Domineering Son-In-Law

C170 No One Found

C170 No One Found

0Three minutes later.    


After wiping their hands, the bodies of the three armed men laid on the ground. The wounds were the same; Lin Faang had dug out their hearts and killed them all.    


Then, he started rummaging through the room. He didn't even see a shadow of a ghost, let alone a hidden person.    


However, it was an unexpected discovery.    


It uses a three-level security lock that requires three keys: fingerprint, sound, and password.    


Moreover, the safe could only open locks three times. With three mistakes, the safe would detonate. It was equivalent to five extremely concentrated TNT and had enough power to blow up an entire ship.    


If someone else were to encounter this, they might not have any way to do it. Unfortunately, it was Lin Faang that it met.    


All the electrons inside had been destroyed when Lin Faang approached and all the functions had been stopped.    


He took out the Mysterious Desolation Stone and inserted it into the crack on the safe. He stabbed a third of it into the safe, pulled it down, and successfully cut it open. Then, he used some strength to pry open the door of the safe.    


Looking at the box in the safe, he felt that it was a bit familiar. Wasn't this the chef competition's box for the Divine Phoenix Saber? Lin Faang was a little surprised that a vengeful person would be interested in this Divine Phoenix Saber.    


He put away the Xuanhuang and opened the box. It was indeed the Divine Phoenix Saber. It was a bit too big for him to put away, so he decided that he might as well keep it in his hand.    


After exiting the door, Lin Faang closed it casually. Unless someone came to check, no one would know what was happening inside for the time being.    


With the box in his hand, he went straight to the second floor and with a pass that he 'borrowed' from a certain rich person, sneaked into the second floor.    


In Lin Faang's memory, the unidentified rooms on the second floor were room 232 and room 242 respectively.    


Following the room number, Lin Faang started to look around and soon found Room 232.    


Lin Faang knocked on the door and said, "Hello! The cleaning service! "    


Lin Faang could hear someone walk in through the door and then stood there for three seconds.    


"No need!" You can go now. "    


Lin Faang looked at the surrounding security, it was still a guard not far away. Attack! The best choice would not be the best one. It would only alert the enemy, so he chose to retreat temporarily. He would first go to the next place to check on the situation.    


So he turned around and left, room number 242.    


Room 242 was a bit special. The moment Lin Faang knocked on the door, someone hurriedly ran over to open the door.    


Without waiting for Lin Faang to ask anything, he directly asked, "Cleansing right? "Come in!"    


The person who opened the door was a big fatty. As he walked, his fat voice shook a few times.    


As for the room's environment, he didn't know how to describe it. There was paper everywhere, and some white clinker covers. The entire room was filled with an extremely unpleasant stench.    


"Hurry up!" "There's going to be another beauty with blonde hair and blue eyes. Those legs, those breasts, oh, just think about it and I'll agree to it."    


The fatty urged Lin Faang excitedly, as he did not notice the disdain in Lin Faang's eyes.    


It was certain that Wang Ziyan would not be locked in this place. Looking at the fatty, she turned around and reached out her hand to grab his neck and twisted it forcefully.    




A crisp sound rang out. Before the fatty died, his face was filled with excitement. He had never thought that he would suddenly die.    


Lin Faang threw the person onto the bed and covered them with a blanket. However, he did not leave. Instead, he locked the door from the inside and took off his waiter's clothes, revealing the tight black clothes he was wearing underneath.    


Then he got out through the window, remembered the route, moved from the outside, clutching the edge of the window, and came to the window.    


From the window, he could see that there were two men and two women sitting in the shadows, resting with their eyes closed.    


Judging from their position, Lin Faang knew that there was still one more person. He should be sitting at a dead angle under the window. If he went in through the window, he would definitely be tricked.    


These were a bunch of professionals, but unfortunately, they met Lin Faang.    


He dug out a small hole from the window and took out a small wooden stick from his chest pocket. Both ends were locked with a stopper. The inside was hollow, so he used his mouth to open the stopper.    


One of them blocked the hole, while the other bit open the stopper. With a gentle blow, a cloud of white powder fell into the room and fused with the dust in the air. There was no difference between the two at all.    


Lin Faang hung from the window and waited silently for a minute.    




A man in the corner tilted his head, fell against the wall, and fell asleep.    


There was one after another, and they were all knocked unconscious by the sedative.    


At this moment! Lin Faang had just used Xuanhuang to cut open the window. The whole process was smooth and practiced when he went in again. It was evident that he had done this kind of thing many times before.    


He landed on the ground and looked behind him. As expected, there was a fifth person hiding in the blind spot under the window. If she was still awake, she would have stabbed him in the back.    


"Doctor, this pill's effect has increased quite a bit. If there's a chance, let him prepare a few for me."    


Lin Faang muttered to himself as he stabbed the five of them one after the other. The five of them did not have the ability to resist anymore.    


In order to save Wang Ziyan, he had done a lot of preparations. Even if he had to kill the president, he could do it easily.    


After dealing with the five kids, Lin Faang started searching everywhere. He searched everywhere he could find a person, but he didn't even find a ghost.    


This made Lin Faang frown. If there was nothing above, then Wang Ziyan was most likely hiding below the deck.    


Reaching out his hand, he lightly pressed on his watch. Three seconds later, Kuang Zhan's pale face appeared on the watch.    


"Did you find anyone down there?"    


Lin Faang asked. In fact, he didn't hold any hope because he knew that if Kuang Zhan found the person, he would definitely notify him.    


As Lin Faang had guessed, Kuang Zhan shook his head and said, "Boss, I've searched the entire deck and below, but there's no trace of Sister-in-law. However, on the ship, I found a lot of smuggled national treasures as well as white flour."    


Lin Faang frowned. A smuggling vessel that involved national treasure and white flour. This degree of smuggling was not as simple as simple smuggling. It probably involved a lot of powerful forces.    


"Boss!" I suspect that the Chinese authorities said that their sister-in-law was here. In fact, they wanted to use us to destroy this ship. I've investigated a piece of news and found that the owner of this ship is a member of the Philip family. "    


Kuang Zhan wasn't without reason. After all, the value of these things couldn't be simply described with money. The Chinese authorities could indeed say that they are trying to make up a lie and use their own hands to eliminate them.    


However, the Chinese authorities could not be that stupid. This kind of plan was easy to see through, so he was not sure what would happen if he fell to the ground.    


After thinking about it carefully, Lin Faang finally decided to ask the spy. If it was really true, and the officials of China were lying, he wouldn't mind making China's financial situation fall back 30 years.    


"Contact us from behind!"    


Lin Faang closed the call, found a set of clothes from the luggage, and put them on before leaving. He returned to the third floor and found the spy from China.    


"Dong, dong, dong!"    


Lin Faang knocked on the door.    


But there was no response.    


He reached out to knock, this time increasing his strength, but still no one answered.    


This gave him a bad premonition. He raised his foot and gave a fierce kick.    




The door was kicked open, but at the same time, a round object descended from above and appeared in Lin Faang's line of sight.    


Lin Faang's expression changed drastically and turned ugly. He immediately pounced towards the other side of the corridor.    




An explosion.    


The power of the explosion affected the two rooms on the left and right side of the room. Before the people in the room knew what had happened, they were all killed by the explosion.    




Lin Faang stood up and spat out the sand in his mouth. He looked at a dead body in the room that looked like it had been blown up.    


Lin Faang knew that the other party ran away and left behind a corpse, pretending to be dead to fool others.    


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