War Tao Becomes Saint

C89 Battle of nie yuanshan!

C89 Battle of nie yuanshan!

3Both of Nie Zhen's hands formed a seal, causing a crack to appear in the air, and the thread that cut through the air faintly intertwined between his hands, following that, Nie Zhen's entire person, wrapped in berserk Wu Qi, left behind strings of afterimages in the air, which pounced towards Ye Canghai.    


Seeing that, Ye Canghai thrusted out his spear without any care for himself.    


Boom! *    


A loud noise came out, but, what surprised them was that the outcome was not as they had imagined, Ye Canghai being defeated in one move by Nie Zhen.    


The moment the two of them touched, Ye Canghai stood at the same place, snatching with one hand, while Nie Zhen was actually like a cannonball, shooting straight into the crowd.    


Boom! *    


Following Nie Zhen's voice, who landed on the ground, Ye Canghai said lightly:    


Twenty years ago, you were at the Pulse Condensation Period, and after twenty years, you were still at the peak of the Pulse Condensation period.    


Ye, just you wait!    


Nie Zhen's exasperated voice sounded out, and he walked away in a sorry state.    


Canghai, are you alright?    


Nie Wanyun quickly walked over and looked at Ye Canghai worriedly.    


Ye Canghai chuckled, indicating that he was fine. Actually, Ye Canghai did not use force just now, as that person was Nie Wanyun's biological brother after all. If it was a heavy blow, Nie Zhen would probably be dead by now.    


Let's go.    


Pulling Nie Wanyun's hand, Ye Canghai said.    


Nie Wanyun looked at Ye Canghai and nodded firmly.    


Father! Not good! Ye Canghai is here!    


Nie Zhen hurriedly ran into the room of the Patriarch of Nie Clan, Nie Yuanshan had just finished putting on his clothes.    




Seeing his only son running in with messy clothes, Nie Yuanshan could not help but berate him.    


Nie Yuanshan was already seventy years old this year, but it was not because he did not want to step down from the position of Patriarch, but he only had this one son, who was not thinking of advancing, and was addicted to women. His cultivation was only at the peak of the Pulse Condensation period, if he were to step down, who knows how long his Nie Clan would last.    


After giving a command to stop Nie Zhen, Nie Yuanshan also let out a deep sigh as he sat on the chair:    




Nie Zhen acted like he had received an amnesty and quickly said:    


The Ye Family brat who had some relationship with his sister twenty years ago came.    


Hearing Nie Zhen's words, Nie Yuanshan took a sip of tea:    


You can just kick him out. You want to tell me such a small thing?    


Looking at his good-for-nothing son, Nie Yuanshan said somewhat angrily.    


That Ye Family brat had obtained some sort of fortuitous gain, and his son was unable to defeat him.    


Nie Zhen, who was not ashamed of his low cultivation, said that Ye Canghai had obtained a fortuitous encounter, which was why his cultivation had increased.    


Nie Yuanshan could not help but look at Nie Zhen in disappointment, and did not say a word.    


Just then, the courtyard suddenly became noisy. It turned out that Ye Canghai had already brought Nie Wanyun and Green Willow from the backyard to the front courtyard.    


Forget it. I'll go myself.    


Nie Yuanshan slowly walked out of the room.    


Watching Nie Yuanshan walk out of the room, Nie Zhen couldn't help but smile:    


Ye Canghai, let us see what else you can do if father gets out!    


Nightfall, come back.    


Seeing the fearless face of Ye Canghai, who was surrounded by his own family's numerous bodyguards, Nie Yuanshan couldn't help but exclaim in his heart. But unfortunately, his Ye Family was still a Prominent Class. He didn't say much and only looked at his daughter, calling her to come back.    


Nie Wanyun looked at her own father, the expression in her eyes slowly changing.    


Seeing that, Ye Canghai gently pinched the center of his palm. Feeling the warmth coming from the center of his palm, Nie Wanyun smiled at Ye Canghai, then shook his head at him.    


Yun'er, are you not going to listen to your father's words?    


Seeing that, Nie Yuanshan frowned, his voice becoming more serious.    


For the past twenty years, his daughter had been burning incense in the backyard, chanting Buddha. It seemed that she had pretty much redeemed her sins. Father, let us go.    


Nie Wanyun did not become timid from Nie Yuanshan's serious voice at all, as she bravely said while raising her head.    


Seeing this, Nie Yuanshan knew that it was impossible for him to only use his mouth to persuade his daughter, and immediately turned to look at Ye Canghai.    


Those who want to bring my Nie Clan have to leave. Let's see if you have the ability to do so!    


Seeing that, Ye Canghai did not give in at all:    


Senior Nie, please leave!    


Then, holding the spear in one hand, he took a step forward and stood in the middle of the ring.    


Good courage!    


Nie Yuanshan praised, then his clothes instantly swelled with martial energy. His hands moved, and lines of white lines appeared out of nowhere from the tips of his fingers, shooting towards Nie Canghai like sharp arrows.    


Seeing this, Nie Canghai's thoughts changed. A thick layer of martial energy formed a shield in front of him. Ye Canghai knew that Nie Yuanshan's strength was definitely higher than Nie Zhen's, hence he was extremely cautious.    


However, Nie Yuanshan had always been at the peak of the noble king's strength. Furthermore, he had already stayed at this stage for many years, his own cultivation method was even higher than Ye Canghai's.    


Puff puff!    


In the middle of the battle, Nie Yuanshan's martial qi that had transformed into a white line had disappeared. Ignoring Ye Canghai's defenses, it went straight to Ye Canghai's body.    


Although Ye Canghai did not underestimate Nie Yuanshan's cultivation anymore, and had turned all the martial qi in his body into defense, he never thought that he would actually not be Nie Yuanshan's match.    


When Nie Yuanshan's defense was slightly lowered, Nie Yuanshan's martial Qi entered Ye Canghai's body, causing him to retreat a few steps, bowing down painfully.    


Humph! You reckless thing.    


Seeing this, Nie Zhen could not help but mock Nie Yuanshan from behind.    


Nie Wanyun quickly supported Ye Canghai and she waved her hand:    


I have long heard that the Nie Clan is unparalleled in this world, and seeing it today, it is indeed worthy of its reputation.    


Leave Yun'er behind.    


Nie Yuanshan said indifferently.    


Hahahaha! Twenty years ago, I was afraid of my family, so it was as if I went to jail for twenty years. Now, with just one sentence, you want me to repeat the same mistakes as I did twenty years ago?    


After saying that, Ye Canghai's face turned sinister, like a moth to a flame, he rushed towards Nie Yuanshan without caring about his and Nie Yuanshan's strength.    




Seeing the gradually growing Ye Canghai, Nie Yuanshan spread open his arms. Like a great roc spreading its wings, he charged towards Ye Canghai, then pulled out his entire body from the ground.    




An ear-piercing sound appeared in everyone's ears, followed by a loud bang, as if Ye Canghai had lost his center of gravity, he fell down hard onto the ground.    


Clang! Clang!    


With another sound, the spearhead that was originally Ye Canghai, actually separated itself from the body of the spear and dropped to the ground.    


I've already shown mercy, if you don't leave now, don't blame me for being impolite.    


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