The Shinobi of Straw Hats

206. Green Bull

206. Green Bull

1Sabo suddenly come out and stop Kizaru's kick. Of course this surprised the Marines & Audiences who watched the broadcast. How can the man who is supposed to be executed come out from the RA's ship?     

The marines then look at 'Sabo' who is in the execution platform, and he smirk. 'Sabo' then transform into Zetsu, surprising the marines. Of course they're surprised, because this whole time, they've been fooled by the enemies.     

Sakazuki got angry and send a magma punch to Zetsu. However, Jon suddenly appear and block Sakazuki's punch with his own punch. He have marked Zetsu with his Thunder God seal mark before for any emergency situation.     

"I can't let you kill my subordinate, Sakazuki."-Jon smirk     

"So it's you who did this. Not just the cannons, but even the prisoner has been hijacked. What else that you've been planned, Demon Eyes?"-Sakazuki     

"Woah, i can't tell you my plan, we're not ally here."-Jon     

Jon teleport to Sunny with Zetsu to take off the seastone handcuff. He's not interested in fighting Sakazuki, because he prefer to fight Ryokugyu. So he teleport back to Ryokugyu and stop the guy from defeating his allies.     

"Can't you wait even for a little?"-Jon     

"I thought you want to fight Fleet Admiral Sakazuki, so i can only fight these people."-Ryokugyu     

"Nah, i'm not interested in fighting that magma man. He is too serious."-Jon     

"Then, how about i become serious too?"-Ryokugyu     

Vines suddenly grow from Ryokugyu's body and cover him like a suit. Green aura also start to come out from his body like a green fire. Jon grin and he activate his Yin Seal at 100%. Then Jon use lightning chakra mode & draw his swords. He didn't need Kyuubi chakra mode yet.     

Both Ryokugyu and Jon rush at each other to clash. Ryokugyu send a haki covered plant fist, and Jon swing his Kusanagi on his right to counter the fist. Their clash create a shockwave and become the center of attention.     

Ryokugyu create some vines to catch Jon, but Jon flicker to avoid them. Jon flicker around Ryokugyu at high speed and attack from many angles. Ryokugyu control his vines to intercept Jon's attacks, and try to attack sometimes, but he can't hit Jon that move too fast.     

"I-i can't see it, he's too fast."-Smoker     

"Yeah, if it's not because of the white light from his body, we won't even see the trails."-Hina     

"But speed alone won't work on Ryokugyu."-Smoker     

Jon keep attacking Ryokugyu from many angles, and then he frown. Ryokugyu's response is just too fast, so Jon can't get pass his vines defense.     

'He can't attack me, meaning he can't catch up to my speed. But these vines, they keep blocking my attacks. It's like-!? It's like they can feel me.'-Jon squint his eyes     

Jon realize that these vines can feel his presence. They move even without Ryokugyu's command to block his attacks. Jon think about it and come to a conclussion. These vines feel his energy, like plants feel the sunlight.     

"Fine, if that's how you want to play, then i'll play with you."-Jon     

Jon stop flickering around and face Ryokugyu.     

"I've been found out, huh?"-Ryokugyu grin     

"Yeah, you are. So try to stop this! Fuuton: Rasenshuriken!"-Jon     

Jon make a Rasenshuriken and throw it to Ryokugyu. Ryokugyu frown because he can feel this attack's power. Ryokugyu grow some trees to block the Rasenshuriken, but they all get cut off by it.     

Ryokugyu click his tongue and make a big vines fist and cover it with haki. Then he punch with it and hit the Rasenshuriken. Both attacks clash and stay like that for a moment. Then Rasenshuriken explode with a very big power.     

The explosion create a shockwave that push everyone in vicinity away. Jon's current Rasenshuriken's power is very high, especially after his chakra purification. The purification have strengthen all his power & jutsus greatly.     

When the dust from explosion disperse, a big dent can be seen. The explosion has destroyed the ground, but that's not all. Ryokugyu's vines fist is destroyed too, and it almost reach his real arm.     

"That's close, if i make my vine arm a little shorter, that thing will surely hit me."-Ryokugyu     

"Tch, it failed, even though i put a lot of chakra in it."-Jon     

Meanwhile, on the battlefield, all sort of battles happen. Sabo has join in the fray and now facing Kizaru. Zoro was fighting Fujitora, but then the Admiral left him to fight Luffy. Zoro want to chase, but he's stopped by someone with 'almost' Admiral level power, Momousagi.     

"A swordswoman?"-Zoro     

"Roronoa Zoro, a unique swordsman that wield 3 swords. Let's see if the rumour of your power is true."-Momousagi     

"As you wish."-Zoro     

Zoro & Momousagi start to fight with their swords. Zoro won't backdown from a challenge by another swordsman. If he backdown, he can't become the strongest swordsman.     

Sanji see Zoro fight a woman and want to intercept, but he himself got intercepted. He is stopped by another 'almost' Admiral level power, Tokikake. Tokikake shoot at Sanji multiple times, forcing him to dodge, as Tokikake's shoots are always on mark.     

"You can't meddle in the battle of swordsman, young man."-Tokikake     

"Huh? Who're you old man?"-Sanji     

"Why don't you find out?"-Tokikake     

Then Sanji & Tokikake start to fight. Luffy also finally fight with Fujitora, and he always say where he'll attack like in Dressrosa. He just can't stop doing that even though he know Fujitora have strong Observation Haki.     

Dragon also finally start to move, and he immediately go for Sakazuki. Dragon's power is Wind, he is a wind logia user, so he can fly directly to Sakazuki. Both of them are big powerhouses, and their fight shake the battlefield.     

All those fights, gather everyone's attention in this war. Just in a short time after the war started, it seem to have reached it's climax. All of this, is because of Jon's actions before the war started. Hijacking Marine's cannons, defeating their scout teams, forcing the Admirals to move, and place a fake Sabo.     

This war just show how scary Jon can be as an enemy. He didn't show many flashy things in the past because he is in Luffy's shadow. But once he come out from that shadow, they finally can see just how scary he is.     

It start with his feat on Whole Cake Island, then Wano, and now this war. It all happen so fast, and he even show big improvement between these events. The Marines just can't anticipate such things to happen in this war.     

Another threat that Jon bring to this war is Alabasta's ninja squad. The ninjas have shown great power that overwhelm the marine soldiers. Altough in the matter of gaining & bring allies, Jon is not as good as Luffy.     

Almost all people in alliance are here because of Luffy, or they have relationship with Luffy. Both Jon & Luffy have their own power that make people fear them. So when it combined, they can be an unmatched force.     

"You're really scary you know, doing all those stuffs without anyone knowledge. Just thinking on how you can slip under our nose so easily, give me a shiver."-Ryokugyu     

"Well, thanks for the compliment, but it won't make me go easy on you."-Jon     

Jon & Ryokugyu keep fighting in close range and avoid using big scaled attacks now. They don't want to hit their allies again like before. However, it didn't mean that they hold back, they just not use all of their skills, but their attacks are still very lethal.     

'It can't continue like this, i need to finish my fight soon. The plan won't work if i prolonged my fight.'-Jon     

"You're distracted."-Ryokugyu send vine whip attack at Jon     

"Thanks for the reminder."-Jon flicker to avoid the whip     

Jon then throw a marked kunai at Ryokugyu and make a rasengan. Ryokugyu block the kunai with his hand that covered in vines. Just when he block it, Jon appear on the kunai and slam the rasengan at Ryokugyu's face.     

"SHIT!?"-Ryokugyu cover his face with vines & haki immediately     


Jon's rasengan hit Ryokugyu's face, and destroy the vines. Then it hit Ryokugyu's haki covered face and slam him to the ground. The impact is big and it create a dent in the ground.     

"N-no way, Admiral Ryokugyu is-"-Marine C     

"Idiot, he won't get defeated so easily like that."-Marine D     

"That's right, he might got hit, but he's not down yet."-Marine E     

Jon's rasengan have dispersed, and he want to continue attacking Ryokugyu. But suddenly, a tree sprout from the ground, forcing him to move back. Then Jon can hear Ryokugyu laugh loudly.     

"HAHAHAHA, INTERESTING, REALLY INTERESTING. I haven't been hit like this for a long time."-Ryokugyu     

Ryokugyu stand up again with his trees pushing him. Jon then frown when he see the injury in Ryokugyu's face start to heal. It didn't take long for the injury to heal completely.     

"Heeh, a plant regeneration ability is really strong."-Jon     

"That attack is very strong too, it can even destroy my vines & haki. I think the key is that rotation right? It feels like it grind my face, so painful."-Ryokugyu     

"It's just some pain, nothing to worry right? How about you try some more, to test just how far your regeneration can heal you?"-Jon     

"I don't want to feel it again, so i'll try to not get hit again."-Ryokugyu     

"Is that so?"-Jon suddenly appear on Ryokugyu's face because he have marked it     


"I don't think you can avoid my attacks again now."-Jon     

Jon grab Ryokugyu's face, and then they disappear. Jon teleport them to the huge bridge between New Marineford & Red Line. This place is empty, so they can go all out here. Ryokugyu send a punch at Jon, so Jon jump back to avoid it.     

"The bridge?"-Ryokugyu     

"Yeah, no need to worry about hitting allies here, so how about we go all out?"-Jon use his red Kyuubi mode     

"So that's how it is."-Ryokugyu grin     

Ryokugyu's body start to transform into a humanoid tree. His height that already tall become even taller and reach 8 meters. Ryokugyu even remove the part of his face that have Jon's Thunder God mark.     

"Ooh, remind me of Groots."-Jon     

Ryokugyu slam his feet on the ground, and then a lot of trees grow around them. The trees create a dense forest, try to bind and crush Jon, so he dodge. This remind him of Deep Forest Emergence.     

After the trees grow into a dense forest, Ryokugyu's presence fade. Now his presence is everywhere, so these trees are him too, or at least parts of him. Jon is standing in the middle with his EMS looking around the forest for any sign of enemy.     

Suddenly, Jon jump to the left, and a sharp wood sprout from the ground. The attack is so fast, and almost pierce him. However, Jon have a very keen sense, and with Kyuubi mode, he can feel hostility a lot better.     

Jon didn't know where Rokugyu is, his presence merge completely with the surrounding. Now Jon understand what other people feel when he use his stealth skill. He like using it, but he really don't like it when someone using it on him.     

Ryokugyu keep attacking Jon from many angles with his vines & woods. Jon also keep dodging and he attack Ryokugyu everytime the guy get out to attack him. It seem Ryokugyu is using hit & run to measure his strength with Kyuubi mode.     

Jon have enough of this play, so he will get serious. Jon close his eyes, and gather nature energy. Just in a short time, he have gathered enough energy to enter sage mode. His meditation before the war make him able to gather nature energy very fast.     

He try to feel Ryokugyu's presence with Sage Mode, but he still can't feel it. That guy is basically a real plant now, unlike Jon that try to be a plant. Jon make some hand seals, and then put his hands on the ground.     

"Chidori Stream!"-Jon     

Lightning current spread all over the place and it get stronger due to senjutsu chakra. The lightning current start to break the trees and ground. Then it finally break all of it, make the trees explode and destroyed completely with some explosions. The explosion fling Ryokugyu that hide in a tree out from it, and now he is in the open with slight burn marks.     

"You finally get out from there. Let's go all out to finish this faster!"-Jon grin     

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