Ghost of the Uchiha



0The next morning, team Jiraiya met back up near the Chūnin exams' site.     

All three Genin were ready. In the past month and a half, their teamwork had tremendously improved... Not to mention that their individual strength also steadily rose.     

While they were waiting for Jiraiya to arrive, Nozomi looked at Jun with a thankful expression. It seemed like he was much nicer than she previously thought.     

"Jun, thanks for yesterday. Thanks to what you said, I feel much better!"     

"Oh really…? I didn't expect anything less from Konoha's 'number one clan'... You get over things so fast!"     


Clenching her fist, Nozomi tried her best to restrain the anger that was threatening to burst out. Apparently, she had judged him incorrectly, once again.     

Seeing them get along, Minato smiled warmly. Some friendly banter wasn't that bad… At least, they weren't at each other's throats anymore.     

"I see that you've all decided to show up!"     

Appearing out of nowhere, Jiraiya placed his hands on his hips.     

"Pass me your entries, I'll go and register them for you. All you have to do is enter that building over there."     

As his words trailed off, Jiraiya pointed at a recently-built establishment. Near the entrance, a mob of shinobi could be seen making their way in.     

All of them were drastically different, some even being from different villages. Seeing them, Minato and Nozomi got excited.     

"Alright, good luck to you three!"     

Finishing up, Jiraiya disappeared as quickly as he appeared. Seeing him leave, the three Genin made their way over to the building.     

The many participants all got in line, waiting to enter the building. Choosing one of the three lines, team Jiraiya got in and waited for their turn.     

After a while, they finally got in. Once inside, they were greeted by two Chūnin, both of whom were sitting at a table that had a box on it.     

Seeing the three Genin walk in, one of the proctors raised the box up to them. Three sticks were poking out of it.     

"Please take one each. Depending on which number you get, you'll enter a different room."     

"We'll get separated…?"     

This was definitely unexpected. Nozomi looked at her teammates, who both shrugged. After all, the rules were the rules.     


Sighing, they each pulled out a stick, finding out their numbers in the process. Minato got one, Nozomi got two, and Jun got three.     

"Alright, head on over to your assigned rooms and wait for further instructions."     

Without much delay, they each went their separate ways. Once Jun entered room three, he was greeted by the sight of multiple, unhappy-looking participants.     

The room had long tables... Finding a corner for himself, Jun sat down and yawned, unimpressed by the glares he was receiving.     

'Who's this guy…'     

'He's so laid-back it's irritating…'     

The others were already looking at him with ill-will, but Jun wasn't bothered. After all, They were merely flies in his eyes.     

In the opposite corner of the room, someone stared at Jun with a complicated expression. He was none other than Ren, who had also signed up for the exam.     

'What is he doing here…? He's just a rookie…'     

Ren had to wait an extra year to participate, since Fugaku, his sensei, had deemed his team unprepared. Was Jun already good enough? It didn't make any sense…     

Seeing Jun yawn, Ren awkwardly smiled… That guy was way too relaxed… Did he think this exam was a joke?     

As he was debating about it in his head, Ren overheard some nearby Konoha ninja chatting.     

"Yo, is that Uchiha Jun? I heard his team completed an A-rank mission!"     

"Yeah, an A-rank! That's like Jōnin-level, right...?"     

"Damn… He must be over-powered…"     

Listening in, Ren couldn't believe their words… Jun had completed an A-rank? Why didn't he even know about such a huge thing!?     


Don't forget to drop some stones!     


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