The Sinful Life of The Emperor

Unexpected Conclusion

Unexpected Conclusion


Half an hour later, Zed and Jessica found themselves in an underground basement. The walls looked crude with no paint but they seemed to have survived the test of time. What caught Zed's attention was the motion sensors and cameras.

"Seems like your boss is truly serious about his job," Zed wasn't stingy with the praises. The group remained silent while walking further.

"Their boss is a woman named Irina," Jessica corrected him.

"Oh?" Zed pretended to be surprised. Actually, he has his guesses when he heard the fatty ordering behalf of his 'sister'.

"I will request their boss on your behalf... please, let me handle this," Jessica was truly worried about him.

"Sure, if possible I don't want to die," Zed replied.

"Where is your arrogance from before?" Monto couldn't help but grin at Zed's fate. He has even planned how he will kill Zed.

"If you harm Zed then I will never help you!" Jessica stepped in front of Zed. She used her role as the healer as a bargaining chip.

"I have heard your brother has just started attending school. It will be terrible if he was hit by a car on his way to school!" Monto said with a smirk.


Jessica felt her determination wavering. The gang has always used her family to make her do their biddings. Once she has tried to use the help of the police but the police moved her in circles. Later on, she learned that the gang has bribed the police officers.

"I meant what I said! If you harm Zed, I will not help you ever!" Jessica declared resolutely. She knew this was the time to fight back otherwise they will never stop.

"Bitch, you won't shed tears till you see your brother in the coffin?" Monto gritted his teeth in anger. He has never seen her so determined.

"What about your friends?" Jessica hit back," Could you afford the costly treatment from hospitals regularly?"

There was regular face-off among rival gangs that resulted in causalities. Jessica could help them in reducing the causalities but what if she refused?


Monto's eyes blazed with fury. This bitch has never talked back before! But today she was warning them with consequences?!

Zed was surprised by Jessica's determination. He didn't think she had what it takes to fight back given the threat to her family.

"I guess she always knew her value to the gang but never spoke due to her fear of her family's safety," Zed thought with a smile, "The incidents at the academy made her realize she has to step up for her rights otherwise the bullying would never end."

Perhaps she has always known this but lacked the courage to take the first step.

"Why the fuck are you smiling?" Monto noticed his smile.

"You didn't mention smiling was forbidden," Zed answered. He noticed an empty seat and made himself comfortable there.

Monto wanted to attack but Zima stopped him.

"Let us inform Irina first," Zima reasoned. He then ordered Jessica to follow them in the other room so that she can heal their comrades.

"Unless Irina guarantees me Zed's safety, I am not going to help you at all!" Jessica was adamant in her decision. She sat in a seat opposite of Zed.

Monto and Zima controlled their anger and took their leave.


In a room some distance away, Zima explained the situation to a woman who appeared to be in her thirties. She was blessed with a slim body and creamy pale skin tone.

"Sis, we can't give in to Jessica! Otherwise, she would get out of our control!" Monto explained his stand.

Irina nodded. If they allowed Jessica to take a victory once then her demands would rise.

"That kid will die!" Irina made her decision. She has to let Jessica know that she lacks any bargaining rights by killing this kid. She was sure Jessica will have no choice but to follow the gang unless she wanted her family members to die.

"Let me meet the kid who dared harm my brother!"

Irina stepped towards the room where Zed and Jessica were sitting.


Jessica noticed Irina while Zed was oblivious since he was sitting in the opposite direction.

"Jessica, you got some guts to demand the safety of a man who harmed my brother!" Irina thundered.

"Irina, you are wrong. Monto attacked him first!" Jessica explained.

"Shut up!" Irina threw a threatening gaze.

She then walked towards the chair where Zed was sitting. She really wanted to see what type of man has influenced Jessica.

"Sis, kill him!"

Monto laughed from behind.

"Am I going to die?"

Zed turned around and saw a woman walking towards him. He thought she was rather good-looking, and that made him feel sad since he planned to kill everyone here.

"Yes! You are going to regret every decision you ever made!" Monto couldn't control his excitement, "Sis, kill him slowly!"

Monto then noticed something strange. His sister froze on the spot like a statue.


Irina's face turned pale. Her entire body precipitated heavily as if she has seen a ghost.

"Y-you are Zed!" Irina muttered in disbelief.

"I am," Zed nodded his head," And you must be Irina. I wish I could say it is a pleasure to meet you but honestly, it isn't."

Irina felt her scalp numbing. Quickly she turned around, and without any warning, slapped her brother. The slap was so heavy that it made Monto roll in the air for some time before falling on the floor.


Everyone in the room was shocked. Wasn't she supposed to punish Zed and not her brother?


Zed was also surprised by her actions but then he thought of something.

Outside, the hovercraft was in stealth mode with its laser guns aimed at the vital areas of the building. Claudia has hacked into the surveillance cameras so she was able to observe everything inside. The sudden turn of events startled her. 

[[At last, a smart person among a group of idiots.]] Claudia remarked. She put the weapons on standby and continued to monitor the situation.


Irina landed a kick on Zima. "Argh!" Zima cried as he slammed on the wall and coughed up blood mixed with two teeth.

"What's going on!?" Jessica was shocked by the turn of events. Why was Irina beating her subordinates?

The others in the room were horrified.

What the fuck is going on here?

Irina turned towards Jessica and said, "I have punished my brother and my subordinate so I hope there is no bad blood between us. Furthermore, I hope you can continue to help us."

"?!" Jessica was having a hard time believing the words coming out of Irina's mouth.

The high and mighty leader of the group was actually speaking like this?! 

"Sis, what are you doing?" Monto angrily asked.

"Shut up, idiot!" Irina made a threatening gesture.

"Jessica won't be helping you," Zed suddenly spoke.

"Z-Zed, please understand the deal is good for her as well! We are paying her so she is not in loss either!" Irina tried to reason.

"Pay?" Jessica was startled.

When was she paid for helping the gang?

Seeing Jessica's startled expression, Irina understood it was the worst-case scenario. Once again, she raised her hand and slapped her brother.

"You embezzled the money that was her payment?"

Irina wished her brother was dead. In any relationship, it was necessary to have some goodwill even if the foundation was built on fear.

"Sis, I thought it was a waste to pay her---"

"So you embezzled the money?" Irina landed another slap on his face.

"You can punish your brother later," Zed left his chair and said, "First pay Jessica what you owe along with the interest. Then make a digital confession absolving her of any guilt for all the help she gave you."

Jessica was surprised by his demands. Not only was he demanding money but also a digital confession. A confession that could help prove Jessica's innocence if anyone checked her background and found criminal links.


Irina grudgingly agreed. She went away to an adjacent room for preparing the settlement.

Zed noticed Monto's sorry state but he could pretty much judge the type of hate and malice Manto has for him and Jessica.

He turned towards one of the cameras and muttered, "There are too many insects here."

Outside, through the cameras, Claudia read the lip movement of her master.

[[Understood, sir.]]

The base of the hovercraft opened up and a small, mechanical wasp flew out. The wasp flapped its wings and entered the basement,  undetected by the motion sensors.

Manto couldn't understand his sister's behavior today.

Why was she so kind to this bastard and that bitch?

He touched his face to feel the swollen cheeks and the blood leaking from lips. Suddenly, from behind, he felt something stinging on his neck. He turned around and saw a wasp quickly fleeing.

"Damn, even insects are stinging me today!" Monto cursed loudly.


Ten minutes later, Zed and Jessica left the building. There was a suitcase in Jessica's hand but she didn't dare believe the contents inside.

Was everything over just like this? It was far too easy! There was not even any bloodshed!

"I am free from now..." Jessica muttered.

"You are," Zed nodded. "You can focus on your studies without having to worry about anything."

"Thank---nevermind. I won't be thanking you from now!" Jessica gave a rare smile.

"That will be great," Zed agreed and then said, "Give the digital confession to Felicity so that she can tie up the loose ends with the help of her father. If you have told her before she would have handled the situation in no time."

"I know. "

Jessica knew they were her friends so there was nothing wrong in taking their help.

Some distance away from them, the red hovercraft was waiting.

"It is late so let's go," Zed told her. Quickly, they sit inside and left the area.


"Zed, can I ask you something?" Jessica's voice was low.

"Sure," Zed's attention was on the road ahead.

"Are you acquainted with Irina?"

Jessica asked the question that was pestering her. She thought they were definitely connected otherwise why will Irina behave in such a way?

"Nope. It was the first time I met her," Zed answered.

"What?" Jessica was shocked.

"I have no reason to lie," Zed said.

"I didn't mean you were lying," Jessica apologized, "Are you perhaps a member of some mafia or government group?"

"...Nope. Your imagination is quite rich though."

"Then why will she behave in such a way after seeing you?" Jessica no longer felt any awkwardness while speaking to him.

"I don't know but I do have a guess if you are interested," Zed replied.

"Please tell," Jessica requested.

"Irina is a professional in her job!" Zed answered with a smile.

"What does that mean?"

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