The Sinful Life of The Emperor

Epilogue (End of Vol. 1)

Epilogue (End of Vol. 1)


Delta Air Base.


A military aircraft landed on the runway. Some distance away, Senator Patrick Weisz, Sylvan, and Morgan stood with bouquets in their hands.

In a few minutes, the cargo door opened. Patrick and others looked at each other and then walked towards the back of the aircraft.

"Welcome to Delta City!" Patrick said as a group of twenty stepped out of the aircraft.

The head of the group was a blond-haired man with a spiky haircut. He wore a black coat along with dark specs.

"Glad to be here!" The man shook hands with Patrick.

"Sir, welcome to the city," Morgan said as the man came in front of him for a handshake.

"Morgan, don't be so formal," The man placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Liam, if you say so!" Morgan replied with a smirk, "I'm glad you finally brought your lazy ass here!"

"Haha, now that's the spirit," Liam looked at Morgan's worn-out face and said, "Seemed like you didn't get any rest."

"Yeah," Morgan responded with a sigh, "The last three weeks have been crazy."

"Rest assured you would get enough rest now," Liam turned towards his team who were bringing out the cargo, "All arrangements have been completed so let us start."


In a residential apartment on the outskirts of Delta City.

"Thanks for the information," Rufus said on the phone, "We truly appreciate it."

"The chief dogs of government have arrived?" A man asked Rufus after the latter put down the phone.

"Yes," Rufus glanced over the table where multiple maps of the city were placed, "We would take our time with the arrangements just like Count Viper told us."

"Not if we take the help from the sleeper cells," A woman argued, "Besides we have help from the son of---"

The woman stopped when she felt Rufus' glare on him.

"I was just suggesting," The woman said in a low voice, "Prolonging it for months would be disadvantageous for us."

Rufus thought for a minute and nodded.

"We will go with your suggestion," Rufus said, "All government dogs would be occupied so now is a good opportunity."

"We should select a good day then," the woman replied.

"Yes," Rufus agreed, "But we shouldn't be hasty otherwise we would fail."

The others agreed after a few more security arrangements were discussed to avoid complications.

A few minutes later, Rufus stepped into another room where a red suitcase was placed. A fingerprint scanner was visible on the surface of the suitcase.

Rufus placed his right hand on the scanner and a moment later, a thorn emerged. He pressed his index finger on the thorn, and a drop of blood was sucked by it.

[[Fingerprint, Heat signature, and DNA verified]] The suitcase opened up.

Rufus grabbed the cylindrical glass pod filled with blue liquid.

"For liberating the world from oppressors!" Rufus' eyes were filled with determination, "For the glory of the Old World!"


Somewhere in the State of Avalon.

Kurtis appeared before the entrance of Mahayana Dhyana Monastery. The gate was in the shape of a golden wheel, or to be precise, in the form of a 'Dharma Chakra' with eight spokes.

Located in a hilly area, the monastery was simple, and seemed one with nature as long as one doesn't notice the presence of dozens of antennas at the backdrop.

The monastery occupied a vast area with separate buildings for residence and praying rooms.

Presently, a group of children played in the courtyard while older monks looked over them with happy smiles. All over the mood was joyous.

"Rebecca, you would get no chance to find that bastard of yours!" Kurtis thought with an evil grin on his face, "He would die in a few hours!"

Kurtis took out a gold coin from his pocket. The coin has an inscription of a Dharma Chakra just like the gate.

"No! It would be even better to let that bastard live after turning his brain into a vegetable!" Kurtis further thought with malice in his eyes, "Her reactions would be priceless after she finds him!"

He threw the gold coin in the middle of the gate, and suddenly, a golden light radiated around along with the chimes of a bell.

Within a span of two minutes, a team of five monks arrived to welcome Kurtis.

"We are honored to have your presence here," One of the monks said, "Please allow us to guide you."

Kurtis nodded and followed them. They passed by many buildings and stopped when they arrived in front of a building with a large dome.

"We hope your stay is pleasant," The monk from before added, "And forgive us for we can't accompany you further."

"I understand," Kurtis looked at the large stone door and replied, "You can leave."

"Yes," the team of five monks left the area.

As Kurtis stepped forward to push the door, the door automatically opened up to reveal a large hall.

"You are finally here," A three-eyed monk said. He was sitting on a crystal platform in a lotus position. 

"Akshobhya," Kurtis greeted by giving a slight bow, "I'm sure you know the reason for my visit."

Akshobhya looked at Kurtis with interest...


Central District, Delta City.

The headquarters of Sky Fiend Group was in the form of a business park. The park was full of multiple offices and labs for conducting various researches.

Unknown to the most, the facilities above were just smokescreen. The true core area of Sky Fiend Group was located below the ground, in the form of seven storied underground facilities.

Floor: (-) 7.

The lowest floor was a restricted zone even among the top echelons of Sky Fiend Group. The entire floor was occupied by a single instrument: a large stasis capsule.

Even large would be being modest for its length was no less than a ten-storied building. It was filled with a crystalline red liquid.

"Just a few more months..." The being inside the capsule muttered in deep sleep, "Just a few more..."

If Rhea was here, she would be shocked by the being inside the stasis capsule. This being was none other than the one she saw in her visions of the future.

The one Kiba swore to kill no matter what! The one who ran away for its life when the world turned gray!


Dear readers,

This chapter concludes the first volume: Pursuit of Dreams. I have written 150K+ words in the 102 chapters so far.

Now that I look back, I believe the starting 10-15 chapters could have been better. Alas, it is far too late to make changes to them.

Still, as an author they have taught me something valuable: Don't write whatever comes in your mind. A lesson worth learning.

Honestly, I never thought I would focus much on this novel for it was an experiment just like 'Chronicles of The Great Chicken'.

I wanted to write about a shameless scoundrel who would do as he pleases, unafraid of the moral convictions of the world. Basically, the story of a true devil as explained in Chapter 33. He would kill as he pleases or even helps others as long as it is his own will. Not because it was a good or bad thing to do.

Of course, for any story to develop, you need side characters and the world-building. Eva, Felicity, Agatha, Rebecca, Ice Queen, Claudia, and two unintroduced women were the characters I had already created before I wrote the first chapter.

Other characters were created as the story progressed.

The one character which I personally love is Erone/the young guard. He was created when I was writing Chapter 7 (his debut chapter as well where he is the main focus). His unplanned introduction gave rise to many interesting events which finally resulted in the creation of Good Husband.

Ah well...he is the true devotee of Lord Kiba so can't expect anything less from him. I really want to write more about him.

Was the journey as an author fun? The answer is a mix of yes and no. It was enjoyable to write about Kiba's antics but it was both physically and mentally draining to write in a web novel format.

The greatest difficulty I faced was managing different elements: Kiba's dreams, humor, and the main plotline. Sometimes I was afraid a joke would be too offensive so I held back. Slowly I'm learning to cope up with this fear.

World government, revolutionaries, Atlantis, and the House of Hestia. So many storylines but only one common point: Kiba.

Then there is Hope...

These storylines would converge in the second volume and we will see a conclusion to some of the elements introduced in the first volume. 

Volume 2 would start from tomorrow. The title would be revealed after 4-5 chapters since it is a spoiler for now.

Rest assured, even when serious arcs start, the novel won't lose its main essence of being fun! There would be no tragedy, kidnapping, or anything that leaves bitter taste! I promise you that! Just be patient when you think I'm going back on my words... because I won't disappoint your expectations!

From volume 2, the novel would be premium. So far I have written for free, and hopefully, you will consider my novel worthy enough to invest real money ^.^

Sadly free coins (earned from daily check-ins, viewing videos, voting, etc) don't carry any monetary value for authors even though they could be used to unlock locked chapters ^_^ So if possible, please consider using premium coins to financially support me :)

Going premium was a decision I took to have financial security in my life. It was also to ensure that I can dedicate more time to the novel; both in writing and planning future arcs.

This can be only possible if you continue to support Kiba on the Holy Journey! There would be many threats obstructing his pursuit of dreams but he will overcome them, as long as you are there to cheer him on.

To turn the world into a better place filled with only happiness... Kiba needs you! Please continue to support the Holy Mission!

Thank you.

- True Seeker

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