Universe Storage Box

C2590 Wang Cheng Returned to the Country

C2590 Wang Cheng Returned to the Country



The army of Money Yuan Kingdom was defeated! The allied armies of the various countries had lost!    


Wang Cheng stood outside the city and looked at the miserable and chaotic scene at the city gate. In his heart, he had already understood that Money Yuan Kingdom and the armies of the other countries had all been defeated. They didn't lose to the powerful Fengjue Country, but to the Yuan Feng Country that they hadn't taken seriously before.    


Not to mention the soldiers of Money Yuan Kingdom and the other countries, even Wang Cheng hadn't thought of this either. He had previously understood the situation of the countries outside of the pass, especially after he was ready to cooperate with them. He had a more detailed understanding of the strength of the countries outside of the pass. Amongst them, the Fengjue Country was the strongest. The Yuan Feng Country was the weakest.    


However, in the eyes of everyone present, the Yuan Feng Country was the weakest. The allied forces of the Money Yuan Kingdom and the other countries were losing ground. Although the environment in the city was not good, they were still losing ground. At the same time, it also showed that Yuan Feng Country wasn't as bad as they thought. Their strength was more powerful than they thought.    


"Perhaps, the Yuan Feng Country has been hiding their strength all this time just to give their enemies a chance at the critical moment. It seems like they also have the ambition to unify all the foreign countries." Wang Cheng thought in his heart.    


This was the reason why he could think of. It must be because Yuan Feng Country had deliberately concealed their strength and secretly developed. The other countries did not notice it, which was why they thought that Yuan Feng Country was the weakest. However, the Yuan Feng Country was not the soft persimmon in everyone's eyes.    


There was clearly a reason why the Yuan Feng Country chose to develop their strength in secret. The only reason was that they, like the Fengjue Country and the Money Yuan Kingdom, had the ambition to unify all the countries outside the pass.    


Wang Cheng wasn't surprised by this situation. All the countries outside the pass had been in chaos for so many years. As long as there were people with great ambitions, they would want to unify all the countries outside the pass. It wasn't anything strange. It could only be said that... The Emperor of Yuan Feng Country was also a man with ambition. At the same time, he was also a man with strength. Not only did he develop the Yuan Feng Country so well, but he was also a man with great strength. Furthermore, he had successfully deceived the other countries, making them not pay enough attention to him. This had caused the people of those countries to suffer such a huge loss.    


One of them was enough to cause severe damage to the Money Yuan Kingdom, causing them to suffer a huge loss to the other countries.    


"Fortunately, I discovered it in time." Wang Cheng thought in his heart, "Now it seems that I can't stay outside this pass anymore. I was too close to the despotic general before. The people of Yuan Feng Country will definitely treat me as an accomplice of Money Yuan Kingdom. They will treat me as their target. "    


In Wang Cheng's opinion, the soldiers of Money Yuan Kingdom were finished this time. The despotic general was overly confident and thought that he could easily defeat the Yuan Feng Country. Therefore, he only brought a few personal guards with him and entered the palace of Yuan Feng Country. Now that the Yuan Feng Country was launching a powerful counterattack, the despotic general must have failed. Wang Cheng only needed to think for a moment to understand what the loser would think.    


At the same time, the army of Money Yuan Kingdom was also suffering heavy injuries. Losing their main general, the army had also suffered a lot of losses. The strength of Money Yuan Kingdom had been greatly reduced. They no longer had the advantage that they had against other countries, not to mention... The Yuan Feng Country might not let them go.    


Therefore, Wang Cheng felt that he should think for himself. Before this, he had obtained the support of other countries through the despotic general. He knew that people from other countries, including Yuan Feng Country, they did not agree to give him so many resources. However... At that time, Money Yuan Kingdom was powerful and domineering. It was also there. His prestige was also high, so even if the people from other countries had objections... They still did as the despotic general ordered.    


And now, the domineering general was in dire straits. The people from other countries would definitely not treat Wang Cheng's people well. Staying here would not bring them any benefits. There was even a possibility that they would be taken revenge by the people of other countries. So, Wang Cheng felt that it was safest to leave this place.    


"In any case, I have already obtained a lot of things this time. It's time for me to return and fight with the imperial court's army." Wang Cheng thought in his heart.    


He had indeed obtained a lot of things through the despotic general. Especially since his Rebellion Army's combat strength was not high. However... They had the most number of people. These people didn't have any ability to fight a war. However, after the war, they cleaned up the battlefield and collected the spoils of war. Their speed was not slow, and Wang Cheng also obtained a lot of resources because of this.    


Although the people from other countries had objections, and even the domineering general was somewhat dissatisfied with this. However, at that time, the despotic general still needed his help. Thus, they tolerated it. When the people from other countries saw the despotic general's attitude, naturally, they couldn't say anything.    


Therefore, Wang Cheng's trip outside of the pass this time was quite fruitful. Even if he was forced to leave now, he did not have any regrets.    


"Order the team to return to the pass immediately." Wang Cheng ordered.    


After that, the entire Rebellion Army team started heading towards the pass. As long as it wasn't a war, the Rebellion Soldier's speed was still very fast. Not long after, outside the capital city of Yuan Feng Country, in the boundless Rebellion Soldier... They had all disappeared into the distance.    


At the entrance of the capital city of Yuan Feng Country, chaos was still ongoing. Although some people had already come out of the city, most of them were still stuck inside.    


Huang Feng had no intention of letting the army of the Money Yuan Kingdom go. Since they had already started to attack, they had become enemies with the Money Yuan Kingdom. Naturally, they had to eliminate all of their enemies.    


However, Huang Feng didn't kill all the soldiers of the other countries. He still needed the help of those people in order to attack the Fengjue Country in the future. After all, the number of soldiers in Yuan Feng Country was too small, and it was impossible for him to exchange all of them for the soldiers he had exchanged for. Therefore, the main force of the battle with the Fengjue Country was still the soldiers of Yuan Feng Country and other countries. Killing too many soldiers from other countries would still affect their future combat strength.    


However, the army of Money Yuan Kingdom was miserable. Huang Feng showed no mercy to them. Most of the high-ranking generals in the army had already been killed, and the soldiers were constantly being killed. They were on the verge of collapsing.    


At this moment, the soldiers of Money Yuan Kingdom were truly in despair. The road ahead was blocked, and they could not think of a way out. The enemies behind them were too ferocious, and they were no match for them. It seemed like there was nothing to do besides waiting for death.    


However, when the first surrendered soldiers of Money Yuan Kingdom appeared, many of them realized that they had another way to avoid death, which was to surrender!    


Thus, more and more soldiers of Money Yuan Kingdom chose to surrender.    


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