Universe Storage Box



1The two of them, Huang Feng and her follower, followed the Colonel Manning into a seemingly undamaged building. Around this building, there were many soldiers on guard, and the capital was indeed worthy of its status as the capital. As the largest city in the entire country, it was also the city with the strongest defensive capabilities.    


However, Huang Feng still had some confidence in the human race's ability to survive. Although on their way here, when they passed by other cities, they did not see many surviving humans, Huang Feng believed that many people would definitely find a place to hide. Once the Zombie virus was suppressed, those people would appear.    


After all, no matter how powerful the Zombie was, it had no brains. As long as a human was able to get used to it, they could find a way to temporarily hide themselves.    


Huang Feng and Marcus followed behind Colonel Manning. After passing through many checkpoints, they finally arrived at an office.    


"You guys wait here. The generals are in a meeting. When the meeting is over, I'll take you guys to see him." The Colonel Manning chatted with a soldier guarding the entrance of the office for a while before he walked over to Huang Feng's side.    




And at this time, in a large conference room not too far away from Huang Feng's group, a dozen or so old men were currently in a meeting. The meeting's atmosphere was not very good, it could be said to be the center of the entire country, and all the information within the entire country would be gathered here, and these dozen or so old men from both the military and political worlds were the top people in the entire country, and the ones with a higher status than them, were the few leaders. The Colonel Manning thought that only a few generals from the army were in a meeting, and some boss s that he did not know were also from the government.    


"Sigh, ever since the Zombie virus broke out, the bad news came one after the other. Just yesterday, we lost contact with two cities. I wonder if there was a problem with the broadcast, or if there was an accident." One of the old men said with a worried expression.    


"My situation is not looking good. Although there was a large amount of food in the capital before the outbreak of the Zombie virus, our stock of food and the destruction caused by the Zombie in the past two years has been greatly reduced." Another old man said.    


When the Zombie virus first broke out, these people realized the importance of food and stored a large amount of food. However, the capital had a large number of survivors, adding that with the past two years, the amount of food did not decrease at all, the number of people naturally continued to decline.    


"The only good news is that we don't have to worry about the water source for now. The underground water has not been contaminated by the Zombie virus, but we've already made preparations and stored it in advance to prevent contamination there." the old man added.    


"We can't continue like this!" One of the old men said, "I wonder how the research institute is progressing. It's been more than two years, they should have developed something to resist the Zombie virus, right?"    


"I heard that there has been some progress, but to develop the serum for the entire Zombie virus, we might have to wait for a while. Right now, the heads are personally in charge of that area, so we don't have much information."    


"What is the reason behind the outbreak of the Zombie virus? Have you investigated it? " Another old man asked. Each of them was responsible for an area of affairs, so it could be said that they had a clear division of labor. In this apocalyptic world, no one had any desire to fight for power.    


"A bit of an idea." He was in charge of investigating this matter, and it could be said that this matter was very important. If he could find out how the Zombie virus had broken out, then it would be very helpful in researching the medicine to resist the Zombie virus.    


"According to our investigation, the Zombie virus first broke out in Gao Ke City, and then it quickly spread throughout the country, until it spread to the entire world. After more than two years of investigation, we discovered that this virus might be related to Gao Ke City's Umbrella People's Group." The old man continued, "The Umbrella Group is one of the more famous biopharmaceutical companies in the country, it also has a very broad business scope, but at the moment, we do not have any concrete evidence to prove that this outbreak of the Zombie virus is directly related to them. We are preparing to discuss with you military personnel whether to send a combat team over to conduct a field investigation."    


An old man from the military said: "I think so. Since they are suspicious, then we must investigate this clearly, otherwise, even if this time's crisis with the Zombie virus can be resolved, they would still have other plans."    


Everyone nodded in agreement. If they couldn't find the reason for the outbreak of the Zombie virus, then the crisis this time wouldn't be considered as a solution. After all, there were always hidden dangers, so they had to find the source of the virus.    


After that, everyone discussed their responsibilities and organized the final minutes. This was to be handed to the leaders of the upper echelons. If they had anything they wanted to know, they would ask them.    


"Huang Feng, Marcus, the two of you come over. The meeting is over." At this time, Colonel Manning walked over to the place where Huang Feng and were temporarily resting and said.    


Huang Feng and Marcus both stood up and followed Colonel Manning out. After that, they saw over a dozen old men walking over, and among these people, there were indeed people wearing the uniform of a general.    


The Colonel Manning told Huang Feng and Yue Yang to wait, and then he himself stepped forward and whispered a few words into the ears of one of the old man. The old man looked at Huang Feng and Yue Yang and nodded, and then, the Colonel Manning gestured to Huang Feng and Yue Yang to go over.    


"What important things do you have in your hands?" the old man in the general's uniform asked.    


Marcus looked towards Huang Feng, and seeing that Huang Feng was nodding his head, he took out the medicine he had hidden away, and said: "This is this, this is the medicine used to resist the Zombie virus that Professor Lenny has researched."    


"Professor Lenny?" The old man took the medicine from Marcus's hands and asked softly. He had never heard of the Professor Lenny's name before.    


Marcus was also able to see through this point. He roughly introduced the identity of the Professor Lenny, which was why the old man took him seriously.    


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