Ghost of the Uchiha



2"Uzuden!" Nozomi's eyes sparkled. "I read once that this is the hub for imports and exports within the entire land of whirlpools!"     

"Indeed, it is. Uzushiogakure is a mere day's distance away from here. We should get going now." Making sure he hadn't forgotten anything, Jiraiya walked down from the boat, his feet finally on land. Ignoring the thick smell of fish, he started walking.     

Seeing him so eager, Nozomi and Minato looked at each other with confused expressions. Did something happen to their sensei? He usually was much more lively.     

Either way, they followed him alongside Jun, Tsunade, and Orochimaru. Instead of taking their time to enjoy the new scenery, they jumped from roof to roof as they quickly made it out of the small village.     

Stopping at an intersection in the middle of the forest, Jiraiya printed to the right. "I've been there before, just follow me."     


Meanwhile, inside the conference room of the Hokage's mansion.     

Like last time, all of the village's important figures were present. They received Jiraiya's message a day ago and were ready to discuss plans.     

Yuji had now taken the place of Ryuu, sitting near Masaki as the head of the Hyuga clan. Although unforeseen, the clan's circumstances were accepted by all, so he didn't feel too out of place.     

"What do you all think? Should we try and negotiate with the other villages or fight?" Smoking his pipe, Hiruzen frowned. This situation came as too much of a surprise for him, so he sought his people's help.     

"Negotiations are useless, Hiruzen. They'll either drive us to ruin or mark us as a weak power, unwilling to wage war or defend our allies." NArrowing his eyes, Danzo spoke coldly. Hearing his words, Shige Nara nodded.     

"For once, I agree with you, Danzo-san. Negotiating with them is futile." Crossing his arms, he shrugged. "Then again, sending our men out to fight the other five nations at the same time is out of the question."     

"But then what can we do? If we don't fight back, the Uzumaki clan will be extinguished." Pushing his glasses up, the Aburame clan head spoke in a low voice. "We can't afford to lose such a powerful ally, especially with the incoming war."     

"True. Losing the Uzumaki would be the equivalent of cutting an arm off. They're our main supply of seals."     


Most of the people present nodded. They were all on the same page, knowing that the Uzumaki had to be saved. But now the question was how they would proceed.     

Narrowing his eyes, Shige faced Hiruzen. "Lord Hokage, even if you go there, we can at most take the battle to a draw. We'll certainly be on the losing side in terms of casualties, considering the fact that we're facing not one, but four shinobi villages."     

"With you, Masaki-san, Sakumo, and Jiraiya, as well as the Uzumaki's leader, our strength can easily rival the other four village's main forces. But the problem is that they won't lose as much as we will, given that they outnumber us."     

"Mm..." Nodding, Hiruzen understood Shige's words. "But the, is there another option?"     

Placing a hand on his chin, the Nara looked up at the roof for a second before answering. As he spoke, everyone's eyes were on him.     

"I do have something in mind..."     


A day later, the team finally made it to Uzushigakure's gates. Like Konoha's, they were large but had to large structures of winged Tengu seemingly holding them in place.     

On the massive doors was painted the symbol of the Uzumaki clan, a red circle with a swirling pattern in the middle.     


Special thanks to Frozoka Swaggins, God Erebos, and Daniil!     

Don't forget to drop some stones!     


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