The Sinful Life of The Emperor

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1The next day.     

Dream Rise House.     

[[How are you feeling?]] Claudia enquired after Zed freshened up.     

"Good," Zed took out a white shirt from the closet, "A night of peaceful sleep can do wonder!"     

[[Of course. But you wouldn't know since you don't use the night for its intended purpose.]]     

".............." Zed released a heavy sigh. He moved down for breakfast.     

He has slept for 14 hours, and that was a record for him. Usually, thanks to his busy schedule, he would barely have a sleep of 5-6 hours.     

"Anyways, what do we know about Dharma Chakra?" Zed took a seat while two droids served him the breakfast.     

[[We don't know much. Only that Hank and many other top corporates are desperately trying to gain the favor of Dharma Chakra.]]     

"Favor? Is this an organization of sort?" Zed enquired.     

He reasoned he could get information on the monk from Dharma Chakra so he wanted to know what he could.     

While he was sure the monk would be in no state to create any trouble for him, he wanted to find why was he targeted in the first place.     

[[I'm not sure. What I shared was from the records inside White Angel Corporation and other corporations from whom we regularly 'borrow'.]]     

"So we are clueless," Zed said before taking a bite of coffee cake.     

[[Yes. There are no details besides every powerful figure trying to earn the favor of Dharma Chakra. ]]     

"Maybe Eva knows something," Zed decided to inquire with her later.     

She was the one who has helped him build his financial resources and also the one who helped him smuggle a few of the lab equipment.     

[[Good idea.]]     


"Any new targets---I mean customers?" Zed asked.     

[[There are 5 customers for Wife Pleasuring Service Pvt. Ltd, 4 for Mistress' Massage Centre, 10 for Maiden's Love Circle and 6 for Naughty Bunny Corporation.]]     

"So many?" Zed felt far too much burden on his young shoulders, "Just a few days of absence and the workload increases!"     


[[An urgent message for your alter ego.]]     

Claudia planned to retort her master for his comment about workload but the message notification stopped her.     

"What is it?" Zed asked, intrigued.     

[[An interview with the police.]]     

"Oho~" Zed wasn't surprised, "Seems like the time has come."     


The headquarters of Delta Police Force was located in the Central District. It was in the form of a seven-storied building, fully secured with the latest technology.     

Hundreds of battle droids and drones constantly guarded the building along with human officers. Alongside this, an invisible barrier surrounded the building to prevent any intrusion or sudden attack.     

Inside a room on the sixth floor.     

The room was spacious with sofas along with a coffee table. At the corner, there was a glass cabinet, filled with multiple trophies.     

At the center, a woman sat across the office desk.     

She wore a black blazer on a white shirt.     

"Have you messaged Kiba for an interview?" The woman spoke on an intercom.     

"Emily, we have emailed Kiba," a voice answered.     

"Good," Emily replied after which she disconnected the call. She took the tablet from the desk and opened a file to recheck the details.     

Emily was in her late thirties with a height of 5'9". Blessed with natural caramel blonde hairs, misty blue eyes, and rosy pale skin tone... she was a fantasy to most men.     

"He is a playboy!" Emily observed while reading the report, "But he is supposed to be the third strongest mutant in the city!"     

"That was in the past," Emily placed the tablet back and closed her eyes, "The city is now full of more powerful mutants from the government!"     

Emily left the chair and walked around the room to make preparations for the interview.     

"Can he be involved in the disappearance of Lisa Rey?" Emily wondered in her heart, "I guess I would find out soon."     

An hour later~     

Escorted by a female officer, Kiba stepped into the room.     

"My name is Emily," Emily shook his hand as she introduced herself, "I'm glad you could entertain our request at such short notice."     

"It is the least I can do as a citizen," Kiba replied politely.     

"Please have a seat," Emily pointed towards the seat opposite hers.     

"Thank you."     

He gave a quick glance to her gorgeous body before scanning her fingers.     

"She is neither married nor engaged," Kiba guessed based on the lack of rings. "Maybe she has a boyfriend but that would hardly be any problem."     

Ever since he entered the room, he was awestruck by her beauty. He didn't let this show but in his heart, he decided to give her priority over the customers waiting for his service.     

"What are you thinking about?" Emily curiously asked. She noticed his expression of deep contemplation.     

"Nothing much," Kiba answered, "Just thinking of crimes I might have committed for me to be in the company of a special investigator."     

"You have not committed any crime," Emily assured him, "I only wish to ask you a few stuff related to an investigation of mine."     

"That's a relief," Kiba replied, "So what is it you wish to know?"     

"Are you acquainted with Lisa?" Emily asked in a calm voice while gazing at the tablet screen.     

"Who is she?" Kiba asked with a blank expression.     

"You don't know her!?" Emily looked at him in disbelief.     

She has checked the security footage from White Angel Corporation and from what she could tell, he and Lisa were together for an hour, that too in a private room.     

"I never said I don't know the woman you are talking about," Kiba clarified, "I only asked her identity since Lisa is such a common name."     

"Lisa Rey," Emily mentioned her last name with her attention back on the tablet.     

On the screen, the heartbeats and blood flow of Kiba were displayed. These parameters usually can tell whether a person was being honest or not.     

"No idea," Kiba shook his head, "I rarely give any attention to the last names."     

"..........." Emily wanted to believe he was lying but the readings on the tablet told otherwise.      

The sensors in the room were advanced and undetectable. They were almost impossible to deceive and even if they could be deceived, she has a further check waiting for him.     

"I only remember a person by their deeds and not by name," Kiba further explained.     

"An image should help you remember!" Emily clicked a panel on the desk and a virtual screen appeared in front of Kiba, projecting the image of Lisa.     

"The M Lisa?!" Kiba wondered aloud. "You should have said so!"     

"The M Lisa!?" Emily repeated in confusion, "What is M?"     

"Masochistic," Kiba patiently explained the meaning of M.     

Emily was stunned. Her mind flashed some indecent pictures at the mention of masochistic.      

"...Do you know her?" She asked.     

"Yes," Kiba nodded, "If I remember it right, she was from the government. We were acquainted at White Angel Corporation."     

"I see," Emily then proceeded with the next question, "When and where was the last time you met her?"     

"About a month ago at White Angel Corporation," Kiba answered.     

"Did you have a private meeting with her?" Emily asked further.     

"I'm guessing you already know the answer so I don't see the need of such pointless questions," Kiba continued with a sigh, "I'm assuming something happened to her seeing how you are questioning me but seriously you are wasting time by asking what you already know."     

"You are right," Emily agreed, "I want to know the details of your private meeting with her."     

"That I can't," Kiba shook his head, "I can't dishonor her by sharing private details."     

"You have to answer," Emily demanded, "She has disappeared and I have to know everything that happened the day she went missing."     

"I understand your dilemma," Kiba replied with a sigh, "But surely details of the private meeting are no interest to you."     

"They are," Emily said in a serious tone, "They might have clues of her disappearance."     

"If you say so," Kiba looked at her, "Do you want me to share the full details?"     

"Yes," Emily nodded.     

"I put my hands on the back of her dress..." Kiba started sharing the details, "She unzipped my pants and ran a hand over my chest, tracing my muscles, slowly slipping down... I grabbed her ass cheeks and gave them a tight squeeze."     

"WHAT?!" Emily was shocked. She stopped him and asked, "What are you talking about?!"     

"About Lisa and my meeting," Kiba answered as if it couldn't be more obvious, "Didn't you asked me to share the details?"     

"Well, I..." Emily didn't know how to respond.     

"I already told you it was a private meeting," Kiba continued, "Yet you were adamant despite my refusal."     


"The word private is called private for a reason," Kiba has a confused expression on his face, "So why are you acting like this after asking me for full, private details?"     


How am I supposed to know a private meeting would be so private?!     

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