War Tao Becomes Saint

C132 Bloody sunflower!

C132 Bloody sunflower!

3It was unknown how many Demonic Beast that blotted out the sky and covered the earth. However, the moment these Demonic Beast approached the valley, all of them exploded and died instantly! Not a single exception!    


All the blood was congealing together like a gigantic whirlpool, and the center of the whirlpool was coincidentally the lotus flower!    


The entire sky was instantly turned into a sea of blood, the dense smell of the blood was extremely strong, making people want to puke. Li Xinren even fell to the ground at the first moment, puking until his bile came out.    


Cheng Datong could barely suppress the desire to vomit in his heart, but his pale face proved that he was also trying to restrain himself.    


When Ye Dongfeng saw this scene, a noun suddenly appeared in his mind!    


Blood Cloud's Crippling Sun Flower!    


This name, that only existed in ancient books, slowly surfaced in Ye Dongfeng's mind.    


The majority of them grew in the battlefield after the war, using their blood energy as food, using the Residual Soul's spirits as intelligence, growing for around three thousand years, waiting for the rabbit on the tree trunk for the absorption of the Small Animal's remnants for growth, a thousand years later, being able to use the Qi as the root, roaming the continent, specially looking for a place where the world would massacre the most violently for growth, and after two thousand years, becoming as strong as long as humans or Demonic Beast were able to raise their blood energy, they would be able to slaughter their own species, regardless of whether they were humans or Demonic Beast s.    


Records of the Blood Cloud's Crippling Sun Flower continued to surface in Ye Dongfeng's mind.    


It was actually a Demon Flower!    


That pitiful Zheng Anran actually still wanted to use this Demon Flower to replenish his grandfather's life. It was truly laughable.    


The Blood Cloud Sunflower was born in a place of slaughter, the older it was, the more brutal and murderous it was, and if this Demon Flower was given to Zheng Anran's grandfather to extend his life, then he would probably die in the blink of an eye, despite the arrival of the Great Firmament Golden Immortal, he would not be able to save it.    


Thinking of this, Ye Dongfeng couldn't help but slightly shake his head.    


This Blood Cloud Sunflower had most likely grown for over three thousand years, but after being sealed in the space tool for a long time, the Sagacity did not change. It was still as if it was two thousand years old, only knowing about killing and bloodthirst.    


If you meet anyone else, I'm afraid you can only let them run away.    


Unfortunately, you met me.    


My senior will sacrifice herself at all costs, and I will use the Confinement Magic Formation to lock you down. Today, you have three thousand years of growth, your strength comparable to a middle stage Life Destruction cultivator, will not be able to escape the palms of my, Ye Dongfeng's, hands.    


I am a major power of the human race.    


While talking, Ye Dongfeng lifted his leg and walked forward step by step.    




Li Xinren said as soon as he saw Ye Dongfeng touching his feet.    


Seeing that, Cheng Datong also raised his head to look, only to see that in the sea of blood, Ye Dongfeng was walking in a new courtyard, completely ignoring the blood lotus in the center of the whirlpool!    


Master, do you think that President Ye can subdue that Demon Flower?    


Li Xinren's mouth was trembling.    


Don't worry, President Ye will never do anything that doesn't take care of me.    


Although Master said that, he still couldn't help but clench his fist.    


In less than the time it took to drink a cup of tea, all the Demonic Beast within a radius of a hundred miles had turned into a sea of blood.    


The originally empty basin around the valley was now filled with the corpses of Demonic Beast.    


From this, it could be imagined how many lives the Demon Flower had killed in such a short period of time!    


As if it had sensed Ye Dongfeng, after the Demon Flower finished absorbing all the blood, a wave of mental fluctuations spread out.    


Humans... Strong Humans... I'm full today... Hurry up and escape ?    


Even though it had been sealed for a thousand years and the Sagacity of the Demon Flower had only stayed at a two thousand year standard, its instincts still told it that Ye Dongfeng was not easy to deal with, so it didn't take the initiative to attack Ye Dongfeng.    


As an almighty member of the human race, how could I spare your life?    


Ye Dongfeng smiled, he did not care at all.    






When did he, Ye Dongfeng, need these things?    


These words did not exist in Ye Dongfeng's dictionary!    


Bastard... Are you courting death ?    


A faintly discernable mental wave was transmitted over, Ye Dongfeng only smiled, and then closed his eyes.    


He saw a little person suddenly jump out from above Ye Dongfeng's head. The little person was a dark green colored little person that was about three inches in size.    


That is?!    


Seeing that, Li Xinren was not only shocked.    


That is the President Ye's Primordial Spirit!    


Although Cheng Datong was shocked, he still understood a little.    


Didn't I hear that only people of the Dual Polarity have the chance to form Primordial Spirit? Didn't President Ye only have the strength of Life Destruction Stage?    


Li Xinren hurriedly asked.    


Hearing Li Xinren's question, Cheng Datong could not help but shake his head and smile bitterly.    


He originally thought that he understood Ye Dongfeng's methods well enough, but as he followed Ye Dongfeng for longer periods of time, Cheng Datong realized that he could not see through his at all.    


What kind of young man was this!?    


At the age of twenty, his martial qi cultivation had reached Life Destruction Stage.    


The cultivation of his soul was as deep as the ocean.    


To be able to form Primordial Spirit before reaching two extremes in cultivation.    


Refining the divine flame.    


Impossible things happened to him countless times.    


Perhaps there was no such thing as impossible on him!    


Humans... Young Human... You actually dare to compete with me in terms of soul ? If it was a martial qi cultivation or a martial arts attack ? I may have to wrestle with you for a while... But if it was the soul ? Tsk tsk ?    


A wave of fluctuation from the Array Genie's soul transmitted the words of the Demon Flower.    


This Demon Flower had lived for three thousand years. During these three thousand years, even if one had never cultivated in the soul, their consciousness would naturally grow with age.    


Three thousand years of natural growth, just how terrifying was that concept?    


Furthermore, the Demon Flower did not grow naturally!    


It grew on the battlefield, absorbing the countless remnant spirit's resentment at the most bloody place on the continent!    


In these three thousand years, who knew how many people and how many Demonic Beast's consciousness they had absorbed!    


Following the release of the Demon Flower's mental fluctuations, an incomparably strange Primordial Spirit appeared in the sky above it.    


This Primordial Spirit had two horns on its head and two red eyes. It had a pair of wings on its back, but it only had one lower limb, and looked like a human or beast, and it instantly pounced at Ye Dongfeng with bared fangs and brandished claws.    


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