War Tao Becomes Saint

C273 Blood alliance city

C273 Blood alliance city

1Along the way, when the sky was about to turn completely dark, Ye Dongfeng and the others finally saw a city in their vision, and there were more and more people.    


The city in front of him wasn't that grand, and even looked somewhat dilapidated. However, in this desolate place, it was already a good idea to have such a city as a refuge.    


A faint smell of blood permeated the air around the city. It was rather strange.    


However, before the Windy Eagles even landed at the city gate, Xiao Ya suddenly frowned and said.    


Ye Dongfeng was extremely impressed with Xiao Ya's sensing ability, and immediately focused all of her senses as well.    


With his nose slightly loosening up, Ye Dongfeng also caught a whiff of the faintly discernible smell of blood in the air.    


So it was like that! Ye Dongfeng said solemnly.    


Gu Xian and Bei Cangling did not have such powerful senses, and could only be a little stupid, not knowing what to do.    


Didn't both of you come to Land of Hundred Refinements before? Do you remember this city before? Ye Dongfeng asked.    


Is there a problem? Gu Xian asked suspiciously: I have passed this city before, there shouldn't be any big problems right?    


I don't know... Ye Dongfeng shook his head slightly. The stench of blood in the air was just too weak. After a gust of wind blew past, there was no trace of him.    


Since he was already here, he might as well settle down. It was best to stay in the city at night! Gu Xian said.    


All right. Ye Dongfeng nodded in agreement.    


Stop, everyone who enters the city has to pay 10,000 gold coins!    


Just as Ye Dongfeng and the rest arrived at the city's entrance, a pair of guards stopped them.    


This time, it was Gu Xian's turn to crease her eyebrows. Wasn't it just 1000 gold coins before? Why did it suddenly increase so much?    


The guard leader glanced at Gu Xian who was covered by a veil and said disdainfully: That's before, now that our Blood Alliance City has a new City Lord, the City Lord can say whatever he wants. If you think it's too expensive, then go and find a place to stay, don't block the people behind us ?    


As he said that, he raised his chin, showing Ye Dongfeng and the others the long dragon behind them that was waiting to enter the city.    


Gu Xian turned her head and looked at Ye Dongfeng. The sky had already completely darkened, and looking at the guard's fearless face, there must be no other city nearby to settle down in.    


Helplessly, Gu Xian had no choice but to pay 40 000 gold coins.    


Although the amount of gold was not a large sum, for a shrewd merchant like Gu Xian, all of it was saved up.    


She still felt rather uncomfortable in her heart.    


After entering the city, Ye Dongfeng and the others quickly landed at an inn.    


Senior brother, eat faster. Rest early tonight. Try to get up early tomorrow to get a good seat. Just as Ye Dongfeng and the rest sat down at the table in the hall, they heard an urgent voice from the side.    


Turning his head, he saw a young man eating with his junior sister.    


Junior Sister, you are still so impatient. What's the use of occupying a good position? I have already investigated everything and not only does that place depend on luck, it also depends on strength ?    


The young man calmly shook his head, took a small sip of the wine and said:    


With the strength of the two of us, even if we stood ten kilometers away, we would still be able to comprehend the mysteries within!    


Senior, you ? The beautiful Junior Sister did not calm down because of the young man's consolation. Instead, she was a little anxious.    


Didn't you see these people? She raised her hand to point at the black mass of heads in the hall and said angrily, "These people are all here for the battlefield. It's hard to say that none of them would be stronger than us!"    


Hearing the Junior Sister's words, Ye Dongfeng also came to a realization. He was already a little surprised, why would so many people gather at such a dilapidated Blood Alliance City.    


So these people had come with a purpose!    


What kind of existence was this little brother talking about?    


Just when Ye Dongfeng was curious about whether he should ask the junior brother and sister about their goal for coming here, Gu Xian had already opened his mouth.    


Because they wanted to eat, Gu Xian and the others had already taken off their veils, revealing their beautiful faces.    


The young man didn't expect that the beauty he had been sneaking peeks at would suddenly strike up a conversation with him, causing his heartbeat to speed up.    


Eyebrows... Eh, are you not here for the Red Mountain Battlefield? The man collected his emotions and asked with a smile.    


We were just passing by here by chance, and we heard your discussion just now, so we curiously asked, what is this Red Mountain battlefield? Gu Xian's pinky gently brushed the few strands of hair that were scattered in front of her forehead as she said this with an embarrassed expression.    


How could the young man endure Gu Xian's coaxing? He stared at the scene blankly, and only after a long while did he come back to his senses and say:    


The Red Mountain Battlefield is located thirty kilometers northwest of this Blood Alliance City, and it is said that it was one of the places where the Seven Slaughter Divine Masters fought a bloody battle with the Demons back then. If you aren't in a hurry, why not come with us?    


Upon hearing Master of the Seven Deadly Swords, Ye Dongfeng immediately sat up straight.    


Hehe, we are not busy, but is there anything fun about this place? Gu Xian's face revealed hesitation, and asked with a smile.    


Seeing that Gu Xian did not reject, the young man became even more passionate and said:    


This Red Mountain Battlefield was where the Lord of the Seven Deadly Slaughter and Demons fought all those years ago. There were traces of the battle there, and it was said that someone had studied those traces and comprehended an extremely profound sword technique!    


Senior Brother, why do you always say everything out loud... Junior Sister by her side was unhappy. From the very beginning, she had never had a good impression of the charming Gu Xian.    


A woman like Gu Xian, who could seduce people, was a beauty in the eyes of a man, but in her eyes, she was a fox spirit.    


Sigh, it's fine, just make more friends ? The young man did not see the discontent of his Junior Sister and said while laughing.    


It's fine to be friends, but you have to be qualified to be friends with us ? A cold smile appeared on Junior Sister's face as she spoke to Gu Xian ruthlessly.    


Ye Dongfeng smiled faintly. They were suppressing the Spiritual Energy's energy waves and did not seem to be qualified.    


This... The young man didn't think that his Junior Sister would be so direct and immediately felt slightly embarrassed.    


However, just as he was at a loss as to how to resolve the awkwardness of the scene, Ye Dongfeng opened his mouth:    


We do want to go to the Red Mountain Battlefield and take a look, and we don't know if it's convenient for you?    


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