Supreme Saint Of World

C217 Awakening

C217 Awakening

3"What's going on? What happened? I remember Chen Fan hitting the Five Elements Sect!"    


"Why is he gone? Could it be that the sect head chased him away? The sect head is mighty!"    




The disciples held magical treasures in their hands and had no idea what was happening. They only saw Bai Xiang Liu standing in the sky while Chen Fan had already disappeared into the wormhole. They immediately assumed that it was Bai Xiang Liu fighting off Chen Fan.    


Bai Xiang Liu sighed lightly as the memories that Chen Fan had just passed on to him began to churn in his mind. The information contained within this memory was simply too frightening, and he was momentarily unable to recover from it.    


The sacred art Chen Fan used just now was able to reverse space and time. This had already exceeded the scope of his knowledge, so even a Deity Stage cultivator couldn't do it. Only the legendary immortals …    


Thinking of this, Bai Xiang Liu's face became serious. He no longer wanted to investigate the cultivation level of the almighty elder behind Chen Fan. At this moment, he was in the air using the vast heavenly music as he said,    


"From today onward, the Five Element Sect's ancestral land is closed. None of you are allowed to pursue the matter of Chen Fan!" Our sect is about to go into seclusion. All disciples that go out to gain experience must come back, no one is allowed to go out! The great formation of the sect will close in three days. Those who do not return will not be disciples of my Five Elements Sect! "    


Having said so, Bai Xiang Liu's figure disappeared from the air and reappeared beside Ah Chu on the ground. Looking at her searching gaze, Bai Xiang Liu shook his head slightly, signalling her not to ask any more questions.    


Ignoring the shocked faces of the disciples and elders, Bai Xiang Liu looked at the sky of the Five Elements Sect as if he could see through the stars outside and muttered:    


"The Dao of the world is changing. With the protection of an almighty force like him, Chen Fan will definitely dominate the Cultivation world in the future!" Because of some karma, I have no choice but to get involved. Is this a blessing or a curse … "Ai, whatever, I'll just cultivate to the Nascent Soul Stage first so that I can be confident!"    


Not to mention the chaos in the Five Elements Sect, Chen Fan had torn open the wormhole and taken Ye Luoluo back to Chen.    


However, when he reached the end, Chen Fan suddenly let out a painful howl and fainted.    


Fortunately, the construction of the wormhole had been enhanced by Blacky, so it was not afraid of collapsing.    


In the end, it was Ye Luoluo who anxiously carried Chen Fan and jumped out of the wormhole. As soon as he landed, he realized that this was the royal palace of the Chen Nation.    


At this moment, the palace was mostly destroyed by the big battle before. At this moment, thousands of soldiers were bare-chested and carrying huge stones on their shoulders, doing repairs to the entire palace.    


The black hole that Ye Rolo had created on the ground immediately attracted the attention of these people. A burly man with a full beard looked at the two and was suddenly overjoyed. He didn't care about the giant boulder on his back and started cheering happily.    


"Everyone, look! It's the Second Prince! The Second Prince has returned! Go inform His Majesty!"    


Some of the soldiers heard the cheers and turned their heads to look at the yellow-faced man in Ye Luo's arms. He was Chen Fan, the man who had changed his appearance before.    


After a short while, an old man in a black and yellow dragon robe with a dignified appearance came running out from the palace in a hurry.    


Next to the old man was a young man with a face as sharp as a knife. He looked about the same as Chen Fan.    


These two were Chen Tiexin and Chen Xiao. When they saw Ye Rolo and Chen Fan in her arms, they were so moved that they wanted to cry.    


"Uncle Chen, what's going on?" "Why did big brother Chen Fan suddenly become so powerful, and also received such a heavy injury!"    


When Ye Rolo saw the two of them, he was overjoyed. She had already checked them when she was carrying Chen Fan.    


At this moment, Chen Fan's heart was still beating a little weakly. However, the meridians in his entire body had been broken, and his body was in tatters. Even his bones were slightly cracked.    


With his current appearance, even if he were to preserve his life, he would not know when it would be possible for him to recover his cultivation.    


"It's good that Luo Luo came back. Fan'er said he was going to pick you up from the Five Elements Sect, he really did it!" If there are any problems, we can talk about them in the future. Let's bring Fan'er in first! "    


Chen Tiexin rubbed his hands together with an anxious expression on his face. He wanted to touch Chen Fan, but he was afraid of aggravating Chen Fan's injuries. As a sovereign, his care for his child was no different from that of an ordinary father.    


"Imperial Physician, Imperial Physician Xuan enters the palace!" Chen Xiao didn't stay idle either. He glanced around and shouted anxiously.    


The soldiers didn't dare to hesitate as they hurriedly ran out of the palace to find a doctor. Although they didn't know whether or not a mortal doctor could cure Chen Fan's illness, it was still better than not doing anything at all.    


Chen Tiexin and Chen Xuexin stood around Ye Rolo, watching her carry Chen Fan. After they finished their conversation, they rushed into a palace hall that was still considered to be in good condition.    


Chen Fan felt like he had a very long dream. In his dream, he had become an almighty being who slaughtered his way into the Five Elements Sect. He first exterminated the two Patriarchs, then brought Ye Luoluo out.    


This dream was incomparably real. The moves and feelings within it seemed as if he were personally performing them. After a period of time, this dream came to an end, and his soul sank into darkness.    


He did not know how long he wandered around in this darkness. Time seemed to have lost all meaning until, at a certain moment, a spot of light appeared in his mind.    


The light outside had a fatal attraction for him. He couldn't help but follow the light and desperately flew outside.    


After rushing out of the light, he could only feel that his consciousness was gradually returning and that there was a burning liquid on his lips.    


A soft snoring sound was also transmitted to his ears. The sound became louder and louder, until it sounded like a clap of thunder. Finally, he opened his eyes.    


"He's awake, big brother Chen Fan is awake!" Turning his head weakly, Chen Fan realized that it was Ye Luoluo who had said this.    


Ye Luo's head was lying on top of his body, staring at him. His face was haggard and his eyes were red. Obviously, he hadn't slept well for a long time.    


Seeing Chen Fan open his eyes, Ye Rolo shouted in excitement. Several maids standing guard outside looked at each other in dismay. One of them ran out quickly, obviously informing Chen Tiexin of the good news.    


Chen Fan opened his eyes and adjusted for a moment. He discovered that he was inside a palace, and the surrounding scenery was completely black. It was obvious that it was already night.    


Looking at Ye Luo's haggard appearance, Chen Fan opened his mouth wanting to speak, but he only felt a burning pain in his throat, unable to utter a sound.    


He wanted to reach out and touch Ye Rolo's forehead, but he suddenly felt a pricking pain from his body, making him groan uncontrollably.    


"Big brother Chen Fan, the injuries on your body have not healed yet. Don't move!" "Here, drink this medicine. This medicine was concocted by the imperial physician after dissolving the pill. It has some effect on nourishing the vital energy and blood, as well as healing the wounds!"    


As he spoke, he took a jade bowl from the table beside him and gently held Chen Fan's hand. He then drank the black liquid from the bowl.    


After drinking the liquid, Chen Fan felt the burning sensation in his throat gradually subside. He said hoarsely, "How many days have I been unconscious? Where am I? Five Elements Sect?" Have I been captured by the sect? Luo Luo, why are you here? "    


After being able to speak, Chen Fan seemed to have an endless stream of questions. His consciousness was still stuck on the moment when Chu Chenzhou's sword pierced through him. Everything that Little Black controlled him was like a dream to him.    


"No, Big brother Chen Fan, this is Chen Guo. We're back!" You don't remember anything from before? "    


Ye Luoluo shook his head and said with a worried look on his face. He then told Chen Fan everything that had happened.    


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