War Tao Becomes Saint

C1979 Green Lake Holy Land

C1979 Green Lake Holy Land

0"Do you know that the cold energy erupting from your body is actually a cold poison that is deeply ingrained in your bloodline?"    


Ye Dongfeng pondered for a moment and felt that he might be able to cooperate with the Leng Yue clan.    


Before the God Race arrived, the Cold Moon Clan was the master of the Cold God Star, the secret of the Cold God Star. No one knew more about the secret of the Cold God Star than the Cold Moon Clan.    




Leng Xinru's beautiful eyes changed, revealing a deep fear. Of course, she knew about this matter. However, to the Leng Yue Clan, this matter was something that they would keep their mouths shut about.    


Seeing Leng Xinru panicking and nervous, Ye Dongfeng also raised his hand and threw out a Array Flag. A grade seven isolation immortal formation instantly enveloped this space.    


"This is a grade seven isolation immortal formation. No one in the outside world knows what's going on here. You can say whatever you want."    


Leng Xinru might not be able to react in time after he had asked so many questions just now, but she would be able to find out later.    




At this moment, Leng Xinru hesitated. Of course, she was very clear about this matter. Back then, the Cold Moon Clan was the master of the Cold God Star, and the Strigoi was the greatest enemy of the Cold Moon Clan.    


Later on, when the God Race descended, the ancestors of the Cold Moon Clan and the Strigoi both disobeyed the will of the experts of the God Race. The Strigoi was reduced to a lowly slave, and the Cold Moon Clan that surrendered was renamed as the Cold Moon Clan.    


The blood source curse was left in the ancestor's body by the experts of the God Race, causing the Cold Moon Family to suffer from the cold poison for generations to come.    


"Senior Ye, it seems like you want to go to the Green Lake Sacred Land."    


After hesitating for a while, Leng Xinru still didn't dare to say these things. Although this was the truth, it was a taboo matter in the Cold Moon Clan.    


"That's right."    


Leng Xinru didn't want to say much, and Ye Dongfeng didn't force her. He wasn't that interested in the past of the Cold Moon Clan.    


What he was most concerned about now was the fact that the Cold God Star was connected to the Spatial Channel in the Great Deserted World. No matter when he wanted to return to the Great Deserted World, he had to find the passageway first.    


"It's no use for Senior Ye to go to the Green Lake now. The passageway that connects the Green Lake to the lower realm wasn't destroyed by the experts of the God Race. The passageway was already very fragile to begin with. After using it once, it was already broken into pieces."    


"When the experts of the God Race went to check, they said that the passageway has been completely abandoned. It can't be used or even repaired. " Moreover, ordinary cultivators are not allowed to approach the Green Lake. Only cultivators who help the God Race mine the Green Lake Sand can approach the Green Lake. "    


Leng Xinru didn't know why, but Ye Dongfeng seemed to be very interested in the lower realm. Therefore, she told her a secret that wasn't too big of a deal.    


"The cultivator who helped the God Race mine the Green Lake Sand. Could it be the Cold Moon Clan?"    


Ye Dongfeng revealed a faint smile and spoke frankly. Currently, he was a peak Dao Shaping Ancient Saint Seventh Grade, Luo Linglong was a late Great Dao Saint Sovereign, and Ye Zhong was barely able to deal with an ordinary early Great Dao Saint Sovereign.    


With such strength, not only would he not be invincible in the Cold God Star, he would at least be able to protect himself. According to what he had heard during this period of time, there was Grand Dao of The Heavens in the God Race, but the Grand Dao of The Heavens of the God Race had never been on the Cold God Star.    


The strongest expert of the God Race on the Cold God Star was only at the peak of the late Great Dao Saint Sovereign realm. In a one-on-one battle, he might not be a match for Luo Linglong.    


"That's right. The one who helped the God Race mine the Green Lake Sand is our Cold Moon Family. If Senior Ye wants to look around the Green Lake, we, the Cold Moon Clan, can arrange anything for him at any time."    


"As long as Senior Ye is willing to exchange for the Cold Spirit Immortal Tea, we, the Cold Moon Clan, will do our best to take out what Senior wants."    


Leng Xinru's words were very sincere. By now, she had completely understood the heaven-defying nature of the Cold Spirit Immortal Tea. It was as if the Cold Spirit Immortal Tea was the antidote to the Blood Origin Poison Curse in her body.    


She only needed to consume the Cold Spirit Immortal Tea three months in a row before the Blood Origin Poison Curse in her body would be completely dissolved and she would no longer be affected by the cold poison.    


After the Cold Moon Clan was freed from the cold poison, the God Race would no longer be able to control the Cold Moon Clan. The Cold Moon Clan, which had been afraid of being renamed, would once again rise to power in the name of the Cold Moon Clan.    


Leng Xinru wouldn't tell Ye Dongfeng about these things. Although Ye Dongfeng had saved her life and she had a good impression of Ye Dongfeng, she still couldn't completely trust him.    


Therefore, she still hoped that she could obtain the refining method of the Cold Spirit Immortal Tea through a trade.    


"Does your Cold Moon Clan have the Laws of Heaven and Earth?"    


After pondering for a moment, Ye Dongfeng finally asked this very important question. The current him... As long as he had a complete set of natural laws, he would be able to break through to the Great Dao Saint Sovereign realm.    


At that time, he, Luo Linglong, Ye Zhong and the other two Great Dao Saint Sovereign warriors would be able to kill Master Fengling and the Zhen Yuan Immortal Sect in the Immortal World.    


"Law of Heaven and Earth?"    


After Ye Dongfeng asked, Leng Xinru's eyes revealed a surprised look. Ye Dongfeng had really given the Leng Yue clan a difficult problem this time.    


The Laws of Heaven and Earth on the Cold God Star was not something very high level. However, the problem was that the Laws of the Heaven and Earth could only be separated or extracted from the incomplete lower planes of the The Rules of Heaven And Earth.    


The Divine Dao Realms of the Divine Cold Star and the entire Divine Dao Realm were complete and tough. Under such circumstances, the Laws of Heaven and Earth that were not of a high level were simply too rare on the Divine Cold Star.    


Even though the Cold Moon Clan used to be the master of the Cold God Planet, they didn't dare to guarantee that there were still complete Laws of Heaven and Earth in the Cold Moon Clan.    


"Senior Ye, I need to ask the patriarch about this."    


After pondering for a moment, Leng Xinru decided to ask the patriarch herself. After all, she only knew half of the things in the treasure vault of the Cold Moon Clan. Only the patriarch knew everything.    




After seeing Leng Xinru take out a sound transmitting jade slip, Ye Dongfeng nodded his head without a care.    


The Leng Yue clan was still living on the Cold God Planet, but it was no longer in the Cold God City that Fei Tong was familiar with. Instead, it was in the harsh environment of the Cold Dragon Valley.    


Although the cultivation environment of the Cold Dragon Valley was terrible, it was still better than the Immortal Domain of the Strigoi.    


The patriarch of the Cold Moon Clan was pleasantly surprised when he heard Leng Xinru's voice. He almost burst into tears.    


Although the Leng Yue clan had no choice but to make Leng Xinru make a great sacrifice, no one wanted Leng Xinru to die.    


In the end, Han Tao's matter had already passed for so long. Leng Xinru was still alive and there was no corpse. The Leng Yue clan's upper echelon's mood had naturally been very heavy. They never expected that they would receive Leng Xinru's voice transmission now.    


"What? Xinru, there is still such an immortal tea? Heaven and Earth Laws? Yes, the clan also has a wood-attribute Heaven and Earth Law and a wind-attribute Heaven and Earth Law! "    


As the clan head was cultivating in the depths of the Leng Yue clan, the ancient voice of the clan head spoke with certainty.    


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