The Sinful Life of The Emperor

Favourite Girl

Favourite Girl

2Emily left the parking lot and Kiba couldn't help but smile. The dinner had gone better than his expectations.     

The basic element of seduction was to understand the target. The entire seduction depended on this understanding.     

The other basic element was the surprise factor. The target must never be able to predict the next move.     

Kiba has a pretty much good understanding of Emily. She wasn't a fast target, mainly due to her upbringing. She cared more about the opinions of society than herself.     

Of course, he has done enough groundwork to overcome this difficulty.     

"There is no need to hurry!" Kiba mused as he sat inside the car, "I will have what I want sooner or later!"     

He didn't have blind confidence, but rather trust in his own skills and the weakness of his targets. As long as desires exist in living beings, they could be entrapped, sooner or later.     

Seduction was always about manipulating desires, whether it was a male or a female. Desires have always been the greatest weakness of every living creature.     

There were no unapproachable targets as long as one has skills to back it up. Everything depended on efforts.     


Next Day.     

Royal Heart Academy.     

Zed stepped on the staircase to the first floor. As he walked, he thought about the recent events, especially about the attack of the monk and the deaths of investigators.     

"Then there is the investigation in the slum massacre," Zed contemplated as he took another step, "Hopefully that woman and her children are safe."     

He has given her high-grade food cans along with a good amount of cash. That should be enough to improve her condition and make it easy for her to leave the slum in due time.     

"Why am I thinking about her?" Zed wondered.     

Zed was in some serious contemplation as he walked on the staircase. Suddenly, a dark pool of shadow appeared on the steps.     

A dark hand rose from the pool and grabbed Zed.     

"This is!?" Zed was pulled down. Before he could think further, the dark hand absorbed his body in the pool of shadow.     


The dark pool of shadow disappeared just as quickly as it has appeared. The staircase was empty without any sign of Zed.     



When Zed opened his eyes, he found himself on a chair. In front of him was the teacher's desk where a woman sat, her eyes on him.     

Zed's eyes flashed with surprise.     

She was a Caucasian beauty with dark brown hair. Her expression was of deep amusement as she savored the look of shock on his face.     

"Why are you staring at me like I'm some ghost?" The woman has a teasing smile. "Or perhaps you understand what I feel when you teleport on top of me without any warning?"     

"I..." Zed regained his composure, "I was just caught off guard!"     

Who could this woman be if not for Eva?     

The only living person to know his secret of dual identities.     

"That's a good excuse!" Eva replied as she left the desk, "But I wonder if you will use the same excuse if I catch you again in the future!"     

"That will never happen!" Zed remarked with a smile, "I always knew I will meet you as Zed but never like this!"     

"Aren't surprises the best?" Eva asked after she arrived in front of him.     

"Yes, they are amazing," Zed looked around the room. It was a classroom but with dark shadows stretched all over the walls, "Surely you didn't use the domain to only surprise me?"     

"What if I say that was exactly my intention?" Eva sat on his lap with her lips dangerously close to his, "I also wanted to see how father-to-be is doing in his studies!"     

Zed's smile turned stiff at the unexpected remark.     

"Never thought you were a man with a sense of responsibilities!" Eva's lips brushed with his for a second, "So you can imagine my shock when Agatha claimed you were trying to become a responsible father!"     

"Haha," Zed gave a hollow laugh. Even he was surprised that he didn't run away from his responsibilities after learning about Hope's paternity.     

"Is Agatha aware that the father of her child is a student?" Eva asked as one of her hands moved towards his pants.     

"No," Zed answered as her hand started rubbing the top of his pants.     

"Now that's not proper behavior," Eva felt his hardon through the fabric of pant, "And I'm not talking about the behavior of your cock!"     

Zed's erection grew further as she sensuously rubbed it.     

"I couldn't tell her," Zed answered, trying to focus his attention away from her hand on his cock.     

He knew she wanted to tease him for all the antics he had pulled over the years.     

"Why not?" Eva's free hand opened the zip of his pants.     

"Because she is not a master of deception like you!" Zed felt her palm against his cock.     

"That was such a mean thing to say!" Eva stroked him once before stopping, "Is this your opinion for someone who helped you in becoming a billionaire?"     

"Yes!" Zed leaned forward to kiss her while his right hand moved on the back of her neck to hold her. He kissed on her soft lips and then his tongue forcefully barged in her mouth to savor her sweet taste.     

Eva moved her hands on his back, and she reciprocated the kiss with equal passion. Her tongue entangled with his, and for a moment, they were lost in each other.     

"That was another wrong behavior!" Eva said as the kiss broke, "And not suiting the persona of your current form!"     

"You are right!" Zed closed his eyes as he started transforming into his other self, "I had a moment of identity crisis!"     

Eva looked on with a smile as he transformed into Kiba. It was her first time seeing him transforming but shd has known about his secret for over a month.     

"Shall we resume?" Kiba asked his hands wrapped around her back.     

"Nope," Eva turned into a shadow and disappeared from his grasp.     

The next moment, she was on the desk.     

"That's such an evil thing to do," Kiba teleported behind her, "You have to take responsibility."     

Eva turned around and saw his raging hardon pointed towards her. She leaned below and gave the head of his cock a light kiss. She then opened her lips to take him inside while her hand lightly rubbed on his balls.     

Kiba pushed a hand on the back of her hand, and pushed to the depths of her throat. He always believed If there was a paradise on Earth then it was in the form of Eva.     

He closed his eyes as she started bobbed up and down, giving him intense pleasure. Her tongue licked over the shaft even during the moment he was inside her.     

"That should be enough for taking over my responsibilities," Eva said as she slipped his cock out of her mouth, "Besides you are the one who has no sense of responsibilities!"     

"Really?" Kiba asked as he brought his hands on the back of her skirt.     


Thirty-five minutes later~     

Kiba laid on Eva's lap.     

"So why are you here?" Kiba asked as he left to dress up. He knew her enough to know she wasn't here to have fun.     

"To make sure my favorite man doesn't die soon!" Eva answered with a smile.     

Kiba looked at her with surprise as a sense of deja vu came over him. He has used similar words after he warned her about Sky Fiend Group.     

"What do you mean?" Kiba asked as he wore his clothes.     

"The investigators have been checking the incident that took place over four years ago!" Eva said with her smile fading. "I'm not sure of the details but they have been trying to retrieve the memories of a slum dweller."     

"What do you mean?" Kiba asked with a frown.     

"The slum dweller was someone who had escaped Castor Damon's clutches before the expedition took place," Eva answered with a slight trace of worry on her face. "I'm sure you know what it will mean for Zed if new details are discovered ."     

Kiba wasn't surprised she could connect the dots between the incident and Zed. She has smuggled the lab equipment and helped him in many of his money-making schemes.     

"You don't have to worry about me," Kiba said as a smile returned on his face. "I doubt they will have information about Zed in those memories since there were hundreds of slum dwellers along with me. And even if they did, it will be fine."     

"How can it be fine?" Eva was surprised by his relaxed attitude.     

She was sure the investigators didn't give much thought to slum dwellers during the investigation four years ago. Back then, Zed has stayed lowkey for almost a year while he made his entrance as Kiba half a year later after the incident.     

But now it was different. Zed was popular in the city with his rags to riches story. If the investigators found even the least bit of signs about him in the memories, they will become suspicious.     

While retrieving memories might take time, but sooner or later, the memories will be with the investigators. Who knows what that slum dweller has seen?     

"You really think I never planned for this scenario?" Kiba asked her with a smirk.     

"You expected this!?" Eva was caught off guard by his words.     

"No," Kiba shook his head, "But I planned in case anyone learned I was present during the expedition."     

Back then he was a survivalist. He had prepared for worst-case scenarios so he let his Zed form stay in the slum for an entire year in order to avoid suspicion of investigators.     

In that time, not only he has made his entrance as Kiba but also created Claudia. Both he and Claudia have made for any possible situation.     

"I came here for nothing," Eva sighed. She thought she will be able to return the favor she owed to him.     

"No, I appreciate the warning," Kiba kissed her on the cheeks, "I can now make sure I don't have to use those stressful preparations."     

"You mean?!" Eva realized the intent behind the words.     

"Why go through the trouble later on when I can prevent it?" Kiba asked with a smile.     

"Haah~ I feel bad for them!" Eva sighed again but this time with pity.     

"Eva," Kiba looked at her in the eyes.     

"Hmm?" Eva looked back at him.     

"You are truly my favorite girl!" Kiba's eyes were filled with affection.     

"Cheeky rascal!" Eva knew his style so she wasn't fooled, "Use these words on naive maidens and I'm sure they would throw the caution to the air!"     

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