War Tao Becomes Saint

C639 Old man of the purple sword

C639 Old man of the purple sword

3As for Hei Kun being scared away by him, it was even more ridiculous. If it was in any other place, Old Man of The Purple Sword might be able to escape if he met Hei Kun.    


However, Shen Yanbing and the rest did not have Ye Dongfeng's experience, so they did not know what Old Man of The Purple Sword was saying.    


Especially Shen Yanbing, once Old Man of The Purple Sword personally said it out, she already believed seventy to eighty percent in her heart.    


After all, it seemed that this was the most reasonable explanation. After all, Hei Kun was infamous throughout the entire Arctic Tundra, and everyone shouted his name.    


Most likely, Hei Kun was afraid that the other powerhouses would join forces and attack him, hence he instantly used Blood Shadow to escape.    


Although Wu Lingfei and Wu Kun were a little suspicious, both of them could not pinpoint the reason. This was because there was truly no other, better explanation.    


Therefore, the Old Man of The Purple Sword naturally saved everyone, and Xu Shaoan's previous escape became a stopgap to call for reinforcements.    


Di Nuo obviously did not believe what Xu Shaoan was saying at all, and stuck out her tongue at him.    


After joining the group of people with Fourth Level of Nirvana Stage at the Old Man of The Purple Sword, Shen Yanbing and the others immediately calmed down a lot, but Ye Dongfeng didn't care.    


This was the entrance to the Martial Monarch Nan Huai's Inheritance Ruins, and this ruin was divided into the east, west, south, north and south halls as well as the Zhongtian Hall. Although it had already been investigated by countless martial artists, there were still some treasures that had been left out.    


We'll gather here in three days. What do you think?    


After Song He brought everyone to the teleportation formation, he immediately asked for their opinion.    


Through this teleportation formation, one could instantly reach the Martial Monarch Ling ruins five hundred kilometers away from the North Mountain. There was sufficient time to do so, and after arriving at the Martial Monarch Ling ruins, one could even try his luck at the Martial Monarch Ling ruins.    


So be it. Although Shen Yanbing and the others were not of ordinary birth, they did not want to disrespect him and so, they nodded their heads in agreement.    


Old Man of The Purple Sword walked in one direction alone, and Xu Shaoan led the way extremely attentively.    


Shen Yanbing originally wanted to go there alone, but Xu Shaoan was like a piece of candy that couldn't even be shaken off.    


Big Brother Ye, Big Sister Murong, we'll meet again in three days. Di Nuo waved her small hand, and then walked into the ruins with Jin Kesi.    


Brother Ye, we will also take our leave. Wu Lingfei slightly inclined his head, and then separated with Wu Kun, entering the ruins.    


Waiting until everyone had entered the ruin from different directions, Murong Qiushui asked: Big Brother Ye, are we going to enter too? There seemed to be nothing left of this relic.    


Murong Qiushui was not lying, there was no barrier array protecting the place, the surrounding soil had been dug countless of times by the warriors who came to explore.    


Even if there was something inside the relic at the beginning, after such a long time, it's bound to be gone.    


There are quite a few good things in this relic, let's go in and play. As Ye Dongfeng combined the memories of Wu Lei and the others, he spread the powerful Soul Consciousness out in all directions.    


Under his Soul Consciousness's probing, the surroundings became incomparably clear.    


Inside the ruins of the Martial Monarch Nan Huai, there were countless broken Inhibition Formations, and the time when these Formations broke varied.    


Many old spirit formations and spirit formations were only left with two or three fragments.    


After walking to a corner in the ruins, Ye Dongfeng bent over and picked up a piece of rusty iron.    


This piece of metal was only the size of a palm and was covered in rust. No matter how one looked at it, it was worthless.    


Coincidentally, when Ye Dongfeng bent over and picked up this piece of metal from the ground, Shen Yanbing and Xu Shaoan also walked out of a dead end.    


"Chi!" Quickly throw it away, when we arrive at the North Mountain, This Young Master will give you a piece of Hundred Refinement Mysterious Iron.    


Seeing Ye Dongfeng pick up a rusty black iron piece as if it was a treasure, Xu Shaoan immediately started to ridicule him.    


Shen Yanbing also looked at Ye Dongfeng with a puzzled expression. Even if Ye Dongfeng was only a Early Heavenly Human Stage Ranker, he should not be interested in this kind of worn-out black iron.    


Or could it be that Ye Dongfeng was really so poor that even a tattered piece of profound iron felt like a treasure?    


Ignorant! Faced with Xu Shaoan's sneer, Ye Dongfeng was too lazy to bother with him.    


After spitting out the word "ignorant", he immediately left with Murong Qiushui.    


Stop! You said the This Young Master is ignorant, could it be that you want the material in your hands to not be a piece of worn-out black iron? Do you dare bet?    


Seeing Ye Dongfeng being so arrogant, Xu Shaoan almost could not resist and wanted to take action.    


But after thinking about how Murong Qiushui was also a Ninth Level of Heavenly Human Stage Ranker, Xu Shaoan finally tolerated it.    


Betting on what? Ye Dongfeng asked without turning his head around.    


It's very simple. If you win, I'll give you this crystal. If you lose, kowtow and admit your mistake. Do you dare?    


Xu Shaoan proudly took out a crystal stone. This crystal was squared, and there was a lightning pattern on the inside. It was impressively a Thunder Crystal.    


He had found these Thunder Crystals when he followed Shen Yanbing to the fork in the road. Shen Yanbing had two of them, but he only had one in his hand.    


This sort of Thunder Crystal was not some ordinary object. The Thunder Crystal was not used to increase one's cultivation, but to cultivate one's supernatural abilities!    


If it was a martial artist that cultivated a thunder-attribute cultivation method or someone who wished to practice a thunder-attribute divine ability, this thunder crystal could be considered a precious treasure.    


Even Ye Dongfeng was slightly surprised when he saw the thunder crystal in Xu Shaoan's hands.    


Shen Yanbing's expression turned cold. If it wasn't for Xu Shaoan shamelessly following her, these three thunder crystals would all be hers.    


Now, seeing Xu Shaoan take out the Thunder Crystal, she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.    


Good. Ye Dongfeng nodded, since Xu Shaoan insisted on giving him a precious Thunder Crystal, how could he refuse?    


Haha, straightforward! Now, let's look for the Purple Sword Grandmaster to verify if this is an ordinary piece of black iron.    


Xu Shaoan laughed playfully and said.    


No need. After Xu Shaoan finished speaking, Ye Dongfeng shook his head slightly. Then, Ye Dongfeng turned his body and suddenly poured his energy into the rusted metal piece.    


A scene that caused the three of them to be dumbstruck immediately appeared. As Ye Dongfeng continued to imbue the Spiritual Energy s into the piece of metal, the mottled rust on the metal actually fell off bit by bit.    


In the end, the piece of metal had turned into a clean piece of silver metal. However, this was not the end.    


With the pouring of Ye Dongfeng's Spiritual Energy, after a while, this piece of metal actually released a bit of silver light!    


Silver Meteorite! Shen Yanbing covered her small mouth and exclaimed.    


Silver meteorite and black iron were two completely different materials. Silver meteorite was one of the materials used to refine a life magical equipment, so it was extremely precious.    


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