Godly Son-in-law

C485 We'll See the Day

C485 We'll See the Day

2Lin Zhan could not refuse the warden's warm invitation. After all, he was War God, who came from the Northern Region warzone. He was very familiar with military life.    


However, Long Ying took her leave first. "I still need to go home and settle some family matters. I can't stay here any longer."    


Every large family clan had many difficult scriptures to recite. The conflict between money and power would be as intense as war under the suppression of the head of a family without powerful strength.    


When Long Ying recalled these things, she felt a headache. However, she was unable to shirk responsibility.    


"Can you handle it by yourself? Do you need our help?"    


"Not for now. I will ask for your help if I need anything." Long Ying left behind an elegant figure before turning around and leaving.    


Yanjing was the capital of Country Z. The central military command post and the largest camp were located in the suburbs of Yanjing. Lin Zhan, Heihu, and the others arrived there very quickly.    


Some familiar faces appeared in front of them and expressed their gratitude to Lin Zhan and the rest as if they were welcoming heroes.    


The battle at the five-star hotel in the first half of the night was just an appetizer, and the time between midnight and midnight was the crucial turning point that could affect the fate of the country.    


Every country's management and Think Tank Group stayed up all night, and the strategy to deal with Turing was completed in the shortest time possible.    


At 6: 00 in the morning, Country Z officially sent warnings to other countries around the world about Turing and bionic threats.    


They organized the scattered hacking data and the battle in the hotel yesterday into official documents and sent them to the management of each country.    


"Is there a reply from the Biochemical Research Institute? Is the autopsy report out yet? " I've been waiting for an entire night with my eyes wide open. If there is no result, then the enemy's methods will be impossible to guard against. " The warden's eyes were dark as he urged the warden in his office.    


"Reporting, sir. There's no reply for the time being. Why don't we use the name of a physical examination to draw blood from everyone in the military and check if there is a biochemical virus similar to the Variant Dragon's Vector in our bodies?" The subordinate came to report.    


The result was really annoying. Even though the battle at night was a complete victory for Country Z, who knew if Turing had secretly arranged a bigger killing move.    


"This... I can't make the decision for this kind of big matter. Let's wait for the old fogeys to return."    


The warden immediately lost his confidence.    


The announcement of Country Z was a rather powerful warning. No one dared to joke around with the reputation and reputation of the country.    


Other countries reacted very quickly in the face of an unprecedented disaster. Many countries with advanced technology immediately announced that all devices controlled by smart chips were listed as regulated products.    


As long as smart chips were used, they had to report and audit. They could not enter the flow field in the form of goods. Once goods production lines and factories were discovered, they had to be confiscated and confiscated. The person responsible was directly thrown into prison.    


The three core equipment for the production of smart chips: the light engraving machine, the plasma engraving machine, and the ion infusion machine. They were directly listed as a level 1 sensitive product, and non-government departments were not allowed to hand over all existing equipment...    


This kind of dazzling rule appeared in every country in the morning. Furthermore, with the various countries' military as the executive inspection team, they were not allowed to resist at all from the relevant companies.    


Lin Zhan and Heihu slept soundly. They only got up lazily after watching the morning news.    


This was the butterfly effect. A small battle had turned the entire world upside down.    


"Boss, where are we going to start eliminating the bionic's forces? Last night, the evolution of the dragon's dimension seemed to be a new biochemical method for them."    


Heihu asked a very important question as soon as he woke up. This was the biggest problem they had to face for their family reunion. If they did not get rid of the enemy from the root, it would still be a threat.    


"Let's go visit the three old men who returned first. On the surface, they said they were going to leave Yanjing, but in reality, they had planned to face Tu Ling one by one. " I would like to ask them about this question and see if there is any countermeasures. "    


After Lin Zhan finished washing up, he walked out of the dormitory and went to the meeting room building of the Central Military District.    


Xu Beichuan, He Jianye, and Bi'an, the three big shots of the military district had already started assigning tasks to their opponents.    


When they saw Lin Zhan and Heihu appear, the smile on their faces was as bright as a flower in spring.    


"I say, the three of you are too unreasonable. If you have any plans that can't be put on the surface, even I have to hide them."    


Lin Zhan pulled a chair over and sat across from the three of them.    


"As the saying goes, if you want to hide from the enemy, you have to hide from your own people first. Bionic people are very unpredictable. You saw what happened in the late stage of the battle yesterday. " I'm not sure if these people around you have spies planted by him. "    


"But you should have confidence in the three of us. For the sake of Country Z's Military Department, the lives of the three of us have long been tied to the fate of Country Z. " Even if we die, we must use corpses to stop the enemy's advance. "    


Xu Beichuan's words were somewhat tragic, but the truth was indeed so.    


The three military chiefs slowly climbed from the dead to their current position. It would be unreasonable to say that because of Tu Ling or the bionic, they had abandoned Yanjing and Z-Country.    


"Alright, stop trying to incite me here. Tell me what's going to happen next. I saw a lot of international news this morning. The country behind all these means has stood up. How can Turing's power be completely eradicated? "    


Lin Zhan was most concerned about the seas beyond the control of any countries and the unknown islands scattered among them.    


According to the intelligence, Turing's forces had already existed on some islands.    


Could it be that they were going to use frigates and bombers to go on an expedition? This posture and consumption was a bit too much.    


"We have already contacted ten space countries. We are going to build a 'Nets Above Snares Below' system with more than half of the satellites in each country with ground monitoring functions. We are going to scout every nook and cranny of the earth 24 / 7."    


"If Turing and his bionic want to be cowards, then let them be. But if they dare to mobilize their combat forces on a large scale and are discovered, then the long-range intercontinental missiles will be delivered directly to their door."    


Bi An gave Lin Zhan a very strong response.    


The military districts were the first places the country had to control, and also the first stop to purge Turing's forces.    


If they had a strong combat power in their hands, they would have half the success.    


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