My Husband is My Professor and Boss



3She was sitting on the bed with both legs spread and chewing the chips. On either side of her were packets of chips of different flavours. She had a remote in one hand and was constantly changing TV channels. After getting bored of all the channels, she decided to watch the news.      

When she opened the news channel, the only news that was constantly being broadcast was that the dead body of Mr. Reid, a famous industrialist in the city and the country, was found in a very bad condition, which was almost impossible to identify. Mr. Red had been missing for several days. And when some tests were done on the found body, it was confirmed that the body was Mr. Red's.     

The news spread like wildfire throughout the city, and Mr. Reid's horrific murder shocked everyone.     

After hearing the news, unknowingly Avery's thoughts stopped to Alex. 'Is Alex's hand behind this murder?' The thought came to her head.     

She quickly got down from the bed and went near the washroom door after linking the tip of her finger. She heard the sound of the running water. She knew who was in the washroom and what he was doing.     

"Alex." She called him. She was in such a hurry to ask Alex about Mr. Red that she didn't even wait for him to come out of the washroom.     

"Alex." She voiced again, "Are you listening to me....." She paused for Alex response and when the sound of running water stopped she got a little courage. "The news of Mr. Red's murder is being broadcast on TV. Do you know anything abou....." Stopping her words in the middle, the washroom door burst opened and half-naked Alex stood in front of her with his towering figure. His lower body was wrapped in a white towel and his upper wet body on display.     

"What happened? You are alright." He quickly grabbed her shoulders in a gently strong grip and scanned her entire body with his blue eyes. There was a concern for her in his eyes.     

While his naked body was standing under the cold shower, his alerted ears suddenly heard his wife's voice and he immediately turned off the shower. His heartbeat suddenly increased due to her sudden voice. And the only thought that came to his mind was that everything would be fine. He didn't hear what Avery told him after that because he was in a hurry to get out of the washroom.     

"I'm fine." She unknowingly put her hand on his bare chest and a kind of energy filled his whole body. Avery did not know     

Unknowingly, what effect she was doing on him.     

"Then why you called me." He closed his eyes to control the desire rising in his body and set his wet messy hair with both hands running through his hair, after releasing his grip on her shoulders.     

"I was just....." Removing one hand from his chest, she pointed her finger at the TV and immediately Alex understood what she wanted to ask.     

"You know about this."     

"What do you mean? It is being shown on TV which means the whole country knows."     

Just as he was about to walk into the closet after passing her, Avery grabbed his elbow. "I don't know why, but I think your hand is behind this murder." She said in her low voice.     

"And why do you think so?" He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath and rested his head on her shoulder. Moments later her loose cotton top began to get wet with the water dripping from her hair which made her realize that her husband was just in the towel. And she became nervous.     

"Tell me Ave."     

" I do not know. But my feeling is saying that."     

" Then your feeling is right.     

"Hmm.... W...what.?" She shuttered. Alex after college hover     

After finishing college hours, Alex went straight to his underground base without going to the company. He gave a very cruel death gift to Mr. Red with his hand and then threw his body on side of the road in a deserted area. If he had wanted to, he could have vanished his body, but he had another plan in mind. And the way Alex treated Mr. Red's body created an atmosphere of fear throughout the city.     

He had no intention of telling Avery about this. He didn't want her to be stressed during pregnancy. But because she had already guessed, he decided to tell her. But still, he was not going to tell her the whole truth.     

"He was the one who sent the men to attack us in the temple. He was the same person who had replaced the two maids in our mansion."     

"What!" She just had this reaction. Because her head had taken time to process what Alex said. In fact, she did not believe him in the first place. Because Mr Red was an elderly businessman and a social worker. He gave a bright future to many orphans. He was invited as a guest in many schools and colleges. According to Avery's memory, he was once called to her school too.     

"It's hard to believe." She uttered in her soft voice which made Alex to lifted his head and looked at her.     

He cupped her Angelic face in his magnificent palms.     

"You don't believe me." His voice was a little hurt that Avery immediately noticed.     

"'s not like that. His image was very clear in     

society so it is hard to believe." She cleared herself.     

"What we see every time is not true. Reality is too far from it.     

He was a bad man. Now is not the time to tell you the full story, but you have to know that if I had let him live, he would not have let you live." Fear gripped her body and she immediately wrapped her arms around his waist.     

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