War Tao Becomes Saint

C338 Put down your pride

C338 Put down your pride

0Young Master Ye, can you give this Hellfire to me? I will exchange a Middle Grade Nirvana Pill with the Young Master Ye.    


When Ye Dongfeng found the Hellfire, Jin Yaner had also arrived beside it. Jin Yaner's eyes were filled with longing as she looked at the Hellfire.    


The cultivation technique she cultivates is of the fire attribute. This Hellfire is of great use to her.    


In Jin Yaner's opinion, she did not let Ye Dongfeng suffer any losses. After all, the conditions she offered were not low either.    


Middle Grade Nirvana Pill, increased the probability of one's Heavenly Human Stage Martial Cultivator by thirty percent, stepping into the Nirvana Stage. Even in the Golden Dragon Empire, a pill of this level was unlikely to be created by a pill refiner even after several years.    


In Jin Yaner's opinion, a warrior like Ye Dongfeng who came from an unknown corner would never have seen this kind of pill before.    


Second sister, you are really confused, how can you use such precious pills to exchange for something with him.    


The moment Jin Han entered the hall, he heard that Jin Yaner wanted to use the Middle Grade s to exchange with Ye Dongfeng for a Hellfire.    


In Jin Han's opinion, although Hellfire were precious, their value was obviously not as high as that of Middle Grade.    


If this Hellfire was Ye Dongfeng's personal item, then using a single Middle Grade Nirvana Pill to exchange for Ye Dongfeng.    


But right now, the Hellfire was something from the Ancient Devil Ruins, and not Ye Dongfeng's personal possession.    


As a result, even if he took out a low rank Nirvana Pill and traded it with Ye Dongfeng, Ye Dongfeng would still take advantage.    


After hearing what Jin Han had said, a trace of ridicule flashed past Jin Yaner's eyes when he looked at him. He was just a lucky kid who got the Demon Blood Essence. He really thought that he was the one leading the exploration.    


No. What Jin Yaner and Jin Han did not expect was that Ye Dongfeng rejected the request without even thinking.    


In fact, what she was holding wasn't any ordinary medicinal pellet, but a priceless Middle Grade Nirvana Pill.    


He did not know how to appreciate favors! Seeing Ye Dongfeng reject Jin Yaner's request, Jin Han immediately asked coldly.    


In Jin Yaner's eyes, there was a hint of disappointment. At this moment, she completely understood that a warrior like Ye Dongfeng who came from a small place would have no way of understanding the value of a Middle Grade Nirvana Pill.    


You may never know what you have lost to your ignorance! Seeing Ye Dongfeng's dull expression, Jin Han was extremely displeased in his heart.    


Seeing Jin Han constantly talking, Ye Dongfeng was actually a little annoyed in his heart. Ye Dongfeng did not think too much about it. He immediately grabbed two of the high rank Nirvana Pill and threw it at the two.    


Take it to the side and leave me alone. Breaking through this kind of light golden orb wasn't easy, but Jin Han and Jin Yaner were still around constantly affecting them, which made Ye Dongfeng very annoyed.    


This! This is! Jin Han looked at the pellet that Ye Dongfeng suddenly threw to him, and his eyes revealed a look of absolute shock.    


Three pill patterns, these were High Rank Nirvana Pill! Jin Yaner took a deep breath, and an expression of disbelief filled her beautiful eyes.    


In her hand was a dark green pill. On the pill were three golden pill patterns.    


Three pill patterns represented that the pill was a High Rank Nirvana Pill! Since the founding of the Golden Dragon Empire, a total of thirteen high-grade Nirvana Pill were produced.    


Right now, within the royal family treasury of the Golden Dragon Empire, there was still a high-grade Nirvana Pill.    


But now, Ye Dongfeng, whom they had been looking down upon with utter disdain just a moment ago, had actually thrown two high grade Nirvana Pill towards them as if he was throwing trash at them.    


Impossible, you only have these two Nirvana Pill, you must be toying with us, this prince doesn't want your pills! After Jin Han finished speaking, he handed the high grade Nirvana Pill over to Ye Dongfeng with a pained expression.    


He spoke with disdain, but in his heart, he was extremely reluctant. This was a High Rank Nirvana Pill!    


A high-grade Nirvana pill can increase the chances of a martial artist breaking through to the Nirvana Realm by fifty percent." As long as one was not a trash, there was a fifty percent chance of successfully entering the Nirvana stage.    


Even the imperial treasury of the Golden Dragon Empire only had one high-grade Nirvana Pill.    


His big brother Jin Dongchen had extraordinary talent. In the three times he had applied for this pill, he had not obtained the approval of the group of elders.    


But at that moment, such a precious pill was actually thrown at Ye Dongfeng like trash.    


In his heart, he deeply desired this pellet. However, his pride would absolutely not allow him to accept such a pellet.    


When he handed the high grade Nirvana Pill back to Ye Dongfeng, Jin Han's hands were trembling.    


In this entire process, Jin Han had wanted to retract his hand countless times, but in the end, he clenched his teeth and passed the Nirvana Pill in front of Ye Dongfeng.    


Ye Dongfeng was definitely a warrior who came out from a small place and did not know how precious Nirvana Pill were. Otherwise, he would definitely not take out the Nirvana Pill.    


Seeing Jin Han's painful expression, Jin Yaner hesitated.    


This was no ordinary item, this was a priceless Nirvana Pill. Could it be that she wanted to be like Jin Han, and return such a precious pill to him for her so-called pride?    


Ever since Jin Yaner had started cultivating, no matter what happened, she would never hesitate. But now, she hesitated. She wavered.    


Even if her status as a princess made it impossible for her to accept this pill, as a martial artist, she had no reason to reject it.    


Seeing Jin Han's unsightly expression as he handed the Nirvana Pill back, Ye Dongfeng could not help but think highly of Jin Han.    


After Ye Dongfeng finished speaking, he took out two Nirvana Pill with four lines on them and threw them at the two of them.    


Looking at the four clear pill patterns on the Nirvana Pill, Jin Yaner was stupefied. She couldn't believe that all of this was real.    


Four... Four pill traces! Jin Han couldn't help but look at the pill in his hand with a little difficulty in his speech. At this moment, Jin Han felt as if he was in a dream.    


Thinking about how he was inside the ruin, Jin Han immediately shouted: Not good! This was an illusory magic array! This must be an illusory magic array, and it was an extremely powerful one at that!    


Jin Han said as he raised his hand to slap himself. In an instant, a crisp clapping sound came from his face. The stinging pain from his face told him that everything was real.    


But how could all this be true? What he was holding, was a top-grade Nirvana Pill with four lines on it!    


It was said that only the ancestors of the Golden Dragon Empire had obtained a legendary pellet from the Gold Dragon Remains.    


Now, go away, and don't disturb me. Suspicion flashed across Ye Dongfeng's eyes. This kind of pill, not to mention Ye Dongfeng's previous life,    


Just a moment ago, even when Ye Dongfeng first entered the Ancient Devil Ruins, he had still obtained several thousand pellets on a jade rack.    


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