Near Death!

Near Death!

3"Damn human! You will pay for it!" Whale King Xirus' voice resounded throughout the ruins, making all the cultivators' hearts beat wildly.     

Liu Kang, who was in a flying upward position, spontaneously looked down.     


A water explosion occurred as the jet-black head of Whale King Xirus lunged at him.     



[Recommended Avoiding attacks that will kill the Host]     

Liu Kang ignored the system notification as he stared at the gigantic black iron plated with aquamarine Qi as if to head towards it.     

"We die!" Liu Kang muttered because it was impossible to dodge due to the size of Whale King Xirus like an island. He, of course, won't be able to cross an island in 2-3 seconds.     

Fei Lan, staring at that, only hugged Liu Kang tightly, feeling their history was finished.     


A huge explosion suddenly occurred, sending Liu Kang and Fei Lan flying far from the blast wave.     


Whale King Xirus screamed from feeling the pain of someone attacking him. Even though the attack wasn't that strong, Whale King Xirus' current Posture wasn't defensive, so he felt pain when being hit hard by someone. Moreover, his brain is badly injured, so he can't use his Qi stably.     


Whale King Xirus' body that fell back into the water caused the water to explode and spread in all directions like a tsunami.     

While hugging Fei Lan, Liu Kang also stabilized his body, which was blown very far from its original position.     

"Huh... Ahhh... Huh..." Liu Kang's breath was a bit rough this time because he managed to survive the death that came to him.     

Fei Lan, who was trembling, breathed very fast because previously, she held her breath while accepting death that was so close.     

"It turns out that you caused this trouble, Stinky brat! I wondered, what exactly did you think you provoked such a hideous creature to make it that angry!"     

Liu Kang immediately looked toward the source of the voice with a slightly nervous face. At a distance of 10 meters, he saw a very beautiful mature woman and looked at her with a dark face of dissatisfaction.     

"Long time no see, Miss Jane Shang..." Liu Kang said with a very awkward smile.     

"Long time no see? Is it true that we haven't seen each other for a long time?" Jane Shang asked with a cold face and glanced at Fei Lan in Liu Kang's arms.     

When Jane Shang glanced at Fei Lan, she was immediately shocked because she didn't expect that there would be another genius as high as Xiaoching Wei or even higher on the sky continent. She was currently wondering who Fei Lan was.     

Fei Lan's eyes stared straight at Jane Shang and what became her focus was Jane Shang's Breasts. "How did it get that big?" she thought.     

"Husband, who is this woman?" Fei Lan asked, looking at Liu Kang suspiciously because Jane Shang was still her husband with a gaze as if she wanted to devour him.     

"Husband?" Jane Shang's eyebrows rose slightly. He was even more surprised that a woman like that called Liu Kang a husband. After only a few days of not seeing each other, Liu Kang already had another woman in the palm of his hand.     

Liu Kang's face twitched slightly, hearing the husband's words from Fei Lan's mouth. He was completely unable to respond to the question.     

"Husband? So you are Liu Kang's wife... Did you know that your husband likes..." Jane Shang raised her big breasts while stopping her words.     

Liu Kang's face darkened when he saw Jane Shang wanted to play him again.     

"Does husband… Don't you like mine?" Fei Lan asked hurriedly while looking at her big breasts, although they weren't as big as Jane Shang's.     

Jane Shang was silent for a moment. She just wanted to try. Is it true that the two of them have a relationship? Even then, she realized that there was something between the two of them. She glanced at Liu Kang and Fei Lan's fingers. She twitched slightly as she stared at the same ring.     


Before anyone could speak anymore, Whale King Xirus shouted again in a very shrill voice.     

Jane Shang's face was serious instantly, and they looked at the spiritual beast. "Say brat... What did you do to make Whale King Xirus angry?" She asked.     

"We were just messing with his brains, trying to eat us first. We never bothered this stupid whale, but he devoured us. We just taught him a good lesson. Isn't that husband?" Fei Lan asked with a smile, representing Liu Kang answering Jane Shang's question.     

Liu Kang took a deep breath and nodded slightly.     

Fei Lan's answer made Jane Shang wonder a bit. How did Liu Kang get to the Whale King Xirus' brain after being devoured?     

"Human! Do you want to challenge me!?" Whale King Xirus shouted angrily, and an enormous pressure fell over an extremely wide scope.     


The pressure around them vanished instantly when Jane Shang waved her arm.     

Fei Lan, originally pale, was shocked to stare at Jane Shang in disbelief that this hot and beautiful young lady could easily disperse the pressure from the spirit beast.     

"She is very strong... Husband! Do you know the strength of that woman?" Fei Lan asked and looked at Jane Shang, who was looking down, and her body was enveloped in a faint black Aura.     

"Yes. She has reached the Sage Realm Third stage." While looking at Jane Shang, who was covered in an extremely powerful-looking aura, Liu Kang replied.     

Jane Shang gave Liu Kang a sidelong glance. She was surprised how Liu Kang kept track of her cultivation level, which she never even told anyone, including her two students.     

"Challenging you? What do you mean, Whale King Xirus?" asked Jane Shang. Even though the sound wasn't very loud, Whale King Xirus could still hear it. The language they both used was the same as the language from the Green Shell world that Liu Kang's actions had destroyed.     

Meanwhile, Fei Lan was also surprised that Jane Shang knew about the language spoken in the Light and Dark Continent. Like her, she immediately understood that Jane Shang was from another continent. She was no longer astonished by Jane Shang's current strength level as there were many strong experts on the other two continents.     

"What do you mean don't challenge me? You attacked me earlier, and you are still asking?" Whale King Xirus, who was currently angry, immediately opened his mouth wide.     


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