Heaven-defying Phoenix



2Wu Ya Xiao Hei nervously looked at the spirit refining lamp, and asked Jiu Muli with a hint of pleasant surprise: "If it's like this, then there's hope for Lian Xi, right?"    


Wu Ya Xiao Hei's nervous Flower God Little Lotus's expression both amused and moved Jiu Muli. She nodded: "Mhm."    


Just as they finished speaking, Qin Zheng's slightly anxious voice rang beside their ears.    


"There's no time. Let's quickly leave this place." Just as Qin Zheng finished speaking, Jiu Muli felt a gust of wind that carried the aura of the goblin with it.    


This wind that carried along with it a bloody wind caused Jiu Muli to unconsciously frown.    


"It's getting close." Jiu Muli murmured with a frown between her brows. Although her voice was soft, it was still heard by Qin Zheng.    


Qin Zheng tightly held onto Jiu Muli's hand, and their gazes met. The resolution in Qin Zheng's eyes allowed him to have more courage and confidence.    


The two of them nodded, they exchanged glances, then Jiu Muli kept his spirit refining lamp and pulled Wu Ya Xiao Hei away: "Now is not the time to talk, let's quickly go."    


"Then what about Lian Xi, her?" Wu Ya Xiao Hei's spiritual energy and cultivation was inferior to Jiu Muli's and Qin Zheng's, so he was unable to sense the danger that was yet to arrive at his eyes.    


"Let's talk after we return to the Eternal Continent. Lian Xi will be fine." Jiu Muli hurriedly said, then used the spiritual energy to push Wu Ya Xiao Hei, and then rode the spiritual energy with Qin Zheng, preparing to leave the Star River, and return to Eternal Continent.    


Just as Qin Zheng, Jiu Muli and Wu Ya Xiao Hei were about to reach Eternal Continent, a gigantic inescapable net appeared in front of them.    


This net even had an aura of spiritual energy that they had never seen before, which immediately trapped them within it.    


"Qin Zheng!" Jiu Muli cried out in alarm and tightly held Qin Zheng's hand. At this moment, only the temperature of his palm was able to make Jiu Muli feel at ease.    


This indescribable spiritual energy aura made the three of them hesitate for a moment. This spiritual energy seemed to have a feeling as though it could suppress and seal their spiritual energy.    


"It's the transplanetary net." Qin Zheng's ice-cold voice sounded, causing him to be unable to resist raising his head to look at the net that was shrinking unceasingly.    


Who could it be? To have this kind of spiritual force? Jiumu Li felt that this wasn't a force from the Eternal Continent because she had never heard of such a thing. But how did Qin Zheng know?    


Before Jiu Muli could think too much, the transplanetary net flew out with Jiu Muli, Qin Zheng and Wu Ya Xiao Hei.    


Seeing that the transplanetary net was getting farther and farther away from the Eternal Continent, Jiu Muli was even more sure that it was not Eternal Continent who had suddenly grabbed them.    


Could it be the people from the Immortal Continent? Jiu Muli frowned slightly. If they were truly from the Immortal Continent, then it would be even more troublesome. After all, their methods were often out of their expectations.    


The air in front of his eyes became thinner and thinner, and Jiu Muli felt that it was getting harder and harder to breathe. When Jiu Muli covered his chest, Qin Zheng extended his hand and grabbed onto Jiu Muli's hand tightly.    


With Qin Zheng's safety, Jiu Muli sealed his own heart veins. This way, he would be like a ghost, and he wouldn't need to breathe to be able to survive in this world and in the midst of Star River.    


However, even though sealing one's own heart veins was useful at a time like this, there was still a certain degree of danger. Because the heart veins were sealed, then the gigantic heart meridian spiritual energy wouldn't be able to use it.    


transplanetary net's speed was extremely fast, if it was someone from the continent, they might even misunderstand that this was a meteor streak.    


Jiu Muli raised his head and looked at Qin Zheng, who was beside him. Qin Zheng's cultivation was above hers, so even if he did not seal his own heart veins, by connecting to a few of his acupoints, he would be able to control his own breathing.    


Although Jiu Muli and Qin Zheng had already gotten used to the lack of oxygen due to the transplanetary net's extremely fast speed, Wu Ya Xiao Hei was not that lucky.    


The current Wu Ya Xiao Hei, because of breathing trouble and lack of oxygen, had a red face and his eyes looked as if they were about to pop out from their sockets.    


Jiu Muli thought for a while, took out the spirit refining lamp, and signaled Qin Zheng. After Qin Zheng understood, he picked up Wu Ya Xiao Hei, and without waiting for him to object, he threw him into the spirit refining lamp.    


"I'm sorry." Looking at the confused Wu Ya Xiao Hei who was thrown in, Jiu Muli was extremely apologetic as he tightly held onto the spirit refining lamp.    


The spirit refining lamp swayed a few times before finally quieting down.    


Looking at the spirit refining lamp which had stopped its restlessness, Jiu Muli finally felt relieved.    


Jiu Muli and Qin Zheng tightly clenched each other's hands. After about two hours, the transplanetary net that was wrapped around Qin Zheng and Jiu Muli suddenly dropped like a bullet into a mechanism on the ground.    


Just as the transplanetary net landed, Jiu Muli raised his head and saw the cage that the Thousand Year Black Iron had made close with a "Kacha" sound.    


Following that, Jiu Muli saw that the cage made by the Thousand Year Black Iron had been locked by a gigantic spiritual energy.    


As Qin Zheng and Jiu Muli leaned against each other with much difficulty, Jiu Muli felt a slightly familiar aura around them.    


"Is it Immortal Continent's Holy Lord?" Jiu Muli frowned, and turned to look at Qin Zheng.    


Qin Zheng frowned, he had obviously felt it too.    


Qin Zheng silently nodded his head, after pausing for a while, his lips suddenly raised in a smile.    


"What's wrong?" Jiu Muli was baffled by Qin Zheng's sudden laughter. He looked at Qin Zheng strangely and said, "Are you alright? You're so happy after getting caught."    


"Although the Holy Lord of the Immortal Continent is cruel, he is still arrogant." Qin Zheng smiled and shook his head, "So before he comes, we can just escape."    


Escape? Could it really be that simple?    


Seeing Jiu Muli's doubtful gaze, Qin Zheng said unhappily, "You don't believe me?"    


"Then... "Not really." Jiu Muli unhesitatingly pulled at the corner of his mouth.    


"That's more like it." Looking at Jiu Muli's smile, Qin Zheng turned his face around in satisfaction, "But this isn't what I'm smiling at."    


"Then why are you laughing?" Jiu Muli was a little confused.    


"Have you forgotten?" Qin Zheng said, "The wind that we felt earlier mixed with the aura of the goblin, did not catch up to us, did it?"    


With Qin Zheng's reminder, Jiu Muli did remember something, but it meant something, that their skills were inferior to others. After chasing for a long time, they were finally left behind by the Holy Lord of the Immortal Continent's transplanetary net.    


"Yes." Jiu Muli lightly nodded, indicating that Qin Zheng should continue.    


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