Godly Son-in-law

C223 Little Brown

C223 Little Brown

2Inside the house, a man was sleeping. He had blond hair.    


Lin Zhan carefully searched the house, trying to find something related to this man's identity.    


It was just a trip, but he found nothing.    


Who was this man?    


According to the position in the manor, this man could not be a core member of the Douglas family. He should be a person of little importance and would not have a high status.    


Thinking of this, Lin Zhan grabbed the man's neck. The powerful force woke the man up. He stared at Lin Zhan with his eyes wide open. He wanted to shout but couldn't make a sound.    


Without saying anything, Lin Zhan brought the blond man out of the manor.    


The blonde man was shocked to see Lin Zhan's skill so good. He could not help but exclaim. For a moment, he forgot that he was kidnapped.    


Lin Zhan took the golden-haired man to the hotel and threw him on the ground.    


At this moment, the golden-haired man was released. He held his throat with both hands and gasped for breath.    


Lin Zhan asked lightly, "Who are you from the Douglas family?"    


The shock on the blond man's face disappeared in an instant. In its place was a blank look. He used English to show that he did not understand what Lin Zhan was saying.    


However, the blond man's expression had betrayed him. He understood, but now he was playing dumb.    


Lin Zhan said indifferently, "Playing dumb is useless. I don't mind making you a dead person."    


The blond man trembled. The man in front of him emitted a terrifying aura. The blond man had a feeling that Lin Zhan would really kill him.    


The aura on his body was definitely not fake. The blond man was afraid. He said shakily, "Don't... don't kill me."    


Lin Zhan smiled. "Can't you talk nicely?"    


The blond man smiled awkwardly and did not respond. Clearly, he was afraid of Lin Zhan.    


Lin Zhan then said, "Let me repeat myself. What is your relationship with the Douglas family?"    


The blond man did not answer immediately. He rolled his eyes and thought about how to answer this question.    


"I'm Brown, a friend of the Douglas family. I've come to visit these two days. I'm staying in the guest room."    


"Really?" Lin Zhan was skeptical.    


"I didn't lie to you. I live in my family's guest room." Brown said righteously.    


Lin Zhan did not say anything. The manor was so close to the edge of the door. It should be a guest room. If it was a member of the Douglas family, they should be living in an even deeper place.    


Lin Zhan thought to himself. Little did he know that he had fallen for Little Brown's trick. He was not a friend of the Douglas family at all. He was the nephew of Old Master Glass. He was a relative of the Douglas family. He just happened to be sleeping in a guest room.    


Little Brown knew that if anyone found out that he had disappeared, they would immediately send people to search for him. It was inevitable.    


Moreover, he had noted down the location along the way. It was not far from Douglas' manor. He had found this place. It was because of this that he had been stalling for time.    


Lin Zhan didn't say anything. He tied Little Brown to the bed.    


"I want to ask you about the Douglas family now. Tell me the truth."    


"I will tell you everything, but I don't know anything about the Douglas family."    


Little Brown pretended to be troubled, as if he really wasn't familiar with the Douglas family.    


Lin Zhan then asked a few questions. Little Brown knew everything about the Douglas family, but when it came to more confidential matters, he would pretend to be racking his brains.    


Seeing that he could not find any secret clues, Lin Zhan stuffed a rag into his mouth.    


Little Brown could only make a whimpering sound. Lin Zhan said, "Stay here obediently until I find a clue."    


Little Brown could not answer. He could only nod his head.    


After Lin Zhan finished speaking, he went to the door of the inn. He tied the door handle and the hook beside the wall with iron wire and locked the door from the inside.    


After doing all this, Lin Zhan slipped out of the window again.    


Although Little Brown's mouth was blocked in the room, his eyes could still see.    


Seeing Lin Zhan directly flip down from the second floor, Little Brown was dumbfounded. Although the second floor wasn't very high, it was still a few meters tall. How could a normal person dare to jump down directly?    




At this time, the sky had already lit up.    


The Douglas family was gathering everyone to participate in the morning meeting. This was the rule of the Douglas family for decades. The family members had to have breakfast together in the morning to discuss the family matters, which was the morning meeting.    


Today was no exception. Everyone was gathered around the table. The old man, Glass, glanced at everyone and noticed that one person was missing. He immediately asked the butler.    


"Where's Young Master Brown?"    


The butler was stunned and immediately replied, "Young Master Brown might still be sleeping. I went to call him just now, but he didn't answer me."    


Hearing this, Old Master Glass immediately frowned.    


This was a family meeting, and everyone had to attend. Even if Little Brown was his nephew, he was no exception. If he wanted everyone to realize the importance of rules, he couldn't break them easily.    


The old Taoist, Glass, looked unhappy. He said to the butler, "Damn it, go and wake him up."    


The butler immediately bowed and said, "Yes, my lord."    


The housekeeper was about to leave the restaurant when a woman suddenly stood up.    


This person was Little Brown's older sister, Katie. She was responsible for bringing her brother to visit the Douglas family. Little Brown had never expected that he would be so unruly today.    


Katie was also puzzled. Although Little Brown was usually sloppy, he definitely wouldn't dare to violate the Douglas family's rules. How could he have slept before?    


When they arrived at the door of Little Brown's room, Catti-brie knocked on the door. No one responded.    


Just as she continued to knock on the door, no matter how hard she knocked, no one responded.    


This time, Katie was dumbfounded. She didn't know what was going on inside, so she immediately called the butler and asked him to open the door with the spare key.    


The butler was stunned at first. He took out the spare key to open the door while Little Brown was sleeping. What if he was hated?    


Although he was the butler of the Douglas family, he was only an outsider. How could he be related to his nephew and uncle? Moreover, the Brown family was not a vegetarian. It was not a big deal for him to deal with someone of low status.    


However, Catti-brie insisted that he was in charge of everything, so the butler was relieved. He quickly found the spare key and handed it to Catti-brie.    


The sound of the key turning could be heard. The door to the room was opened.    


However, the room was empty. The blanket on the bed was messy. There was not a single person. Only the window was open.    


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