Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate

One Who Carried Grudges

One Who Carried Grudges

1After clashing with General Fahad and Benjamin for a few minutes, Second realized that he was at a great disadvantage.     

Even though he was slightly stronger than General Fahad, it was impossible for him to defeat two Rankers at the same time.     

The only reason why he was able to last when up against two opponents was because of his speed that allowed him to avoid most of their attacks by a hair's breadth.     

Even so, he still sustained some injuries because General Fahad and Benjamin realized that he was truly a threat that they needed to put down to prevent future problems from arising.     

'I should just escape,' Second thought. 'Since Phobus' whereabouts are unknown, there is no reason for me to stay here anymore.'     

Second assumed that because of Phobus' rank and position within the Ammarian Kingdom, the Yelan Army would spare him. Captured Generals during wartime were usually used as bargaining chips or used for ransom.     

He hoped that the Yelan Army just took General Phobus' body away while he was distracted to prevent him from rescuing his Master.     

Just as he was about to make his escape, he felt a powerful force pulling him towards the Jade Golem who had suddenly appeared dozens of meters away from the two Rankers, whom he wanted to escape from.     

It was at that moment that a metallic ring reverberated in the surroundings as Second was forced to summon a shield in his left hand to block Benjamin's attack while parrying General Fahad's attack with his sword.     

Lux had realized that some Rankers were able to resist the power of Duel [EX] to a certain extent, but in the end, they would still be forced to exchange blows with the one that cast the skill at them.     

The Half-Elf was creating an opportunity for General Fahad and Benjamin to give Second grievous injuries while the latter was being distracted by his summons.     

With an angry roar, Second unleashed a powerful aura, repelling the two Rankers who were still not aware of what was happening to their enemy.     

The Vice General of the Ammarian Army realized that this was probably the same thing that happened to General Phobus earlier, which made him grit his teeth in anger.     

"Damn you!" Second roared as he charged towards Orion, with the intention of cutting the Jade Golem in half.     

The Jade Golem took one step backwards as he pulled his arm back in order to meet the Ranker using his strongest attack.     

Lux, who was observing this battle in the air, sneered at the Ranker who was just a few meters away from Orion.     

The Half-Elf knew that Orion would only be able to last for a short time after he and Second clashed. Because of this, Lux had decided to make the sacrifice of his Jade Golem count and placed a deadly trap for the Ranker whom they wanted to kill with every fiber of their being.     

Beside the Jade Golem's feet, several Bone Bombs, as well as Blast bombs were ready, waiting to blast the Vice General of the Ammarian Army to oblivion.     

"Eiko, Fei Fei, let's do it!" Lux ordered.     

The two slimes activated their skills, synchronizing with the Half-Elf's order.     

"""Boom Boom Boom!"""     

Just before Second and Orion were about to clash, a powerful explosion that shook the battlefield erupted right under the Vice General's feet, making the latter suffer from serious injuries.     

However, it didn't end there. Because his stance was disrupted by the explosions that happened under his feet, Orion's jade fist, smashed onto the side of Second's face, sending him flying.     

Blood spilled from Second's lips as he flew backwards from the force of Orion's punch.     

Just as he was about to land on the ground, he saw a White Boar charging in his direction from the corner of his eye.     

'I won't let you!' Second's eyes turned bloodshot as he forcefully moved his right hand to slice the opportunistic Boar in half with his sword. However, his sword arm paused mid-air as he felt another strong attraction coming from his side.     

Pazuzu had activated his Duel [EX], making Second pause in his attempt to strike the white Boar, who was charging straight at him while he was unable to move his body.     

"I'm charging!" Cai roared as it collided with the Ranker's body, piercing its tusk through Second's armor and embedding it two inches deep inside the Vice General's body.     

Cai tossed the Ranker upwards and continued to charge towards the Woodlands. It had already accomplished its goal, and it only needed to wait a short while for the poison to take effect.     

'Sh*t!' Second thought, realizing that this was the exact same thing that had happened to General Phobus earlier.     

However, what happened to General Phobus was nothing compared to what happened to him next.     

While Second was still in mid-air, a spear flew in his direction and pierced his back, making him cry out in pain.     

He knew that if he didn't escape now, he would not have a chance to live another day.     

As soon as his body crashed towards the ground, the Vice General immediately used his life saving artifact and disappeared from where he lay, making General Fahad, Benjamin, and Lux's comrades, curse the near-dead Ranker in their hearts.     

"""The bastard managed to escape!"""     

Lux opened up his Soul Book and tried to search for Second's whereabouts, but the map of the battlefield was too chaotic, showing red and green dots everywhere, making him unable to pinpoint the Vice-General's location.     

"What a slippery opponent," Bedivere muttered as he circled in the air, hoping to catch a glimpse of their enemy who had vanished without a trace. "Master, your orders?"     

Lux frowned before heaving a sigh.     

"Let's eliminate the small fries for now," Lux replied. "Although their generals are no longer around, they are still a threat to the Yelan Army."     

"Understood, My Lord." Bedivere nodded before maneuvering the Dragon towards the Woodlands where the most heated battle between the two forces were still underway.     

General Fahad and Benjamin glanced at each other before heading the direction that Lux was going. Their men had sacrificed a lot in order for them to break through the enemy's formation, so they needed to help them eliminate as many enemies as they could in order to end the war on the Eastern Front of the Battlefield.     


A thousand meters under the earth…     

The Vice General of the Ammarian Army coughed up blood as the effect of the poison started to take place.     

His life saving artifact allowed him to forcefully teleport him underground by creating a small space big enough for his entire body to fit in.     

Second laid on his back, in pitch black darkness, as the poison paralyzed his entire body.     

'As soon as the paralysis in my body wears off, I will immediately leave this place,' Second thought. 'It has been a while since I got seriously injured in a campaign.'     

This was not the first time that Second had used this strategy in order to hide from his opponents. When he was still serving General Phobus' Grandfather as his aide, there had been several close calls when he was forced to escape in order to preserve his life.     

He had managed to survive each and every time, and he believed that he would be able to persevere this time as well.     

Suddenly, Second felt something falling onto the side of his face.     

'Soil? Is the battle happening on the surface that intense?' Second thought as the loosened earth continued to fall on his cheeks, forehead, nose, and mouth.     

A few seconds later, the soil stopped falling on his head.     

However, just before Second thought that everything was over, a faint light appeared in front of him, illuminating the dark space where he was in.     

Second's pupil shrank, and a feeling of anxiety rose in his chest when he saw something that he thought he would never see in his life.     

Right above his head, a baby Slime was looking down on him with a calm expression on her face.     

The two stared at each other, and with every second that passed, the Vice General's heartbeat became faster and faster.     

Eiko then summoned a red-steel-ball in her hand as she gazed at the Ranker who killed her Papa in the past.     

"N-Nnnnh!" Second tried to shout 'no,'but since he could no longer move his lips, only muffled sounds managed to escape his lips.     

If he could still move, it would be very easy for him to kill such a weak monster, but right now, his fate was dependent on the baby slime's mood, making him realize that he no longer had control over his fate.     

Eiko still had a calm expression when she unceremoniously dropped the Blast Bomb on Second's face.     

At that moment, time seemed to move in slow motion, making Second see the Blast Bomb slowly falling towards him.     

However, just as the Blast Bomb was about to hit his face, he saw the baby Slime open her lips to say something.     

Although no sound came out of her mouth, the Ranker was able to read her lips, understanding the word that she had said to him.     


That was the word that the baby Slime said and the last thing Second saw before the red-steel-ball landed on his face and exploded at point-blank-range.     

Deep under the earth, an explosion erupted.     

However, since it was so deep in the ground, no one on the surface heard Second's muffled scream. The Baby Slime mercilessly tossed several bombs at the person who was responsible for killing one of the most important people in her life.     

It was not only Lux and Cai who carried grudges.     

Eiko was the same, and just like them, she wouldn't stop until she saw the person whom she wanted to kill…     

Die in front of her very eyes.     

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