Cosmic Professional Gladiator

Void Celestial Battlefield

Void Celestial Battlefield

2Xu Jingming was the only one walking in a vast snowfield.     

The snowland was set to be infinite. At the very least, the area Xu Jingming could clearly sense with his mind was covered in ice and snow.     

Chi! Chi! Chi!     

Red patterns appeared over Xu Jingming's chest. He was using the environment to comprehend the flames of the auxiliary universe's creator.     

Suddenly, a figure walked over from the void—it was Secretary General Blacksky in a black robe.     

"Secretary General Blacksky." Xu Jingming stopped cultivating.     

"You applied to head to the Void Celestial battlefield?" Blacksky looked at Xu Jingming.     

"Yes." Xu Jingming nodded. "My mental strength has broken through to Lv. 11."     

Blacksky came to a realization.     

"You've always wanted to go to the Void Celestial battlefield, and I've been stopping you." Blacksky gazed at Xu Jingming. "I said that I was worried that you would lose the numbered Primordial Battle Armor and Primordial Fire Bead, but the most basic reason is that I was worried that it would destroy you."     

Xu Jingming was stunned.     

"The danger on the Hellion battlefield is manageable," Blacksky said. "The Hellions are very poor, and their evolutionary methods are barbaric. They only have those few means! Even if a cosmic legend kills you, the dean and the others can easily revive you. It won't affect your foundation."     

"But the Void Celestials might completely destroy you when you're weak." Blacksky gave Xu Jingming a deep gaze.     

"Destroy me?" Xu Jingming asked. "How?"     

"Do you think you'll be fine just because you can be revived?" Blacksky said. "Take Jane for instance. Because he saw the abyssal shadow in Sovereign Moyou's eyes, even though he was revived after death, he started cultivating the Dark volume due to the abyss's influence."     

"The Void Celestials have way more dangerous means that are even more terrifying than the abyssal shadow. Therefore, I had to be careful."     

Blacksky glanced at Xu Jingming and nodded. "You've improved in every aspect, and your mind has reached Lv. 11. No matter what kind of terrifying dangers you encounter, you can use Return before you die in battle."     

Xu Jingming nodded. "I'll return immediately when I encounter irresistible danger."     

"Primordial Battle Armor #9's Return can return to the Primordial Research Institute headquarters from anywhere. If you encounter indomitable danger, escape immediately. Don't hesitate!" Blacksky exhorted.     

Xu Jingming listened.     

Although his high-dimensional traveling was very impressive now, he could only travel thousands of light-years with a single step! It was far inferior to Return!     

"I believe you have some understanding of the Void Celestial battlefield," Blacksky said. He looked up, and a huge cosmic dominion map suddenly appeared in the sky above the snowland.     

Blacksky pointed at one spot. "The five cosmic sectors closest to the Void Celestial outline the battlefield!"     

"Of the five cosmic sectors, we have built battle planets as the battlefield for both parties," Blacksky introduced. "Battle planets are divided into Lv. 10 and Lv. 9 battle planets, and Lv. 10 and Lv. 9 battle planets are guarded by Lv. 10 and Lv. 9 Origin lifeforms respectively! The Void Celestials will also send Origin lifeforms to attack the battle planets, but the number of Origin lifeforms they send… will be far fewer than us."     

"We may send 30 Lv. 10 Origin lifeforms to guard the area, but they usually send several Lv. 10 Origin lifeforms for the assault," Blacksky continued.     

"We set up the battlefield, and we have more people, but they are the ones invading." Blacksky sighed. "They will wipe out a human habitable planet to celebrate their small victory. They will wipe out ten habitable planets for major victories. If human Origin lifeforms flee in fear of death upon a major victory, they will wipe out 100 habitable planets as punishment."     

Xu Jingming listened and asked, "If they win, they can slaughter the planet as a celebration? What if we win? Can we wipe out their Void Celestial planets?"     

"No." Blacksky shook his head. "If high-dimensional lifeforms don't make a move, those who dare to enter the Void Celestial territory and slaughter planets will face certain doom."     

"The troops they mobilize will all be high-dimensional," Blacksky said. "As long as the Void Celestials are willing, their troops can instantly be deployed across our 34 cosmic sectors."     

"But if we do that, the dean and the others will take action and wipe out all the enemies!" Blacksky looked at Xu Jingming. "Therefore, as long as the dean and the others are around, the Void Celestials won't dare to wage a genocidal war even if they have the advantage."     

Xu Jingming nodded.     

"To them, the war with us is a form of training!" Blacksky explained. "To fight the enemy with smaller numbers by barging into the enemy's battle planet to fight—it's a way to hone themselves!"     

"It's not just for us; it's the same for all the surrounding species," Blacksky continued. "Weak species will be completely destroyed and occupied by the Void Celestials; that's the reason for them having 92 cosmic sectors! The 'species' that exist around them are extremely strong. Even so, they are still bullied."     

"Although Gumo doesn't participate, the various high-dimensional treasures he left to the Void Celestial are incomparable to the surrounding species," Blacksky said. "The advantage of the treasures leaves the various species vulnerable."     

"With your strength, I'll dispatch you to Lv. 10 Battle Planet #11 in the Blue Swallow Cosmic Sector," Blacksky said. "Your mission is… to kill all the invading Void Celestials."     

"If you can't withstand it, escape! Your treasures are countless times more precious than 90 habitable planets." Blacksky gazed at Xu Jingming.     

The Void Celestials' major victory meant they would wipe out 10 habitable planets for a celebration. As long as any humans fled, they would wipe out 100 habitable planets.     

Arrogant human Origin lifeforms would rather die in battle than escape.     

Slaughtering our planets to celebrate? But we can't do the same to them. Xu Jingming felt aggrieved at being bullied for being weak. However, he also understood that this was the law of the universe!     

The weak were beaten or even wiped out!     

The human race had been crushed several times in history. The dark ages were much more terrifying than the mere slaughtering of some habitable planets.     

"I know what to do," Xu Jingming replied.     

"Okay." Blacksky nodded.     

The proudest and top powerhouses of humanity would go to the Void Celestial battlefield and experience such grievances and bullying. This was also a period of time every human powerhouse had to experience.     


Blue Swallow Cosmic Sector, Lv. 10 Battle Planet #11.     


Xu Jingming walked out of space and looked at the yellow planet in front of him.     

Lv. 10 Battle Planet #11—originally, this planet was only an uninhabited desolate planet. It was subsequently selected and turned into a Lv. 10 battle planet! The entire planet was refined to be indestructible; even a black hole couldn't tear apart this battle planet.     

It contained the technological crystallization of the human race and even contained all kinds of high-dimensional powers.     

On the battle planet, a total of 27 figures gathered in a command hall. All of them were Lv. 10 Origin lifeforms!     

"I heard that the Primordial Research Institute's Wu Ming will be coming."     

"He's the number one genius of this era."     

These Lv. 10 Origin lifeforms were all arrogant. After all, there were usually only a handful of people in every Star Alliance who could cultivate to Lv. 10. However, all of them thought highly of Xu Jingming.     

After all, the gap was too great. To become a Lv. 10 Origin lifeform at the age of 251 was amazing.     

"According to the orders from above, Senior Brother Wu Ming will be a captain when he arrives," a stocky man said. His body was as perfect as a sculpture, and he exuded infinite heat as he stood there.     

He was the Primordial Research Institute's Muno and also grasped high-dimensional powers. He was the captain before Xu Jingming arrived.     

"To be a captain, it's obvious that the research institute believes that Wu Ming's strength is number one in the team."     

"Senior Brother Muno is ranked in the top 20 in the research institute, but Senior Brother Wu Ming is actually stronger? He's only 381 years old, right? How does he cultivate?"     

"What a monster."     

"He reached this level at the age of 381."     

These Lv. 10 Origin lifeforms also guessed that Xu Jingming's treasures were probably in no way inferior to Deputy Dean Redmond and Senior Sister Primordial One from back then! However, one had to have the ability to unleash their treasures.     


A figure appeared out of thin air and appeared in the command hall. He wore the Primordial Battle Armor, and his eyes were calm and reserved. He looked at the surrounding Lv. 10 Origin lifeforms and smiled. "Hello, everyone. I'm Wu Ming!"     

"Wu Ming."     

"Junior Brother Wu Ming."     

"Captain Wu Ming."     

Instantly, these Lv. 10 Origin lifeforms looked at Xu Jingming with burning gazes.     

"As expected of you, Captain. The battle planet is heavily guarded, but you appeared here without raising any alarms," Muno said with a smile. "According to the orders from above, we will be following your orders in the future."     

Xu Jingming said, "I don't have any experience fighting the Void Celestials, so please give me more suggestions on how to deal with them."     

The 27 team members present glanced at each other.     

One of the winged golden-haired women said, "Wu Ming, I've fought the Void Celestials for tens of thousands of years. I'll explain it briefly."     

Xu Jingming nodded.     

He knew this woman; she was the famous Lv. 10 Origin lifeform in Eternal Academy, McEura. Her strength was about the same as Muno.     

"We have to try our best to use the entire battle planet to our advantage! Everyone works together and divides up the battlefield. We have to use our number advantage in a targeted fashion," the winged woman said. "With the right time, place, and people on our side, we have a chance of winning."     

"It can't be helped. The evolutionary methods they cultivate, their Indestructible Divine Crystals, their high-dimensional treasures, and their nurturing environment… are generally stronger than ours," the winged woman remarked. "Don't even think about fighting them one-on-one."     

Muno nodded as well. "Yes, don't even think about a one-on-one battle. Senior Brother Maxon came over more than 100 years ago and was invincible in the beginning! He won several times in a row. Later on, the Void Celestials sent an elite team, and their captain killed Senior Brother Maxon one-on-one."     

Xu Jingming nodded. "I've done some research before I came. I don't dare to have any arrogant thoughts when facing the Void Celestials."     

The 27 team members were slightly relieved when they heard that.     

This captain was too dazzling and talented. They were worried that their captain would be too confident and lead the entire team into tempting fate!     

"Everyone, let's sit down and chat. Tell me everything you're good at," Xu Jingming said with a smile. "This way, we can have better teamwork. Also, tell me how everyone worked together previously."     

Soon, the group of people sat around the long dining table and chatted as they ate.     

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