Ghost of the Uchiha



0"Is this Uzushiogakure?" Looking up with curiosity, Nozomi's mouth gaped in surprise. From their spot, they could see the village inside, and how different it was from Konoha socked her.     

The concrete buildings were tens of stories tall, with intricate patterns and designs carved into their surfaces. Instead of a village, it looked more like a small-scale city.     

Walking up to the guards' booth, Jiraiya handed them identification. Taking it, they stamped a seal of approval and gave them back, gesturing for them to go in.     

Nodding, Jiraiya removed his hood, prompting the rest to do the same. Walking inside, the effect was even greater.     

Jun noticed that a recurring theme in the architecture of this place was pillars, all with complicated designs engraved on them, more so than the buildings the supported.     

"Although I would love to explore, we need to head over to the Uzukage's mansion. I've just received a signal from the messenger toad." Refusing to dally, Jiraiya kept on walking.     

Frowning, Nozomi pulled on his sleeve.     

"Jiraiya-sensei... Is something the matter?"     

Hearing the concerned words of his cute student, Jiraiya took a hard look at himself. 'Sigh... What am I doing? There's no use in being tense now.'     

"I'll head over to the Uzukage's mansion with Orochimaru. Tsunade, could you take my students to the fire embassy?" Sighing, he calmed himself down and thought for a second. "Let them know we're here, and brief them the situation. Depending on the contents of the scroll the old man sent back, we'll see how we move on."     

"I guess..." Smiling, Tsunade affectionately patted Nozomi's head. She hated seeing Jiraiya act in this way since it was too different from his usual attitude, which she knew and loved. "This is much bigger than us, so don't forget that I'm always here to support both you and Orochimaru. We're a team."     

"Yeah, I'll remember that." Nodding, Jiraiya turned around. "Let's go, Orochimaru!"     

With those last words, they both flickered away. Seeing this, Jun made a wry smile... He wondered what the village would choose to do.     

Depending on their actions, he'd have to adapt.     


On the way to the fire embassy, Minato and Nozomi listened as Tsunade explained what they had found in the Kumo ninja's head. At this point, both of them were filled with tremendous shock.     

"What are we going to do? We can't just let them die, right?" Staring at Tsunade with an anxious expression, Nozomi fidgeted nervously. Once again, their mission had become much harder than it was supposed to be.     

"Mm... I hope that Lord Hokage will choose to protect the Uzumaki." Minato had a strong sense of family, considering all of Konohagakure's inhabitants and peers his own. Uzumaki included. "Is that what master Jiraiya was talking about?"     

"Yeah, he should've already received a response from the village. After he and Orochimaru have talked with the Uzukage, we'll know what to do." Not slowing her pace, Tsunade continued walking.     

"That said, almost everyone has red hair here, right?" Turning around, Nozomi seemed curious. "Are all Uzumaki like that?"     

"Nice deduction, I didn't notice. Maybe it's the Byakugan?" Finding a little relief in his current predicament, Jun chuckled a little. Even though he was an old man, he felt like he didn't have enough of these moments back then. Who could blame someone for just trying to enjoy themselves?     

"Uuu..." Pouting, Nozomi showcased he true colors. Opening her mouth to retaliate, she suddenly remembered something and blushed, turning back around.     

Watching her slap her cheeks, Tsunade raised an eyebrow. 'Oh? Is there something going on here?'     


Special thanks to Frozoka Swaggins, God Erebos, and Daniil!     

Don't forget to drop some stones!     


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