My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-321 Insulted

CH-321 Insulted

0He was clenching his jaw very strongly. His hands were in his pockets and he was very irritated. And the reason was his wife. His wife had started playing with Ben and Kia again and this time she was ignoring his words as well. So far he had forbidden her several times about running but it did not affect her. She was behaving like a brat completely. He was just following the three of them with a cold expression.     

Here and there she was running after Ben and Kia to catch them. Her running speed was not high but still, it was not safe for her. Alex had tried many times to stop her, but by saying, "It's ok Alex, not will happen anything," she was just ignoring him. And because he didn't want to scold her in front of everyone, he was controlling himself very patiently.     

Suddenly at one point, her leg got caught in something and she fell. It was so sudden that she didn't have time to react. But before her body would hit the ground, someone caught her. Her eyes were tightly closed due to fear and her hands were holding the arms of the person who was holding her. It was definitely not her husband's arms. She was very well aware of her husband's strong arms and now the arms she was holding were not so strong and large.     

When she opened her eyes, the grey eyes of the stranger were in front of her eyes. His eyes were looking directly into hers which made her feel a little uncomfortable and she broke eye contact with him. His hands were still on her waist which also made her feel uneasy but she couldn't push him directly as he saved her from falling. And if she had done that, it would have been her rude behaviour.     

With his help, stood to her feet and was about to say to him "You can leave me now," when her hand was caught in the familiar strong grip and she was turned violently which automatically removed the stranger's hand from her waist. The stranger was the eldest grandson of the old caretaker couple who was almost two years older than Avery. He was a quiet handsome young man with a lean personality.     

Avery looked at her husband who was raging like an angry bull. His eyes were bloodshot with rage and his grip was so tight on her arm that she squirmed. "I fucking told you, don't run. Didn't I?" he said, gritting his teeth.     

"Answer to my fucking question." Seeing that she was still ignoring him and trying to free her arm from his grip he asked her this time in a loud voice which gained everyone's attention. He yanked her closer causing her front to hit his chest.     

"I told you not to run here there, but you're such a brat. Who won't listen to a word I say." His sudden outburst not only scared Avery, but Ben and Kia as well, and soon Ben hid behind his sister.     

He caught her jaw in an unbearably strong grip and tilted her head upwards. She felt like her jaw was going to dislocate.     

The caretaker's grandson was standing in his earlier place watching all this but when Alexander looked at him with a pointed gaze, he immediately retreated. Alex then turned his attention back to his wife. "Cat Got Your Tongue Or you're ignoring me again." She shook her head at his question.     

"Don't fucking fucking shake your head like you are a mute person. I want an answer in words," he shouted again causing her body to tremble on the spot.     

"Yes," his every word was sharp like a knife which made it hard to speak but somehow she managed to utter a single word in a barely whisper.     

"Yeah, what?." His grip on her arm tightened even more causing his nails to dig into her soft skin. She saw through the corners of her eyes that all the labourers were looking at them dropping their work. Most of them were looking at her with pity while some females were looking at her mockingly.     

She felt very humiliated. She never thought that he would treat her like this in front of a stranger. Immediately pearl like couple of tears fell from her eyes and she said in a very painful voice. "You're hurting me."     

That was enough to snap Alexander out of his furious state. He quickly released his grip on her arm and jaw but it was already too late. She had dark purple and red bruises on her jaw and his nails had already dug into the delicate skin of her arm, causing a small amount of blood to come out.     

He regretted seeing the broken expression on her face. He knew that he fucked up big time. "I'm sorry." He lifted his hand to place it on her cheek but before his hand touched her cheek she took a step back. "Ave, I ...." Before he could finish his sentence, she turned and left with a fast step. Seeing her retreating figure he wanted to stop her but suddenly his body felt numb. He had done very wrong this time. He could have explained to her gently but he was harsh like every time.     

But he had been trying to tell her very patiently till now and she was not listening to him all the time. She was acting like a stubborn child and because of that, he was more angry.     

He was worried about her and what was wrong with this?     

Frustrated, he ran his hands through his hair and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. "Is there any live show going on here?" After opening his eyes, when he saw that the labourer in the field was still looking at him, he roared like a lion. "Shit" he cursed himself under his breath. At the time of scolding Avery, he had forgotten about these labourers completely because his full attention was only on her. Now he understood how much his wife must have felt humiliated in front of them.     

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