The Shinobi With The Straw Hat



3Kentaro had been sitting in the cage for about one hour, the Shinobi of the Kazahana clan had not moved a single time since he was there.     

'What the fuck is Mū doing!? I bet he has fallen asleep while I'm freezing in this cage!'     

Staying still in the cold did not help Kentaro in his current situation, it made him freeze.     

"I am hungry! Give me something to eat!" Kentaro shouted angrily to a nearby guard.     

"What the fuck did this beast say!?" he had not appreciated the way Kentaro talked to him.     

The guard slowly approached the cage with a mad look, he even grabbed a wooden stick to beat Kentaro up.     

"Oy! What are you doing!? Don't approach the cage, who knows what the beast is capable of."     

The guard was stopped by his supervisor, Kentaro was ready to kill him if he got closer. Kentaro leaned back against the cage and looked upin the sky.     

When he thought about it, he had been very busy the last weeks. From being drugged and turned into a human beast, to traveling through two countries and helping the people of the land of snow.     

'My mind was focused on lots of things that I forgot to check the system. When I kicked the shit out of Madara, it told me that I had unlocked new purchasable content.'     

Kentaro even received one hundred million points for beating him. With great anticipation, Kentaro opened the system shop.     


SYSTEM SHOP POINTS: 100 060 000p     



Interrogation genjutsu: (requires Yin affinity)     

50 years of suffering: 50 000 000p     


Memory erasing seal: 50 000 000p     

Unsealing palm Jutsu: 50 000 000p     

The Pillars Of Subjugation: 10 000 000p     


Typhoon style jutsus: 10 000 000p     

Scorch style jutsus: 15 000 000p     

Ice style jutsus: 15 000 000p     

Vapor style jutsus: 15 000 000p     

Magnet style jutsus: 15 000 000p     

Explosion style jutsus: 20 000 000p     

Storm style jutsus: 30 000 000p     

Gravity style jutsus: 50 000 000p     

Particle style jutsus: 200 000 000p     

Wood style jutsus: 200 000 000p     



Typhoon affinity: 10 000 000p     

Scorch affinity: 15 000 000p     

Ice affinity: 15 000 000p     

Vapor affinity: 15 000 000p     

Magnet affinity: 15 000 000p     

Explosion affinity: 20 000 000p     

Storm affinity: 30 000 000p     

Gravity affinity: 50 000 000p     

Yin affinity: 100 000 000p     

Yang affinity: 100 000 000p     

Dust affinity: 200 000 000p     

Wood affinity: 200 000 000p     


Kentaro looked at everything one by one. Two new genjutsu had been placed in the system shop.     

Two new fuinjutsu had been added and they did not look bad at all.     

"I need yin affinity to be able to buy the interrogation genjutsu, that sucks."     

Kentaro looked down and his eyes fell on the yin affinity and yang affinity. The two of them costed one hundred million each.     

'Gravity style!? Isn't that what Ishi, the stone serpent used? Anyways, I'm getting excited for nothing. I can't even use my chakra at the moment.'     

Kentaro even checked the second system panel where everything he had already bought showed, but there was nothing written about his situation.     

'In a couple of hours, the alliance will reach the valley of ice. Mū, hurry up! you bastard."     

The whole valley was extremely calm and all the Kazahana were resting, eating, keeping themselves busy.     

Kentaro began trembling from the cold, he started to get a hard time resisting to it.     

"Boys! The savage is behaving. How about we go sip some warm tea, he won't go nowhere, will he?"     

One of the guard was getting tired from staying here and looking at Kentaro. The others loved his suggestion.     

"Yes, you're right. Let's go drink some tea, but we need to be back here in thirty minutes." the supervisor made everything clear.     

All the guards left the vicinity of the cage, leaving Kentaro alone.     

Kentaro stood up and broke the earth chains Mū had blinded around his hands and feet.     

He then placed his two hands on the cage and augmented his grip. Kentaro slowly broke the cage and made enough space for him to get out.     

"First, I need to kill the guards before they come back here." by following the footsteps in the snow, Kentaro slowly reached a tent.     

'The tent is far from the main camp, their cries for help will not be heard.'     

"Hahaha, yes, this bastard always wanted to look like me!"     



The guards were not focusing on their surroundings, but more on their funny discussion.     

'It's the perfect moment to strike.' Kentaro slowly approached the entrance of the tent.     

He dashed inside with his bestial speed, the guards only noticed Kentaro when their lives had already been taken.     

"Where is the horn!?" a horn, this was not good.     

A guard jumped down on the ground near the supervisor's body and took a horn. He was going to alert the main camp.     

Kentaro was ten meters away and the horn was a second away from the guard's mouth.     

Knowing that he wouldn't reach the guard in time, Kentaro acted out of instinct. He opened his hands wide and slapped the air.     

Gusts of wind were created from his sharp nails and went straight to the guard, cutting him down.     

Around him were a couple of guards, they looked at him in shock and fright. Kentaro slowly walked to horn and crushed it with his feet.     

"Spare us! Please, I have a family! Without me, they will not be able to survive in this world!"     

Kentaro walked to the guard who said this and looked him straight in the eyes.     

"I too have a family, without me they would not be able to survive. You treated me like shit when I was in the cage, you don't deserve my mercy."     

Kentaro punched in the guard's face, killing him instantly. He had decimated all the guard present in this tent.     

"BOOUUM!" the sound of a big explosion came from the center of the valley of ice, where the main camp was.     

Kentaro ran outside of the tent and saw the black smoke coming out of the main camp.     

'Mū has finally moved his lazy ass!' Kentaro had a big smile on his face, they would finally get out of here.     

Mū had found a big stock of paper bombs. He placed them everywhere around the whole camp and exploded only a little part of it.     

The explosion created a fire. This was the perfect diversion to get out.     

Kentaro tried to sense Mū's chakra, but to no avail. He just looked at the Kazahana trying to smother the fire.     

"Kentaro." while he was looking at the struggling Kazahana, Kentaro felt a finger on his back.     

He slowly turned his head and saw that mummylike boy.     

"You scared me, Mū" Kentaro was happy to finally reunite with him.     

"I was unaware that a beast could be chicken-hearted. We need to go, I've placed paper bombs everywhere."     

"Really? Let's go then, mummy."     

Mū led Kentaro through the camp without being seen. The duo had successfully left the valley of ice.     

They looked at the valley from far away, Mū held one precise hand seal and looked at Kentaro.     

"Behold the power of I, Mū." his eyes were wide and full of excitement.     





from far away, the whole camp began exploding from everywhere, the ground under their feet trembled.     

Kentaro was dazzled by the view. It was impressive to see, more impressive than the greatest of fireworks.     

"Hahahahahahahahahahaha!" Mū was laughing like a proud and satisfied kid.     

Kentaro did not expect to see this side of Mū, they had passed close to one month together and he had never seen him act like that.     

"Let's go, Mū. Yukon will be happy to hear the great news." Mū stopped laughing and nodded his head.     

The two of them left the scene and ran to join the alliance's army.     

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