The Super Universe Leveling Game

C3859 Intent

C3859 Intent

0The Second Crown Prince did not come alone. Other than a servant who followed closely behind him, there were ten thousand other people in the middle - I was the only one who was handsome, Peanut Bean Milk Sugar, and an unfamiliar man.    


"Don't look at how this restaurant is small and rundown, it tastes quite good. Although I am a restaurantkeeper, I have no choice but to admire Old Huang. He can bring his emotions into the dishes, and when he lets people taste the delicacies, he can even experience a hundred lives, which is very strange - - "The Peanut Dessert introduced them as it walked, and suddenly shut its mouth. It couldn't help but stop in its tracks. When it saw Eastern Qingyu and Han Shasha, its expression became a little awkward.    


Because they were eating, Han Shasha took off her veil. However, even if she didn't take it off, he would still be able to recognize Han Shasha. The probability of seeing Dongfang Qingyu or Han Shasha in Dream City was very low, and the probability of meeting the two of them at the same time was even lower.    


Eastern Qingyu was the City Lord of Black Tortoise City, and Han Shasha was the City Lord of Qingsha's Second City. The two of them had high positions and great power, and the two of them did not get along with Liu Chuanfeng. If they rashly entered Liu Chuanfeng's city, it would unavoidably cause unnecessary trouble.    


To see the two of them at this time, there was almost no need to think about it. They must have come for the war between the only commander in the center of the ten thousand people and the L Yan City. Peanut Milk Candy knew that his thoughts would definitely not be able to hide from Dongfang Qingyu and Han Shasha, so it was unnatural.    


Dongfang Qingyu smiled and nodded at Peanut Milk Candy, while Han Shasha only took a glance.    


"What's wrong?" The Second Prince asked Peanut Milk Candy.    


"East Qingyu and Han Shasha." Peanut Beans and Milk Candy said in a low voice.    


The Second Prince was slightly stunned, but he immediately returned to normal. He walked to Dongfang Qingyu's table, and said in a gentle voice, "Sha Sha, the last time I saw you, you were still a little girl. It's been so many years since we last met, I almost didn't recognize you."    


"Brother Duan!" Han Shasha stood up. She was a little reserved. When Dongfang Qingyu saw this, he also stood up.    


"What's wrong? Back then, you followed behind me every day. Now you are separate?" The Second Prince pretended to be unhappy.    


"It's been a long time." Han Shasha said.    


"Eat more?" The Second Prince looked at the table, there was still half of it left. This little amount should not be enough to fill his stomach. Han Shasha was a little hesitant as she looked at Eastern Qingyu.    


"You must be Dongfang Qingyu, right? My name is Duan Jiuyin, and I have heard of your famous name for a long time. However, this is the first time I have seen you in person. You really do look talented and heroic." The Second Prince took the initiative to extend his hand.    


"Hello, hello." Dongfang Qingyu said dryly. It was not appropriate for him to say that he had heard a lot about him, or that he was very happy. Saying anything else was too hypocritical, so he might as well not say anything.    


"It's fate that we meet. Shall we have a drink together?" Duan Jiuyin invited.    


"It's better to accept it than to be respectful." Dongfang Qingyu naturally knew what he meant.    


Dongfang Qingyu once again saw the power of power. The empty table in the corner was the exclusive table of Old Huang, the owner of the Red Sandalwood Dining Hall. When Old Huang heard that Duan Jiuyin had arrived, he immediately came out to meet him. His attitude was respectful as he invited Duan Jiuyin to take a seat. Rules and regulations did not exist.    


Not only that, but Old Huang also unceremoniously chased the other guests away. He was experienced and could tell that Duan Jiuyin had something to discuss and needed a quiet environment.    


"Little Huan, you little girl, where have you been? Did you not see that the guests are here? Hurry up and greet them. Pour the tea first. " When Elder Huang turned around to face Duan Jiuyin, he immediately put on a smile and said, "Please don't take offense. Little Huan is my granddaughter and I've spoiled her."    


Zhao Ruihuan was stunned. It was the first time that she had ever seen her grandfather act so kind to his guests. It should be known that only his grandfather had such an expression when he was with his family. When he was with outsiders, especially the guests, he would always have a cold and indifferent expression.    


"No need to go through so much trouble. I am just here to eat something," Duan Jiu-Yin said.    


"What do you want to eat? What flavor do you like?" Elder Huang asked eagerly. Dongfang Qingyu looked at Han Shasha. Didn't they say that Boss Huang would cook according to his mood when dealing with guests? He never asked what customers liked to eat, he only thought about what he wanted to cook. Han Shasha shrugged her shoulders with a helpless expression.    


Duan Jiuyin's identity and status had already exceeded the rules. Traditionally, the rules did not have any binding effect on him. On the contrary, most of the time, the rules had to make way or change for him.    


In front of such a person, it was not surprising for Boss Huang to behave in any way. Zhao Rui Huan had the urge to cover her face. She was not a blind person and could tell that Duan Jiuyin's status was not ordinary, but she could not guess how extraordinary he was. Towards her grandfather's humble attitude, and even in front of her idol, Dongfang Qingyu, she felt very embarrassed.    


"You don't have to be so polite. Just cook the dishes that you are usually good at. My taste is a little mixed and I'm not picky with food. I know how to eat a little." Duan Jiuyin said.    


"Understood. You guys chat. I'll go cook now." Before Boss Huang left, he still did not forget to remind Zhao Rui Huan to take good care of the customers and do the work of a waiter.    


Zhao Ruihuan was speechless, but she still nodded her head and agreed. It was also a good thing that she could stay with Dongfang Qingyu more. Dongfang Qingyu and Han Shasha moved to Duan Jiuyin's table, but Duan Jiuyin's servant did not sit on the table. He stood at the side and was in charge of pouring tea, while the real waiter Zhao Rui Huan had nothing to do.    


"I know that you also have a few companies in reality. What do you think of the current economy?" Duan Jiuyin was asking him a big question. Eastern Qingyu was a little surprised. As the overlord of the game, he seemed to have nothing to do with finances, but he did not have stage fright. He pondered for a few seconds and said, "The era of selling houses to support the GDP is over."    


"There are a lot of people who say that the new source of energy is the next wind vent. What do you think?" Duan Jiuyin asked again.    


"There's no doubt about it." Dongfang Qingyu's tone was certain.    


"The share price of Immortality Peach Tree is continuing to rise. Congratulations." Duan Jiuyin said with a smile.    


"I just want to drink some soup behind them." Dongfang Qingyu was very modest. He had always thought that the share price was fake, and the money he had gotten was real. Today, the price would fall by 2000 points or 1500 points. The day after tomorrow, there would only be 500 points left. The rise and fall were too uncertain, so he rarely paid attention to the stocks.    


"His name is Yang Sui. He has been overseas for a long time and has just returned to the country. He is preparing to start his own business." Duan Jiuyin suddenly pointed at the middle-aged man.    


"Hello." Dongfang Qingyu did not understand what Duan Jiuyin meant, but he still greeted him politely.    


"Please take care of me in the future." Yang Sui stood up and greeted him with a very low attitude.    


"Yang Sui has carefully done market research and is preparing to do health. What do you think? "Keep an eye on me. Duan Jiuyin stated his purpose.    


Yang Sui was only a front desk. The one who really wanted to do business was him.    


"The prospects are very good." Dongfang Qingyu still did not understand. Why did he ask him such a question? He told the truth, because he really did think highly of the health industry.    


Chapter 45 - The Probation of Health    


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