Ghost of the Uchiha



3The next morning, that same hawk came flying back with another note wrapped around its foot. Smiling, Jun took the message and checked its contents.     

'So he's headed over there... I should leave now if I want to intercept them.' The note he sent out was a request for Minamoto's current whereabouts. The intelligence division had been swift with their reply, pleasing him.     

Jun erased all of his traces before continuing the mission. From what he had deduced so far, his destination would be the grass country's capital, where the daimyo was preparing to hold a meeting with his subordinates.     

Minamoto was currently traveling there from one of the smaller cities.     

'First, I'll track him down. Once I've found him, I'll stay within the shadows and wait for Kakuzu to strike.' With a confident expression, Jun flickered away, jumping from branch to branch. To an onlooker, he would just look like a blur.     


Sayamame village, a fair distance away from the land of grass' capital.     

Minamoto raised his cup of sake before draining it with a wide grin. Next to him, multiple women in light clothing were keeping him company, massaging, and feeding him.     

"Ummeeee!! This sake is so good!" Opening his mouth to bite the Dango that one of the girls was feeding him, Minamoto laid back and rested his head on the cleavage of the woman behind him, startling her.     

"Unya... Minamoto-san, you should warn before doing such naughty things~" Blushing, the woman sensually caressed his face, slowly reaching for his chest. "Are you perhaps in the mood?"     

"Gahahaha! You sure know how to treat this old man! I'll be sure to mention your name to the owner!" Laughing heartily, Minamoto didn't notice the jealous glares from the other women as they did their best to please him.     


As Minamoto enjoyed himself, Jun observed through the roof, his body merged with its structure.     

'How much longer do I have to watch him do this?'     

He had been closely monitoring Minamoto for an eternity. The daimyo's meeting was meant to happen later today, yet here they were, uselessly dallying.     

Jun felt slightly irritated. Because there was no trace of Kakuzu, he began to wonder if he'd chosen the wrong target.     

Moving through the walls, part of his head slowly emerged from the roof outside. Around the building, several guards were on duty. Having measured their strength earlier, he refused to believe that Minamoto knew his head was on the black market.     

Out of all of his guards, only one was a ninja. Adding insult to injury, his level disappointingly low for a Jonin.     

'Is this man seeking death? Or is he that confident in his safety?'     

Sighing, he was about to merge back into the building when he suddenly felt a foreign chakra signature rapidly approaching the brothel, Interrupting his thoughts. Activating his Sharingan, he zoomed in to its direction and noticed the perpetrator.     

'He's finally here...' Narrowing his eyes, Jun merged back into the roof, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.     


"Hey, do you think that after master Minamoto is done, he'll leave us a few girls?" Drooling at the thought, one of the younger guards asked his comrade.     

"Nonsense! Return to your post immediately!" The one who responded had a stern expression, angered by the young man's antics. This was why kids shouldn't be allowed to guard important figures. Just the thought of having him as a comrade made his skin crawl.     

"Okay..." Dropping his arms in a defeated manner, the young man turned to walk away, when suddenly, someone appeared into view. Confused, he furrowed his brows, calling over the older guard.     

"Oy... I think there's someone coming..."     

"What do you mean-"     

Before he could finish his sentence, Kakuzu had already arrived. Bursting onto the scene, the stitches on his skin suddenly opened, shooting out masses of hair that he wrapped around the two guards.     

"Wh-what is this stuff!?"     

"Flies." Ignoring their screams, Kakuzu made his hair enter their mouths and nostrils, filling their bodies up entirely.     

"Mpgh! Mmmph!" The guard's screams were muffled as hair started protruding out of their eye sockets and other orifices within their body.     


Special thanks to Frozoka Swaggins, God Erebos, and Daniil!     

Don't forget to drop some stones!     


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