The Sinful Life of The Emperor

Hated Enemy

Hated Enemy

0Athol was on the floor, looking at the man in front of him with complete disbelief. His forehead burst up with cold sweat and his body trembled.     

Earlier he had the confidence to defeat Zed but now the confidence deflated like a balloon seeing the presence of this new man.     


He didn't find him an impossible target just due to his reputation as one of the strongest mutants, but also because of personal experience!     

"How could you replace Zed!?" Athol asked, trying to regain his lost strength. He knew he couldn't afford to lose his composure at such a crucial moment.     

"Zed is I and I'm him!" Kiba answered with his right palm on the chest.     

A flash of white light surged out of his hand and the next moment, the flesh wound on his chest rapidly healed with new tissues and fibers.     

In a few seconds, he healed completely, like he didn't suffer any injury.     

"Impossible!" Athol didn't believe Zed and Kiba were one and the same.     

Zed and Kiba's abilities were different so how can they be one? How was it possible for a single person to have so many abilities?!     

What terrified him further was the ease with Kiba recovered. It has to be known lasers were dangerous not just due to their destructive power, but also because the laser particles act as a poison when they mix with blood cells. This would make recovery slow, if not impossible.      

Kiba didn't say anything and took a seat across the dining table. He has made enough preparations to ensure Athol couldn't contact outside for help.     

"You're still the same!" Athol rose from the floor, "Looking at me as if I don't matter!"     

"We have met?" Kiba was startled by Athol's words.     

"You don't remember?!" Athol's hands turned into tight fists.     

"I don't," Kiba answered truthfully, "I'm not some computer able to recall every encounter from my life."     

"Hahaha!" Athol gave a laugh mixed with anger and desperation, "You ruined me and now you don't even remember that?!"     

"Ah!" Kiba has an expression of realization, "Was your wife perhaps a beneficiary of my service!?"     

Athol's eyes turned bloodshot and the veins on his forehead protruded out. He brought his hands forward and aimed the gun at Kiba.      

One after another, three laser bullets fired from the gun. Even before one can blink, the bullets were before Kiba's forehead, ready to blast his brains!     

Kiba didn't take any action as the bullets smashed onto his forehead.     


The instant they made contact with his skin, the bullets trembled before losing their power, fading into thin air.     

"I take that as a yes!" Kiba said with a smile, "So who was your wife?"     

Kiba didn't study Athol's history before coming here. If it was something important then Claudia would have informed him but since she didn't, he wasn't aware of Athol's wife.     

So naturally, he enquired Athol about his wife. He doesn't forget any woman with whom he has shared intimacy. So he was sure he can remember the details if her name was mentioned.     

"Y-you!" Athol's blood boiled from anger.     

How can he be so insensitive?!     

"My bad," There was a flicker of understanding in Kiba's eyes, "I mean who was your ex-wife?"     

Alas, Kiba's understanding only incensed Athol further as memories from the past flashed.     


A little over two years ago~      

After the annual fundraiser for Delta Police, Athol attended the party at Police Chief's house.      

The party was filled with people from various fields, and not just related to police. These people had made generous contributions for the well-being of police and their dependants.     

Athol was in a very joyous mood as he enjoyed the party. The secret to his joy wasn't the party, but rather the fact that he became a father for the second time! What's more, a promotion was waiting for him, and then there were the extra funds he gained from his 'side activities'.      


Athol clinked his glass with his friends. As he enjoyed his drink, he noticed his wife wasn't in the room.     

"Where is Saskia?" Athol asked Gilly, the wife of Police Chief. His wife and Gilly were very good friends who would often hang out together, especially for their regular girls' night out.     

"S-she should be upstairs with your child," Gilly stammered as she answered.     

"Hmm," Athol didn't notice the nervous expression on her face.     

"Have another drink!" Gilly quickly refilled his glass.      

"No, we will be leaving soon," Athol refused her despite her multiple requests to have fun. He then moved upstairs to join his wife and their child.     

As he walked, his body stopped with a jerk.     

"We didn't bring our child to the party!" Athol was drunk so it took him a while to clear his thoughts.     

He dashed on the stairs and arrived on the second floor.     

"Yes, suck them!"      

He heard a barely audible voice from one of the rooms. The voice that belonged to his wife!      

Quickly, he stepped in front of the door to that room. He tried to open the door but couldn't as it was locked. Not giving up, he crouched down so that his eyes were on the doorknob.     

From the slight gap, he was able to see inside. Saskia sat on the bed, her back against the cushions pressing on the headboard.      

This didn't shock Athol but what he noticed next, did! The blouse of his wife was completely open, exposing her lovely breasts.      

That wasn't shocking as much as the state of her nipples... they were swollen and hard! Almost ripe!     

Even that didn't shock him as much as the sight of the golden-haired man, pressing his face between those amazing breasts!     

Athol wasn't able to see the face due to the direction, but he was able to identify the man due to his unique golden hair.     


The man who had made a good donation to help Police Force just a few hours ago! Someone whom Police Chief applauded in front of everyone!     

And now he was with the wife of a police officer! That too in the party hosted by the police!     

Doesn't he fear the Police Force?!     

Athol was dumbstruck.     

Kiba opened his lips and latched onto the left nipple of his wife! Saskia ran her fingers through his hair, pressing him more into her breast.      

"Yes, suck on it!" Saskia requested.     

Athol was confused till he saw a droplet of milk slipping past Kiba's chin as he sucked on her nipple.     

"This... Don't tell me he has been drinking my wife's milk?!" Athol wondered, his body freezing from shock.     

As Kiba suckled Saskia's nipple, he squeezed her right breast. Droplets of milk trickled down and before they could slide past her chest, he moved his head sidewards, licking the milk.     

"Oh yes! You know the way!"     

Saskia felt a shiver run through her. The combination of his mouth and hands on her breasts did wonders to her.     

Kiba then sought her right nipple, suckling it.     

"Ohh! You like the taste of my milk, don't you?!" Saskia asked as she shuddered from the feeling of having her nipples sensuously suckled.      

"More than like! I love it!" Kiba replied by leaning back. His face was now away from her breasts and he pressed her nipples between his fingers.      

"Ahh!" Saskia gasped in pure delight.     

And how could she not?!      

Pure white milk squirted out of her nipples!     

That was a sight to behold, a truly erotic experience! Something even her husband would have agreed with had he seen it!     

Kiba moved his head in a series of blurs, moving between both her breasts so that his mouth could capture every droplet of her milk.     

Outside, Athol finally got over his shock.     

He couldn't stand the sight of seeing someone milking his wife, enjoying something that wasn't his!      

"Son of a bitch!" Athol jumped to his feet and waved a hand.      


Streams of green light materialized in air, turning into a glowing green orb. With the movement of his hand, the orb smashed into the door.     


The door blasted open, sending splinters all around.     

On the bed, Saskia was shocked. She backed away, and as she did, she squirted for the last time.      

The sudden change in her body position made the milk miss its aim. It now sprayed into Kiba's face!     

Saskia swallowed and looked towards the door. Her husband was stepping through the pieces of door, his face covered with dark lines.     

"Dear! This isn't what it looks like!" Saskia muttered as she covered her breasts with her hands.     

"You think I didn't see you being fucked by him?!" Athol's right fist was wrapped with currents of green light.     

"You are mistaken," Kiba was composed as he said. "She was only breastfeeding me."     



Athol was struck on the spot. Even Saskia was stunned into silence.     

Kiba pointed at the droplets of milk on his face and then at Saskia's breasts.     

"Her breasts have been overflowing and your newborn wasn't here," Kiba explained in a sage-like voice. "So I decided to help her out of sheer goodwill."     

"Goodwill!?" Athol whispered in rage. "Sucking on my wife's breasts is your definition of goodwill?!"     

The green light on his hand materialized into a menacing tiger-head.     

"Anger has blinded your rationale mind, but please, think for a moment," Kiba continued, politely. "Would you have allowed her high quality, nutritious milk to go to waste? I'm sure you wouldn't, and that's why I decided to help her."     

The menacing tiger-head phantom on Athol's hand roared in anger.     

"Sucking on my wife's breasts so that her milk doesn't go to waste?!"     

What type of logic was that?!     

"Obviously, I wouldn't agree!"     

Athol was saying this when he noticed Kiba walking towards the exit.     

He was leaving just like that?! So easily after what he has done?!     

"Motherfucker!" Athol lost his senses and lunged on Kiba.     

"Athol, don't!" Saskia shouted from the bed.     

The tiger-head phantom viciously opened its mouth to rip into Kiba's back. The other hand of Athol shot out a green orb on Kiba's neck.     

"Bitch! No one can save your lover!" Athol roared, his eyes bursting with rage by the care shown by Saskia for her lover.     

"I'm worried about you and not him!" Saskia shouted back.     



Athol's pupils dilated as the sound of ripping apart reverberated in the room.     

The tiger-head phantom split into fragments of green energy, like the pieces of a broken mirror. The green orb squeezed into oblivion as if the pressure of a mountain has pressed into it.     


Athol was crestfallen. Before he could wonder what exactly happened, an elbow violently slammed into his stomach. His back bent while his stomach caved in.     


He flew backward and smashed into the wall, spraying out arrows of blood.     

"That's not how you appreciate someone's efforts for your well being."     

Kiba's voice entered his ears.     

Athol lifted his head and saw Kiba looking at him like he was nothing. There was complete disregard in those striking eyes of his.     


In the present, Athol saw the same eyes, flashing with the same disregard.     

Athol hated those eyes and hated the man in front of him. He was helpless back then for he didn't know much about Kiba, except that he was a rising star in the city.     

After he inquired, he came to know Kiba's reputation was anything but good. He has trysts with even the wives and daughters of top echelons of the city!     

So all Athol can do was suppress his hatred and move on with his life.     

Now, with a twist of fate, he again met this hated enemy. He never imagined trying to frame Zed would result in a meeting with Kiba.     

"You seduced Saskia!" Athol shouted, his voice mixed with anger and hatred. "But you don't even remember it!"     

"Saskia?" Kiba placed a hand over his chin as he contemplated. "Ah! You are the guy who didn't appreciate my help!"     

"Help?!" Athol's expression twisted.     

"Obviously yes! I helped you and your wife by feeding on her breast milk!"     

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