Ghost of the Uchiha



1"Hn!? You dare talk back!?" His face livid, the clan head quickly made a hand seal. "On your knees, insolent brat!"     

"Ngh!" Feeling a throbbing sensation in her head, Nozomi fell to her knees and grabbed it in pain. Her shrill screams resounded across the neighborhood as she felt the pain of countless needles stabbing through her skull.     

"Nozomi!" Both of her parents rushed towards her and hugged her, trying to soothe her pain to no avail.     

Now in tears, Nozomi felt like claws were digging into her head. Next to her, her mother was unable to restrain herself as she cried uncontrollably.     

"Ryuu-sama! Please have pity!" Prostrating himself into the deepest kowtow he could muster, Yuji held back his tears. "You may take my life, but please forgive my daughter! She is only twelve!"     

"You also dare to ask for forgiveness? Shameless!" Furrowing his brows in anger, Ryuu activated Yuji's seal as well, causing him to roar in pain.     

"I could kill both of you right now if I wanted to!"     

"Dear!" unable to hold back her tears, Nozomi's mother looked at Ryuu with a furious glare.     

Walking up to the mother and daughter, Ryuu frowned viciously and reached for Nozomi's jacket. Seeing this, her mother slapped his hand, causing his expression to darken.     

"You also want to die? Wh*re of the branch family!" Slapping her with all his strength, Ryuu watched as she fell on the ground. Spitting on her, he walked up to the crying Nozomi and forcefully removed her jacket.     

"You don't deserve this!" Raising it in the air, he was about to tear the jacket in half, when suddenly, his son arrived.     

"Father! Stay your hand!" With a panicked expression, Hiashi stared at his father like he had turned into a demon. "Nozomi and her family did nothing wrong!"     

Seeing Nozomi on the ground, digging into the dirt with her nails because of the pain, Hiashi felt his heart shatter into pieces. The only reason why he had avoided her was to protect her from this exactly!     

"Hiashi. Don't defend the trash from the branch. have I not taught you any better!?" Furious, Ryuu sent a disappointed glare towards his son. "If you're going to become the clan head in the future, you'll have to learn to be heavy-handed."     

"If this is what it means to be the clan head, then I would rather die than take over for you!" With tears in his eyes, Hiashi couldn't believe what was happening. Was his clan this horrible?     

Not too far away, Hizashi hid behind a corner in the street watching with his Byakugan active. Faintly hearing his brother's words, he also teared up.     

"It seems like I'll have to re-educate you." Throwing the jacket on the floor, Ryuu walked up to his son and grabbed him by the hair, ignoring the pitiful screams of the family behind him.     

Raising his palm, he was about to slap Hiashi when something unexpected happened. Ryuu let go of his son as he felt a burning sensation near his throat.     

Falling on his back, Hiashi noticed Jun standing behind his father. Feeling a strange force loom over him, he instantly fainted.     

"Release whatever jutsu you're using on Nozomi and her parents..." Jun had his hand, covered in electricity, near the man's neck. "If you don't, I swear that I won't think twice about taking your dirty little life."     

Letting his killer intent fill the area, Jun watched coldly as Ryuu started trembling. In front of him, Hiashi had already fainted from the pressure.     

Jun was walking back home when he heard a commotion and sensed Nozomi's chakra signature. Seeing what happened, his anger surged forth, and he decided to butt in.     

"..." Ryuu felt like he was going to die. The electricity near his neck was so potent it burned some of his skin off, making him squint in pain.     

Nervously gulping down some saliva, he listened and slowly undid the seal.     

"Nozomi!" Feeling the pain subside, Yuji quickly got up and ran to his crying daughter, helping her up with pain filling his heart.     

"Dad's here... Everything's going to be alright..."     


Special thanks to Frozoka Swaggins, God Erebos, and Daniil!     

Don't forget to drop some stones!     


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