Heaven-defying Phoenix



3Three days later, Jiu Muli and Qin Zheng had already completely thrown the ghost troop behind them and arrived on a huge meteorite.    


Some of these meteorites were created from the collisions between the stars, while others came here due to the collapse of the stars. They floated aimlessly in space, and as long as cultivators used their cultivation bases to suppress them, they could easily deviate from their original trajectory.    


The berserk Power of Star brought along a strong gust of wind, blowing at Jiu Muli's long hair that was like a waterfall. She seemed not to have noticed it, beside her, Qin Zheng sat upright like a bell, protecting her side.    


"Do we really have to use it?"    


At the moment, Jiu Muli was deep in thought, his heart hesitating.    


However, she could not find a better way. The only possibility was that she had used the branch of the Heavenly Master Tree that she had obtained from Ming Han's cave not long ago.    


However, that branch was too precious. If it was possible, she really did not want to use it up. It was a precious treasure she used to break through into the saint level.    


"You haven't thought of a way?"    


Qin Zheng saw that Jiu Muli's brows were knitted tightly, and was somewhat anxious.    


"I do have a way, but there are some risks I can't bear to take."    


As Jiu Muli said this, she explained the matter regarding the branch of the Heavenly Master Tree to Qin Zheng. However, she did not show it to him.    


"What else do you think?" Qin Zheng frowned.    


Even though he was familiar with Jiu Muli's path, he was not familiar with it either.    


"I don't know."    


Jiu Muli sighed, hesitated for a long while, then said: "I don't care, let's wait for now." As she spoke, she took out a Holy Spirit Fruit and consumed it.    


Although the Holy Spirit Fruit had no effect on his Dantian, it could wash over her body and heal her injuries.    


"Don't be impatient."    


Seeing this, Qin Zheng did not say much. Although he really wanted to take away his bloodline and condense the blood shadow, if Jiu Muli did not agree to it, he had no other choice.    


In the following time, they didn't use the flying boat. Instead, they continued to ride the meteors, drifting through the starry sky.    


In these past few days of interaction, Jiu Muli had become more and more accustomed to being together with Qin Zheng.    


The splendor brought by the meteor, the dazzling tail of the comet, the constant alternation between extreme heat and extreme cold, made the starry sky quiet and silent, yet colorful.    


Small and grand, as if two extremes, vividly displayed in front of their eyes.    


Jiu Muli's heart, was also becoming calmer and calmer, as if he had been reborn. Qin Zheng's aura became calmer and calmer, as if the corners of his body had been erased.    


They were growing, gaining enlightenment. It was as if their entire soul were merging into the vast starry sky, becoming part of it.    


On this day, just as they were enjoying the splendor of the starry sky, a bright light shone from the depths of the starry sky. On this day, just as they were enjoying the magnificence of the starry sky, a bright light shone from the depths of the starry sky.    


They were slowly approaching each other like two colliding stars.    


Finally, at a certain moment, they bumped into each other.    




The terrifying sound wave transformed into ripples that swept across the sky. Even though it was extremely far away, Jiu Muli was still trembling in fear, as if his entire soul was being sucked in.    


They were too vast and powerful, making her feel as if she was standing on the edge of a river.    


In the end, the dazzling light transformed into an endless destructive force, gushing out with dense chaos energy.    


This was the result of the void being destroyed.    


In the end, when the brilliance dissipated and the chaos energy disappeared, an even larger black and white vortex was formed.    


The whirlpool spun unceasingly, emitting a terrifying suction force. Around it, countless asteroids and stars were pulled towards the whirlpool by the huge suction force.    


"Black hole?"    


Jiu Muli was shocked.    


This scene was too shocking; it was simply unheard-of.    


"It's the space storm."    


Qin Zheng's eyes flashed, and she said in a heavy voice, "This is very similar to the vortex that was formed when you were using Yin Yang Energy."    




Jiu Muli nodded his head, his eyes did not blink as he stared intently at the whirlpool.    


The extreme darkness and light collided, turning into a massive whirlpool. Although it was far away and she could not feel its power, the extreme yin and yang and other forces, the stars within the whirlpool still gave her a deep impression.    


"Can you stop?"    


Jiu Muli said, she really wanted to see what this whirlpool would turn into, and whether it would turn into a new starry sky as she thought it would.    




Qin Zheng nodded, he knew that this was Jiu Muli's chance.    


Time flew by, one month, two months, three months … Very quickly, half a year passed.    


During the half year, the vortex spun faster and faster, and the gravitational power grew more and more terrifying. There were no stars visible around it, only a vortex that looked like the lord of the starry sky, eternally standing.    


Another half a year had passed. As the vortex spun at a high speed, it began to expand and shrink slowly from beginning to end. The dazzling black white light's glow also began to spin and continuously fuse with each other.    


Jiu Muli still did not move. When she was hungry, she would take the pill, and when her injuries flared up, she would take the Holy Spirit Fruit. For the rest of the time, she concentrated on watching the whirlpool change little by little.    


One person, one vortex. It was almost as if they were in two different parts of the starry sky, looking at each other.    


Another half a year passed by, the vortex's selection speed was even faster. The terrifying devouring force seemed to be able to devour even the starlight. At the same time, a single white light became increasingly resplendent, like a blazing sun.    


The devouring light bloomed again. It was like the breathing and inhaling of a human body. The rhythm was natural, yet profound and unfathomable.    


After an unknown period of time, the whirlpool began to shrink rapidly until there was only a tiny dot of light left. Then, all of a sudden, a terrifying roar echoed out from deep within the starry sky.    


Soon after, that dot of light suddenly exploded. Dazzling multicolored light engulfed the entire starry sky like a mighty white wave.    


In the next moment, specks of starlight gushed out and transformed into a giant meteor, scattering in all directions.    


It was a starry sky!    


Dazzling stars spread out across the starry sky, and a blazing sun that looked like the Lord of All Gods rose up to stand at the very center. Surrounding it were numerous stars, orbiting endlessly.    


There were countless stars. Some were huge, some were minuscule, and all of them were scattered about like stars in the sky. A great man without a boundary.    


"Is this the starry sky?"    


Jiu Muli was shocked, she never thought that one day, she would witness the destruction and birth of a whole star.    


Annihilation, rebirth, the alternation of life and death. It was both simple and complex. Although it seemed to be unintentional, it also contained miraculous might.    


The workmanship of heaven and earth made Jiu Muli feel an unprecedented shock.    




Just at this time, Qin Zheng moved. He bent his fingers and shot them out consecutively, a dazzling bolt of lightning that brought along a bone-piercing chill shot out from his fingertip straight towards a small meteor in the distance.    




The meteorite exploded into pieces, and in the next moment, before those pieces of debris could be annihilated, streams of frost filled the air, instantly sealing all of them.    


Weng! *    


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