it a little late?"    


"That's right. The wealth of Money Yuan Kingdom has already been divided by us. The geniuses of Yuan Feng Country have come. It seems like New Emperor of Yuan Feng Country doesn't know the meaning of war."    


"If they immediately send people to attack Money Yuan Kingdom after defeating the invasion of Money Yuan Kingdom, I estimate that we won't be able to obtain any benefits. Now, if it was them, they wouldn't be able to obtain any benefits."    


"Should we leave something for the people of the Yuan Feng Country? After all, they were the ones who defeated the army of Money Yuan Kingdom. If they came all the way here and couldn't get anything, wouldn't it be bad?"    


"What's bad about it? Who asked them to come so late?"    


"That's right. Anyway, the things we have plundered are already on the way back to our country. If you pity the Yuan Feng Country, then take out the portion that belongs to you."    


"I won't take it out."    


"I won't either."    


After the generals of those countries had plundered the wealth of Money Yuan Kingdom, they gathered together once again. It was also at this moment that they learned that the army of Yuan Feng Country was coming here.    


During the process of looting the wealth of Money Yuan Kingdom, the families of the armies of these countries... It was not peaceful. In their eyes, Money Yuan Kingdom was just a fat piece of meat. Everyone wanted to take a bite on this piece of fat meat, but this piece of fat was only that big. Because of this, during the process of plundering the wealth of the Money Yuan Kingdom, some friction happens naturally.    


Fortunately, these generals were still rational, even though there was some friction between the people below. However, they had no intention of expanding the friction. One reason was that everyone was busy snatching things from the Money Yuan Kingdom. If they wasted their time fighting with people from other countries, it would only benefit the other people. As a result, they managed to grab even fewer things.    


There was one more thing that they had not forgotten. The pressure of the Fengjue Country was still there. They had attacked the Fengjue Country earlier, and this time, they were prepared to refuse to attack it together. They believed that the Fengjue Country must have received this news. Although... These people and the Emperor behind them had already made preparations to negotiate with the Fengjue Country. However, after the negotiation, they still had to guard against the attack of the people from the Fengjue Country. If it was before the attack of the people from the Fengjue Country, there would be a large-scale internal conflict between them. At that time, once the Fengjue Country attacked them, they wouldn't even have the ability to resist. Furthermore, after the war, they would lose their own strength. If their strength was inferior, they wouldn't be able to negotiate with the people of the Fengjue Country. They were too stubborn.    


Therefore, although there were some conflicts between the soldiers of these countries when they plundered the Money Yuan Kingdom, but overall, it was still in the past. At least, these generals could still gather together and chat happily. Of course, what were they really thinking? I'm afraid... Only they themselves knew.    


"Say, the emperor of Yuan Feng Country has brought such an army here. Are you coming for us?" While everyone was laughing at the slow reaction of the people of Yuan Feng Country, after they had swallowed the Money Yuan Kingdom, just as they were about to take action, a general suddenly said something different from what the others had guessed.    


"They are coming for us? How is that possible? Although we have sent some teams to send the goods we obtained here back to China, however... Most of the troops are here, hundreds of thousands of soldiers are here. What can the Emperor of Yuan Feng Country do when faced with so many armies? "    


"That's right. The Yuan Feng Country has defeated the army of the Money Yuan Kingdom. However, we all know that there are too many other factors in that battle. This is the reason why the army of the Money Yuan Kingdom failed. If both sides were to fight in the wild... I don't believe that Yuan Feng Country can still win. "    


"That's right. There are only thirty to forty thousand people in the Yuan Feng Country's army. With such a small number of people, what other tricks can they play?"    


Originally, the number of allied armies of these countries had already reached around three hundred thousand. After that, they told the Emperor about the situation in Money Yuan Kingdom. Thus, in order to obtain more benefits from this cake splitting operation... They also ensured that their interests would not be snatched by other countries. The emperors of these countries also sent their troops to assist. Because of this, the number of troops gathered here had already reached five hundred thousand.    


Of course, this number was already the vast majority of the troops that these countries could mobilize. It could be said that if something were to happen to these troops here... Then, they would be like the previous Money Yuan Kingdom. It would cause a severe shortage of resources in the country.    


However, whether it was these generals or the emperor behind them... They didn't think anything would happen, but according to the information they received, some internal strife had indeed occurred in the Fengjue Country, and up until now... The internal strife had yet to settle down, so there was no need to worry about the attack of the Fengjue Country for the time being. In the army, other than the Fengjue Country, there's only the Yuan Feng Country. Could it be that the Yuan Feng Country could rely on the strength of one country to defeat so many armies?    


This was obviously impossible.    


"Although that's the case, according to the news from the imperial palace of the Yuan Feng Country, this New Emperor of Yuan Feng Country seemed to be a bit reckless. He even threatened our generals and asked us to return. Giving up on attacking the Money Yuan Kingdom, what's the point of saying that we have to bear the consequences? Perhaps, they are really here for us. "    


"I have also received a message from our general. New Emperor from the Yuan Feng Country has the same attitude. However, I think that New Emperor from the Yuan Feng Country won't be able to attack the Money Yuan Kingdom in a short period of time. He also doesn't want us to be ahead of him and take down the Money Yuan Kingdom. If that's the case, he will be the one to benefit us. Of course, he doesn't want such a thing to happen. That's why he threatened us. "    


"That's right. That must be the case. If that's the case, we'll just listen to him. Who would take it seriously? No matter how powerful the Yuan Feng Country is, how powerful can it be? Can it beat us so many times by itself? Even if it's the Fengjue Country, with us all working together... It doesn't mean that you can defeat us just by defeating us. What right does Yuan Feng Country have to do that? "    


"However, if he didn't come for us, why did the emperor of Yuan Feng Country choose to lead the army himself? If it was only for the Money Yuan Kingdom, a Money Yuan Kingdom that no longer had any defensive capabilities, I don't think their Emperor needed to come here personally, right? "    


" Maybe it was because New Emperor was so happy that he came here to show off when he saw that the Money Yuan Kingdom was going to be defeated. "    


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