War Tao Becomes Saint

C272 Waste cultivation

C272 Waste cultivation



The sound of weapons dropping to the ground.    


The crowd looked at Brother Liu who was vomiting blood on the ground in shock. They couldn't believe what they were seeing.    


Did you say you were going to take my pants off?    


Ye Dongfeng slowly walked to the side of a bearded man and asked with a smile.    


No, no, no, I didn't say that. Hearing Ye Dongfeng's words, the bearded man immediately became clear-headed, quivered, and waved his hand in panic.    


Ye Dongfeng laughed, he no longer bothered with him, and directly went to the sword wielding young man's side, without even looking at him, he kicked towards his stomach, crippling him.    


Ah ? Save me, save me.    


The sharp pain that came from his body made him instantly let out a mournful cry.    


But, seeing Ye Dongfeng's seemingly harmless smile, but in reality, he was harboring killing intent, who would dare to go up?    


Who just said he was going to kill me? Ye Dongfeng looked around and asked again with a smile.    


Puff puff puff!    


Hearing Ye Dongfeng's words, all the people who were arrogantly shouting just now immediately bent their knees and kneeled on the ground, begging for mercy while facing Ye Dongfeng.    


It wasn't me, I didn't say anything ?    


Yeah, I didn't say anything... It's all him, I heard him shout!    


Bullsh * t, you're the one who's shouting, whoever's shouting will get their entire family killed ?    


Ah ? I really didn't shout. We were only following orders. Please be magnanimous and spare us ?    


Ye Dongfeng looked at the people around him who were under pressure and started to criticize them. He shook his head depressingly, and then with a kick, he kicked the young man with the sword away.    


He then coldly said, "Hand over everything you have and strip yourself. Then scram."    


Hearing this, these people did not hesitate at all and immediately handed over the things in their hands.    


As for the other four people leading the group, they exchanged glances with each other as a trace of hesitation flashed across their faces.    


What, you don't want to take it off? Ye Dongfeng asked with a smile.    


The four of them had extremely ugly expressions. If they didn't take it down, none of them had the confidence of defeating Ye Dongfeng.    


But if they took it off, from now on, they would have no prestige to speak of in front of these people.    


They would even spread word of it and become a laughingstock.    


Very good, since you guys have so much backbone, then accompany him. Ye Dongfeng laughed as he spoke, he raised his hand and was about to make his move.    


Oh, no, no, no..." Let's take it off, let's take it off now... When the two men saw this, they immediately cried out in grief. As they spoke, they reached out to strip off their clothes.    


Boom! *    


Boom! *    


However, Ye Dongfeng didn't give them the chance, and directly struck their chests with two palms, causing them to be ruthlessly blown away.    


I'm sorry, you two seemed to be the ones shouting the most when you said you wanted to kill me earlier. Moreover, I really hate the obscene look on your faces ?    


Ye Dongfeng rubbed his wrist, and said with a smile, against this kind of person who feared death, he would never be lenient.    


What, you still won't take it off? Without even looking at the two, Ye Dongfeng turned around again and looked at the beautiful twins in front of him.    


It was true that we were in the wrong before, but this is the law of survival for Land of Hundred Refinements. The twins looked determined and unyielding.    


Have you really thought it through? Ye Dongfeng slowly walked in front of them, smiled wickedly and raised his right hand, saying: "This strike, will not only cripple your cultivation ?.    


When the two heard this, fear flashed across their faces. However, after a moment, they simultaneously raised their heads and said:    


If you want to kill me, kill me!    


Alright, then I'll help you! With that, Ye Dongfeng raised his hand. He did not know what it meant to cherish the fairer sex.    


However, just as he was about to make her move, Gu Xian suddenly stood out and pulled his hand: Young Master Ye, don't make things difficult for these two little beauties, let's hurry up and do our best ?    


Ye Dongfeng raised his head to look at the sky and the sun did indeed set slowly in the west. He turned his head to look at the pair of beautiful sisters in front of him and proudly raised his head.    


You guys are lucky...    


The arrogance these two people displayed was actually much larger than these men. Ye Dongfeng also gave up on the idea of taking care of them.    


Turning her head, he let Bei Cangling collect all of these people's things, then stepped onto the back of the Windy Eagles.    




With a flap of the Windy Eagles's wings, Ye Dongfeng and his group of four rose into the air once more, and flew off into the distance.    


He was doomed this time. He said that he wanted to take advantage of the fact that a newcomer had entered Land of Hundred Refinements to come out and eat. However, he didn't expect that he would actually be pecked in the eye by the food ?    


After Ye Dongfeng left, the group of men from Blood Wolf Nation who had been stripped naked on the ground finally heaved a sigh of relief.    


The twin sisters looked at the stinking men around them and turned their heads away in disdain, not saying a word.    


All of his thoughts flew with Ye Dongfeng's Windy Eagles to the sky.    


Just who was this youth? Liu Lie was unable to even take a single move from him?    


What nonsense are you all talking about? Hurry up and carry me back so that my brother can avenge me!    


Just as everyone was feeling emotional about how they had sent Ye Dongfeng, the god of pests, away, the sword wielding young man who was lying on the ground continued to shout out.    


Gritting her teeth, she looked in the direction Ye Dongfeng had left, eyes filled with flames of hatred:    


The direction they are heading towards is very likely to be Blood Wolf City. They must let my brother know of this news before they do and tear them to pieces.    


Yes Yes Yes...    


The moment they thought of Liu Lie's elder brother, everyone's bodies trembled. They immediately ignored the fact that they were still naked as they flew toward Blood Wolf City.    


In the sky, Windy Eagles continued to flap its wings.    


Young Master Ye really knows how to stir up trouble ? Glancing at Ye Dongfeng who was calmly sitting on the back of the Windy Eagles and meditating, Gu Xian said with a charming smile.    


Ye Dongfeng shrugged his shoulders helplessly.    


This time, it was these people who ran into the enemy, not him who took the initiative to wound them.    


I think you three are too eye-catching. If you want to keep a low profile, it's better to cover your faces. Ye Dongfeng swept his eyes across Gu Xian and said indifferently.    


Of the three women who followed him, one was mature and charming, one was pure and attractive, and the other was elegant and graceful.    


If it was at the Northern Heavens Imperial City, it would be alright.    


But after what happened just now, Ye Dongfeng understood that this Land of Hundred Refinements was a place without laws.    


Here, these three people would no longer be beauties, but rather, three calamities.    


Hehe, Young Master Ye sure knows how to praise people. Gu Xian laughed, and in the end, still found a cloth to cover her face, she did not want to show off too much.    


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