The Gambling House!

The Gambling House!

2Liu Kang arranges buildings with writing that makes him remember certain places on earth in his previous life.     

"This is a fairly large gambling house in this area, and this place is managed by someone I already know." Said Tang Ji while slowly entering the gambling house.     

Liu Kang immediately understood; surely, the gambling place was where all important information ended. Valuable information is a resource too, and in gambling places, all of that can be a gambling fee.     

When they entered, many pairs of eyes glanced at the Liu Kang group to measure them.     

Liu Kang raised his eyebrows a little when he saw a gambling house that didn't look like he thought.     

In all places, the house is seen as stones placed under, and some cultivators choose the stones.     

"This is a stone gambling house; many things are stored in the stone; it could be a golden broken, important material, or other tofu resources. On this first floor, gambling stones are very rare to produce good objects when destroyed. But on the top floor, the story will be very different. Even a cultivator found a very mysterious bone and eventually sold it for 10 million gold coins to members of the royal family." Tang Ji explained.     

"Tens of millions of gold coins?" Liu Kang's eyes widened because it was a large number of points when exchanged.     

"Heaven, why are gold coins valued as expensive by the system? Is there something special about gold coins?" Asked Liu Kang in his mind.     


[Gold coins in this world are unique, it contains several mysterious energy embedded in a gold mineral. In this world, the precious metal is created through several Qi that the system cannot explain]     

[And gold coins are more valuable than the Spirit Stone which hosts found in the green shell dimension even though the exchange rate is more expensive for high-class spirit stones]     

[The reason why that happens is that the gold mineral in this world has not been processed into something that It can use to be a cultivation material]     

The answer is that the system surprised Liu Kang. He did not think that the extensive gold coin circulated into something valuable.     

"For example, one gold coin has been processed into cultivation; how much is it?" Asked Liu Kang in his mind.     


[Start analyzing the important value of energy contained in gold coins]     

[56% - 79% - 100%]     

[A system will value one processed gold coin with a value of 2 points, one point is higher than the upper-class spirit stone]     

Liu Kang cursed the system because The system never told him that. He now understands why he bought a gold coin using the previous system of one point for one gold coin. At the same time, he sells ten gold coins for one point.     

The system once said that the value of buying and selling goods would be smaller than the ratio if it is an important object. And the unbearable gold coin is only equivalent to the quality of the middle-level spirit stone.     

"Heaven, do you have a way to process gold into cultivation?" Asked Liu Kang again in his mind.     


[There is no way to process gold for mortal or mortal craft skills to process gold in this world to be a cultivation material]     

"Is that skill at the eternal level?" Asked Liu Kang again.     

[Host Questions Cannot Be Answer]     

The system answers immediately make Liu Kang understand that there are such skills at the eternal level. If not, the system will answer immediately if there is no.     

Now Liu Kang increasingly understands the system; it's like being bound by something even though he is the host today.     

Only when he reaches the conditions to find out the system will immediately answer the question.     

"Why are you daydreaming?" Tang Ji asked, surprised to look at Liu Kang.     

"There isn't anything." Liu Kang immediately answered after being aware of his reverie by the voice of Tang Ji.     

"Come on; we're going to the top floor to find that person." Tang Ji immediately led Liu Kang, Tang Kong, and Tang Kuan when the three nodded.     

And this time, Liu Kang also understood that he had to collect many gold coins to dismantle something about it when it reached a certain level.     

On the other hand, Liu Kang still seemed to keep thinking about how to collect large amounts of gold coins. Now understand that the natural resources in the world that yes is gold which contains energy or special qi that makes it very valuable.     

Come to think of it, he is still trying to understand why the green shell dimension has a spirit stone while the main world is not there. So far, the cultivators mine valuable resources and make it a proper payment tool.     

When he was walking towards the stairs, Liu Kang thought of something that made him a little excited. When the four of them went up to the 2nd floor, which had fewer stones than the lower floor, Liu Kang immediately did the things he wanted to try.     

"Heaven, check all the contents of the stone!" Liu Kang ordered in his mind. If what he thinks can happen, he will become rich in an eye without the need to find gold coins with difficulty.     




[Rubbish... ]     

[Rubbish... ]     

[Precious material ...]     

[Rubbish... ]     

[Rubbish... ]     

The notice constantly entered Liu Kang's head, which annoyed him because he forgot that there were so many stones in that place. It is only possible for some of the collections, and the system does not say which of the stone contains garbage or important objects.     

"Tch! It seems I have to check it with the system later one by one." Inner Liu Kang. But he was very excited because his prediction was true that the system could indeed check the contents of the stone. This is expertise or, rather, cheating abilities.     

Tang Ji saw the change in Liu Kang's face, "What's wrong? Are you interested in these stones?" He asked, surprised.     

"A little," Liu Kang answered with a small smile.     

"You better not try because most of the stones contain trash. Besides, we cannot check it with our qi because the stones are made of strange qi, which is dense and cannot be penetrated at all." Tang Ji suggested Liu Kang not try because he would only spend gold coins.     

"We will see later when I try it!" Liu Kang replied with a mysterious smile.     

Tang Ji only glanced at Liu Kang briefly and wondered whether the child had wisdom. Many motivators have gone bankrupt due to stone gambling. But he did not comment anymore because it was not his right to forbid someone even though he did not know that Liu Kang had a cheating way of finding out the contents of the stone.     

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