My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-196 - That Bastard Behind All This.

CH-196 - That Bastard Behind All This.

3Alex's sharp gaze was moving on the white paper in the black file in his hand. His chair was away from the glass table which was giving him enough free space for placing his right leg on his left. Fred was standing a little behind Alex's right hand waiting for his boss's order.     

When Fred went full depth, he understood that the matter that happened in the hospital today was related to the child's kidnapping and trafficking in the city. And in the midst of all this, after knowing who is the Master Mind behind all this, it was as if the ground beneath his feet slipped.     

Max's patience ran out with every page of the file flipped. He was tapping his feet on the floor and waiting to hear the information contained in the file from Alex's mouth. And in the next moment, seeing Alex's lips curved into a smirk Max's eyebrows pulled together.     

"Why are you smirking?" Max leaned forward on the table.     

"See this by yourself." Alex moved the file in his hand towards Max. And when Max read that file, he frowned, "That bastard behind all this. He did not even leave small children. And how can you smirking on all this?"     

"Because...." While getting up from the chair Alex pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and lit a cigar. He put a cigarette in his slightly parted lips, pulled a large amount of smoke into his mouth. Holding for a moment he blew into the air creating a big puff, "..... Because we can start trapping him from here. We can start forcing him to come here. We can now use his loyal man against him." He came to Max's side and picked up the bottle of whiskey which was in front of Max which still had some amount of whiskey.     

He took the bottle to his lips and gulped the whole remaining whiskey in one gulp. He had no problem drinking the leftover whiskey of Max. Because when they both tasted alcohol for the first time at the age of nineteen, they both tested it from the same glass. From then on, they both started believing in 'sharing in caring' for alcohol.     

"You have a plan?" Max lifted his eyes and looked at Alex suspiciously.     

"The most beautiful plan for the dirtiest sinner in the world." Alex pulled the corner of his lip and looked at Fred raising his perfectly shaped eyebrows upward. "Fred You have to destroy all their bases in the city. And make sure I want all of them alive in my torture room. I just want all of them alive, not in good condition. I hope you understand what I mean."     

"Yes, Boss!" And with that Fred left from there to fulfil his mission.     

- - - -     

It was still dark outside. Still, the darkness of night was not gone yet. Because right now it's only three in the morning. There were three to four hours for the morning sun to rise. Avery was in deep slumber, but in the very next second her closed eyes shot open from her slumber due to unbearable nausea. Her head was aching too.     

She looked here and there around but there was no sign of Alex. After rubbing her sleepy eyes she supported her body by placing both her palms on the soft bed on either side of her body and sat up. She placed both her feet on the cold floor and dragged her own body towards the washroom with great difficulty.     

She brushed her teeth to reduce the bitterness in her mouth after throwing the whole thing out of her stomach. She was already exhausted from what had happened all day, and now she vomited, leaving nothing in her stomach. After three to four hours of sleep, the power and energy she had gained now felt like a completely drained out after puking. She started feeling weak. She started feeling dizzy.     

But her dizziness runs away when the thought of Liam came to her head. She put her hand on the wall of the washroom and came out with the support of that wall. With great difficulty, she started walking towards the door, and in her mind, she started cursing Alex for not being with her there when she needed him most.     

She came near the door. She scanned her thumb on the scanner and she opened the door by turning the doorknob. She was now very well aware of this VIP room of Martin Hospital. Now, this VIP room was like her another bedroom. Whenever something happened to her, she would end up in this room. On the same bed.     

From toothbrush to slippers and from small handkerchief to a log gown, had everything in this room she needed most.     

This room was always locked when she was not admitted to the hospital and no one was allowed to enter her room. She peeked out. Corridor was not that much crowded because it was three in the morning. Only two to three nurses who were on night duty were doing their rounds.     

She set her foot out of the room and forwarded four to five steps leaning against the wall.     

"Ma'am, do you need anything?" A nurse came forward, who spotted Avery a moment ago and asked very politely.     

"No, I don't."     

"Then you should go to your room. It is not advisable to wander around in such a low state." The nurse feared that if Avery was spotted walking out by CEO Max, how maybe on his night round around the hospital, she would lose her job.     

"I was just going to see my brother." Avery gave her a simple answer and started slowly walking again. She had a strong desire to see Liam in her heart so she didn't waste time trying to convince the nurse.     

But before she could take more steps, a strong hand was placed on her lower belly from behind and she was pulled back in the next moment, causing her back to hit on a hard and wide chest. Felling the presence of someone she stiffened on the spot.     

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