I Got 999 Level With One Cut

C124 The Feasibility of Fighting the Devil

C124 The Feasibility of Fighting the Devil

0The aura is a strange thing, because it's hard to explain in both physics and magic.    


More than a thousand years ago, there was once a group of bored mages. They seriously did a research on what "aura" was. Finally, they came to a preliminary conclusion: aura was an instinctive fear that the magician had when facing a large amount of magic or elements.    


But this conclusion was overthrown by their experiment in less than half a month.    


Because even an ordinary person who did not have any power, and could not even feel the flow of elements and magic power, could easily feel a strong sense of oppression from a Titled Devil Instructor who was preparing to use magic.    


Just like what Ignodia felt now...    


She hid in the grass and pretended to be a phantom tank. Then, she secretly revealed half of her eyes and looked at the sky.    


Riko Hasegawa was floating in the air, beautiful elemental crystals flying around her body. A heavy pressure came from the girl holding the magic book. She was completely different from the gentle and calm Riko just now. Ignodia felt that it was hard to breathe. It was as if she was facing a huge dragon. Although this pressure was not directed at her.    


Riko's slender fingers gently traced the mysterious and ancient looking pages of the Book of Thousand Laws. The line of words on the book lit up with a faint golden light as magic power poured into it. A complicated magic array instantly appeared beside the girl, but after the magic array flickered a few times, it will soon return to nothingness.    


Riko's doppelganger blinked her eyes that were filled with golden runes. In the next moment, endless frost appeared beside her. The frost rotated and turned into a huge storm, blocking out the sun. Then it cast a huge shadow on the ground.    


The silver metal bird struggled through the cold ice, its engine making unpleasant noises under the low temperature. Heavy frost hung on the surface of the aluminum alloy wings. Yamamoto Wennan was breathing heavily. He focused on holding the control stick of the fighter jet, constantly dodging the ice spear and ice blades that appeared from time to time in the storm with his superb tactical movements.    


It was not that he had never fought with the magician before. Many duchies and kingdoms' court mages had fallen under his machine gun. Those nobles had spent countless money to support a group of 'magician' that did not even know how to fly and only relied on physical attacks to defend against enemies. During that period of time, the journey of conquering was basically a competition between him and Xiangtai Yukawa to see who killed the most people.    


The two of them had once competed when they were bored. Although Yamamoto Wennan was invincible on the battlefield, he had to admit that Yukawa was indeed stronger than him. An outdated fighter jet could not fight against Yukawa's magic power. Because of this, Yamamoto only recognized Xiangtai Yukawa as the only "real magician" in the world.    


The other people who claimed to know magic were all fake.    


Therefore, Yamamoto Wennan was very confident in this operation to suppress Demon King.    


However, it was only at this moment that he realized that he was facing a Great Mage who was not weaker than Yukawa at all.    


No, she might be stronger than him.    


Although Xiangtai Yukawa was also very powerful, he could not freeze the plane with a wave of his hand. When the Type 0 fighter was designed, it did not even consider the situation of fighting in cold weather. Even if it came to this Alien World, and it was modified to the point that it did not need gas or maintenance. However, Yamamoto could feel the blood flowing in the steel body of the vehicle under his feet gradually freezing. The thrust provided by its engine was getting weaker and weaker, coupled with the frozen wings. He had to spend a lot of energy to maintain the plane in the air.    


And in front of him was still a vast expanse of white fog and ice that couldn't be seen from the exit.    


Yamamoto Wennan finally sighed. After randomly firing a few machine guns and bullets in front of him, he simply let go of the joystick.    


"Yukawa, I can only count on you now..."    


Xiangtai Yukawa, or Yukawa, did not have a good life either.    


When Riko turned her head to deal with Yamamoto who was flying the plane, Yukawa felt that his chance had come.    


He had just recovered from the magic exhaustion period of the magic feedback and felt the elements flowing around him. Yukawa did not hesitate. His face was as dark as water, and his hands made various hand gestures to assist him in casting spells. On the other hand, he made all kinds of hand gestures to support the casting of spells. He was chanting at an unprecedented speed.    


Xiangtai Yukawa no longer had any intention of looking down on Riko. His father, who taught him magic, had told him that none of the mages who could fly were weak. Therefore, although he did not know how Riko had such powerful strength, so, even though he did not know how ___ had such powerful strength, he still followed his father's instructions and started to treat her very seriously.    


What he prepared was a powerful Earth element magic, Earth Hand.    


This was one of the most powerful control spells Xiangtai Yukawa knew. The reason he did not use any offensive spells was because the prophecy he received stated that he would defeat Demon King and not kill her. Killing Riko would not do him any good. Moreover, Demon King was such a young girl. It seemed that Yukawa could not bear to see her like this.    


Normally, the Hand of the Earth would need at least ten seconds to chant, but for some reason, today. Perhaps it was because he was facing an unprecedented enemy, but Yukawa only used ten seconds to complete the main part of the incantation. He looked at Riko's doppelganger's back facing him, her defenseless figure, and could not help but feel lucky in his heart.    


She was still very young, very simple, and sometimes very naive, lacking combat experience.    


However, just as this thought emerged in his mind, Demon King suddenly turned around. Before Xiangtai Yukawa could say the last syllable of the spell, she gave him another magic feedback.    


Yukawa was stunned.    


Yukawa was only a Second Grade Great Devil Instructor. He might not be able to defeat Loli Merlin. In addition to the magic circuits all over his body, even if Riko did not understand what he was singing, the huge difference in level made any small movements that Yukawa did not make any difference in Riko's eyes. Riko could even guess that he was holding back a Rank 8 Earth element spell.    


She naturally could not let him release any spells.    


But Xiangtai Yukawa felt very unhappy.    


He had failed both times. He had been stuck in his throat by the strange magic feedback twice. There was nothing worse than this.    


Then, he discovered that Riko was holding a heavy magic book. She began to chant slowly. Ten seconds later, just as Xiangtai Yukawa's magic was about to expire... One! The burning meteor whistled through the air as it flew towards him, dragging a long trail of black smoke behind it.    


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