Beauty and the Bodyguard

Chapter 10540

Chapter 10540

310540 Chapter 10529-     

Throughout the entire process, the heavenly Saint clone did not let his guard down.    

It treated Lin Yi like a bug, but it wouldn’t make a low-level mistake like this, even if it was just a bug.    

She didn’t think that Lin Yi would still play with her.    

Feeling the inexplicable aura behind him, the heavenly Saint clone subconsciously wanted to keep a distance.    

Although Lin Yi had managed to escape this time, it still had the absolute advantage in speed. The entire battle’s rhythm was still in its hands.    

There was no change in this.    

However, when it was about to turn into lightning again, it was shocked to find that an unprecedented vortex of power had appeared behind it. In the face of the invisible suction, it could not escape for a while!    

For the first time, the heavenly Saint clone felt a sense of fear.    

Looking at the entire Boneyard, its main body was undoubtedly an invincible existence. Even if there were top-notch human experts who occasionally invaded, it would be difficult to detect its existence.    

The most powerful one had even unified the 36 families and 72 clans of hundred sacred city. In the end, under the subtle influence, he gradually sank and even reincarnated as a member of the skeleton clan.    

From the beginning to the end, it did not pose any substantial threat to it at all.    

It was impossible for it to feel fear!    

But at this moment, facing Lin Yi’s palm from behind, the sky saint’s clone felt like he was being dominated.    

The other party’s power level was very likely to be higher than his!    

As soon as this horrifying thought came to his mind, the heavenly Saint clone felt that he must have gone crazy.    

How could a mere human, an insect-like thing, have a higher level of power than it?    

Absolutely impossible!    

But whether it wanted to believe it or not, when the power vortex behind it completely exploded, it could not escape at all with its current strength as a lightning.    

The great world palm!    

As Lin Yi’s palm struck out, the sky saint’s clone was crushed into pieces.    

Originally, in addition to being unparalleled in speed, the lightning transformation also had remarkable defense.    

To some extent, it was even more difficult to deal with than Lin Yi’s God body!    

This was because lightning was naturally immune to most physical damage, and with the domineering nature of lightning itself, it was difficult for even the power of rules to penetrate it. Often, before it could even touch its physical body, it would be torn apart by the violent power of lightning rules.    

As such, although the sky saint’s clone was surprised by Lin Yi’s counterattack, he didn’t really take it to heart.    

Even if the insect tried its best, it would only get a little bit of blood at most. How could it hurt its vital Qi?    

In the end, he didn’t expect it to really work.    

The great world palm was a fusion of many rule bending powers and came from the evil god. It was a true move of a God!    

If Lin Yi didn’t have the New World, he wouldn’t be able to replicate the great world palm no matter how talented he was.    

Strictly speaking, the level of its moves had completely surpassed all the moves of rule power. Even at the level of the gods, it was an extremely special existence.    

Even though Lin Yi himself wasn’t at the God realm yet, he had the New World as his base. The great world palm in his hands might not be as powerful as the original, but even if it was only one percent of the original’s power, it was still a killing weapon against a bunch of yellow class Venerables!    

At the very least, with the current strength of the heavenly Saint clone, he would definitely not be able to withstand it.    

“Who are you?”    

The weak voice of the heavenly Saint clone could be heard in the distance.    

At this time, although it could still use the power of lightning to form a human shape, its body had become translucent, and the electric arcs swimming inside could be clearly seen. It was far less violent than before.    

Lin Yi gave a weird smile and mouthed five words,”Someone who’s here to capture you.”    

The heavenly Saint clone was shocked.    

It was only at this moment that it finally realized what kind of monster it was facing.    

From the beginning to the end, all of Lin Yi’s actions, including the fact that he was turned into a human sandbag and was one-sidedly trampled on, were just to lure it into the trap!    

He contacted his main body!    

The heavenly Saint clone made the best choice as soon as he woke up.    

Now was no longer the time to worry about his main body being too distracted.    

In its eyes, Lin Yi was still a bug, but he was already a deadly poisonous bug. If its main body ignored his existence, it could even fail miserably!    

However, the heavenly Saint clone was shocked to find that the message he sent out was like a stone sinking into the sea.    

This was its territory.    

The entire city of one hundred Saints was its main body. At this moment, it was standing inside its body, but it could not inform its main body.    

It was simply unimaginable!    

The scene that followed made it even more frightened.    

A mysterious force of an extremely high level, so high that it could not even imagine before, was like a rapidly tightening pocket. After locking on from all directions, it was put into the pocket in the next moment.    

The scene in front of him changed, and the sky Saint clone saw Lin Yi, who was made of energy, standing in front of him.    

The heavenly Saint clone looked around.    

It was obviously a world that it had never been to before.    

The territory was not large, and everything he saw was primitive, but there was a vitality that could not be ignored everywhere.    

“Welcome to my new world.”    

“You’re not the first customer here, but it’s not easy to invite you in.” Lin Yi smiled as he raised his eyes.    

It was not the first time he had used a new world to capture a powerful target.    

To be honest, capturing the heavenly Saint clone was not that difficult. The real difficulty of the whole process was to capture it under the eyes of the main body without alerting the main body.    

The difficulty was not small.    

If there was even the slightest mistake in the middle, the consequences would be unimaginable.    

Lin Yi said that the thirty-six houses gambled a lot, but wasn’t he the same in this case?    

However, huge risks and huge benefits were two separate entities. As long as the plan was well-planned and the execution was in place, even the greatest risk could become a controllable variable.    

Lin Yi was already used to doing things like this.    

Even he didn’t realize that he had already walked further and further on the road of becoming a cunning old fox without knowing when it had started.    

“A new world?”    

The heavenly Saint clone was stunned for a moment. Then, he thought of a terrifying possibility, but he was still unwilling to believe it. He sneered and said, ” it’s just an independent arcane realm. What kind of bullsh * t new world is this? do you think you can scare me with this little trick? ”    

Lin Yi shook his head. I don’t need to. Since you’re here, you have no room to struggle. It’s useless even if you shout until your throat breaks.    








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