Young Brother-in-law Is Now My Husband

Aren't You Feeling Hot??

Aren't You Feeling Hot??

2When both sat in the car, Jiang Yuyan's heart beat faster, because of the sudden silence around them.      

Setting the GPS for the direction of Jiang residence, Lu Qiang started the car. When it was about to move, suddenly, he stepped on the brake and looked at her.      

Jiang Yuyan questioningly looked back at him, but not saying anything, Lu Qiang just leaned to his right side, pulled the seatbelt of Jiang Yuyan's seat, and fastened it.     

Jiang Yuyan was busy thinking about how to calm her heartbeats and forget to fasten a seatbelt.      

When he came closer to her, she automatically leaned backward, almost burying herself in the seat. It took him only a few seconds to do his job, but it was like an eternity to her.      

Again, her smelling ability troubled her, which made her take a deep breath, her eyes observing his face closely.     

Lu Qiang moved back to his seat and started the car looking ahead, but she still looked at him. He could sense her sight on him, but he didn't look back and drove away with one corner of his lips curved up.     

On the way to their destination, Lu Qiang's cellphone received a message when they were waiting at the signal. Reading it, a smile painted on his lips, and just then, the signal turned green.      

When they reached the destination, Jiang Yuyan instructed, "Just drop me outside of the building. I'll go on my own."     

Lu Qiang listened to it but didn't reply. When they arrived at the building, he directly moved the car to the parking lot and parked it in the Jiang family's reserved parking space.      

Jiang Yuyan was surprised to see that he parked the car exactly in the right parking space number.      

"Have you come here before?" she asked.     

"Nope!" Replying calmly, he unbuckled his seatbelt.     

"How come you parked at the right place?" She asked again, looking at him surprisingly.     

"Really?" Smiling, Lu Qiang leaned towards her to unbuckle her seatbelt too and got out of the car.     

Jiang Yuyan too hurriedly got out of the car and yelled, "I can go.. fr..o..m he..r…e..."     

Before Jiang Yuyan could complete her sentence correctly, he stepped towards her, held her hand, and walked towards the elevator's direction.      

She didn't even get any chance to resist and continued walking with him quietly.     

Both waited for the elevator as Lu Qiang still held her hand with their palms locked securely.      

Feeling the warmth of his palm, Jiang Yuyan unknowingly held his hand tightly. Realizing it, Lu Qiang too slightly tightened his grip on her tiny palm as he caressed the back of her palm with his thumb.     

After a couple of minutes, the elevator arrived, and both entered it while holding each other's hands.      

He pressed the button for the twentieth floor, and it was one more surprise for Jiang Yuyan as he never asked her which floor of the building.     

When the door of the elevator closed, Jiang Yuyan felt uncomfortable in that small space alone as they stood side by side.      

She tried to pull her hand, but Lu Qiang held it even tighter and pulled her closer to him, releasing his palm's grip just to hold her hand by interlocking his fingers with hers.     

With her heart pounding so fast, she could feel heartbeats in the back of her head. They were not looking at each other, but they could feel the temperature around them rising.      

Lu Qiang didn't try to do anything out of the line being content with just holding her hand.     

The elevator reached the twentieth floor, and both stepped out of it, but Lu Qiang didn't let go of her hand.      

As they came near the door of the apartment, looking at him, Jiang Yuyan asked, "We are here. Can you let go of my hand now?"     

Lu Qiang pulled Jiang Yuyan closer to him with a small tug to her hand, "What if I don't want to?" and turned his sight towards the door lock behind her.      

Lu Qiang pressed the six-digit security code when she was busy admiring his face.     

When Jiang Yuyan realized the door unlocked, she looked at him, puzzled but ignoring her; he pulled her inside the flat, closed the door, and only then let go of her hand.     

 "How do you know the security code?" she asked.     

"Forget about it. Tell me first, aren't you feeling hot?" He asked and undone the one more button of his shirt.      

Jiang Yuyan's eyes left open wide when she heard what he just said and saw what he did as she remembered his similar behavior when they were in the shade of the lawn.      

At that time, too, he ignored her questions and started to ask something irrelevant. Remembering what happened next, she hurriedly took a few steps back to go away from him.     

He smiled mischievously and asked, "Is there anything chill to drink?"     

"W-What? I…I mean, Yes. Let me check in the refrigerator."      

Saying, she hurriedly walked towards the kitchen as she got what he meant. It was summer, so he must be feeling hot and wanted to drink something chilled.      

Reaching inside the kitchen, Jiang Yuyan stopped in front of the refrigerator and caressed the left side of her chest to calm herself down.     

'This damn heart of mine. Why doesn't it stop beating like crazy?'      

Giving out a deep sigh, she opened the refrigerator, took out a juice container from it, and poured it into one glass.      

Jiang Yuyan was about to keep the container back in the refrigerator, but stopped, "Why am I feeling hot like this?"      

She touched her forehead and her cheeks with her palm to check the temperature and looked at the juice, "Hushhh! I should drink it too" and filled another glass of juice for herself.     

Carrying the two glasses in a tray, she stepped to leave the kitchen, but something startled her, and involuntarily the words came out of her mouth, "What the F....!"      

However, she swallowed the last word after realizing that it was Lu Qiang.     

Lu Qiang stood at the kitchen entrance, and Jiang Yuyan didn't realize when he came. Placing a hand on her chest to calm herself down, she asked, "D...Do you want to give me a heart attack?"     

Lu Qiang shook his head, smiling at her reactions as he found her cute.      

The way she reacted, seeing him there, almost blurting out a cuss word but swallowing the last one while feeling embarrassed. The way she changed her startled and embarrassed face into a fake angry one to cover her embarrassment. The way, she asked him a question like blaming him for his sudden appearance, which startled her.     

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