Godly Son-in-law

C120 Stepping into Yan Jing

C120 Stepping into Yan Jing

2After Lin Zhan found out that this batch of jewelry was for him, he immediately dragged them to the entrance of the Shen Family compound.    


A large truck stopped outside the alley of the Shen Family, attracting the crowd's attention.    


Lin Zhan got out of the truck and walked towards the Shen Family.    


Shen Wan'er had just returned from the company and planned to have a meal before returning to the company. Before she could sit on the hot seat, she heard some movement outside. She went out to take a look and saw that it was Lin Zhan.    


Seeing Lin Zhan, Shen Wan'er was still worried about the incident at Hai Lin company, but Lin Zhan acted as if nothing had happened.    


"Wife, come over here. I'll show you something good."    


Seeing the excited Lin Zhan, Shen Wan'er was very curious. She followed him to the side of a big truck.    


"A truck? Do you want me to look at this?"    


"No, go up and take a look."    


Hearing Lin Zhan say so, Shen Wan'er obediently walked into the back of the truck.    


Shen Wan'er was stunned when she went in. The cars of jewelry reflected a glaring light. They were only placed in some storage boxes messily.    


Even so, Shen Wan'er recognized it at a glance. This was the jewelry from the jewelry exhibition last time. The design and texture were exactly the same.    


"This jewelry of yours... Where did you get it?"    


"Someone gave it to me." Lin Zhan said honestly.    


Of course Shen Wan'er did not believe it. How could someone give such precious jewelry to Lin Zhan?    


"Is this the jewelry they lost last time?"    


"The specific reason is more complicated."    


It was not that simple to explain everything.    


"You didn't steal jewelry, did you? I don't need it like this."    


Shen Wan'er was very emotional and continued, "If you go to prison because of this matter, what do you want Guoguo and I to do?"    


"It's not what you think." Lin Zhan tried hard to calm Shen Wan'er's emotions.    


Lin Zhan did not expect Shen Wan'er to be thinking about this. He thought he was happy to see the jewelry.    


"Listen to me explain it to you in detail."    


"Of course you have to explain it to me clearly. It's not over if you don't explain it clearly."    


Seeing the emotional Shen Wan'er, Lin Zhan did not dare to delay and told Shen Wan'er everything.    


Shen Wan'er only relaxed a little when she heard it, "You did not lie, did you?"    


"I swear to God that I did not lie."    


"That's good." Shen Wan'er let out a sigh of relief. She picked a dazzling necklace from the jewelry and held it in her hand.    


"Thank you. I like it very much."    


These few words seemed to have exhausted all of Shen Wan'er's strength. After she finished speaking, she disappeared from Lin Zhan's sight.    


Lin Zhan's heart was warm. Shen Wan'er was worried about him just now. He was not alone. Behind him was someone who was looking forward to him. His life and death affected the heart of others.    


This was the responsibility. Lin Zhan's actions would also have different consequences for Shen Wan'er.    


After leaving the Shen Family, Lin Zhan gave this batch of jewelry to Zhang Dafu and asked him to sell it, turning it into the capital of Hai Lin Security Company.    


Zhang Dafu naturally agreed. If it was someone else, they might take the opportunity to earn some money. However, he didn't dare to do so. He knew what kind of person Lin Zhan was. If he had any ulterior motives, the consequences would be disastrous.    


When Zhang Dafu released the news about the jewelry, someone quickly contacted him and said that he wanted to buy the remaining jewelry.    


Zhang Dafu contacted them. They said that they were from the Yu Family of Yanjing and accepted the jewelry at a high price.    


This matter was very strange to Zhang Dafu, so he reported it to Lin Zhan.    


Lin Zhan was also stunned. Could it be that this matter was also done by the patriarch of Yu Family? This was equivalent to giving Lin Zhan a sum of money for free, and declaring that he was a member of the Yu Family of Yanjing.    


His goal was very obvious. He wanted to express his goodwill to Lin Zhan.    


As for why, Lin Zhan himself didn't know. Logically speaking, he should have a grudge with the Yu Family, but the attitude of the patriarch of Yu Family changed her mind.    


The Yu Family probably didn't want to be her enemy.    


Naturally, Lin Zhan was the same. If he could not make enemies, then so be it.    


However, a thought appeared in Lin Zhan's mind. Perhaps the Yu Family would be his first step in Yanjing. Whether it was competition or cooperation, it would be his first step in entering the Yanjing.    


If he could build a good relationship with the Yu Family, he would be able to obtain a lot of information about the imperial capital. It wasn't a bad thing.    


Just as he was thinking, the phone in Lin Zhan's hand rang.    


"Boss Lin?"    


Lin Zhan recognized the voice as soon as he heard it. It was the voice of the head of the Yu family.    


"Senior of the Yu Family, what's the matter?"    


"I have admiration in my heart. I want to see Boss Lin. I wonder if Boss Lin is free."    


"See me?" Lin Zhan was stunned. "When and where?"    


This matter was exactly what Lin Zhan wanted. If the patriarch of the Yu family had something to ask of him, he would have a good reason to go to Yanjing.    


"I'll wait for you in the building of the Jiuyu Corporation in Yanjing."    


"No problem."    


Lin Zhan agreed decisively. In his opinion, this was an opportunity. He could not let it go easily.    


After hanging up the phone, Yu Xingjian looked at the documents on his desk in a daze. He murmured, "Is it really you?"    


After Lin Zhan agreed to Yu Xingjian's request, he immediately set off for Yanjing.    


At the entrance of the building, two security guards blocked Lin Zhan's way.    


"Who is it?"    


"The head of the Yu family asked me to come over."    


The two security guards looked Lin Zhan up and down with disdain. "The patriarch of the Yu Family is looking for you? Don't talk nonsense, it's so funny."    


Lin Zhan did not dress up seriously today. He was dressed casually and casually. He was dressed in casual sportswear.    


Although these security guards were security guards, they saw people who were either rich or noble every day. They dressed in suits and shoes every day, so they thought they were from the upper class.    


"Quickly go and report to your family head and you will know." Lin Zhan frowned.    


"You still want us to report to your family head? Are you here to make a joke? You should be able to act fast."    


The two security guards laughed. The noise outside the door attracted the reception manager in the hall. He walked out slowly. It was a woman dressed in a flirtatious manner.    


"What are you arguing about? Do you know where this place is? Do you want to be presumptuous?"    


As soon as she came up, the woman didn't ask any questions and yelled at Lin Zhan.    


Lin Zhan looked at these snobbish eyes coldly. There was no point in saying anything more. He immediately dialed the number of the Yu family's Patriarch, Yu Xingjian.    


"Patriarch of Yu Family, I was stopped at your door. He said that I wasn't dressed properly and couldn't enter."    


"Haha, I'm dying of laughter. You heard that he called the patriarch of the Yu Family. He acted quite well." The security guard laughed so hard that he fell back and forth.    


The security guard laughed along with him. The woman frowned slightly. She told Lin Zhan not to play these tricks and to leave as soon as possible. The Yu Family was not a place where anyone could come just because they wanted to.    


They had never heard of anyone who could contact the family head directly. Usually, they would contact his subordinates and ask for permission before meeting the family head. Based on this point, they were sure that Lin Zhan was faking it and wanted to sneak into the building.    


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