Heaven-defying Upgrade System

C15 It's a Blessing in Disguise

C15 It's a Blessing in Disguise

0Jade Pellet, tier one panacea.    


Jade Pill was undoubtedly the lowest rank in the entire panacea series. Usually, only apprentice alchemists would refine it.    


A true alchemist would be disdained to refine it.    


From this, it could be seen that the effects of the Jade Pill were not that strong. However, Liu Fei had never seen such a low grade Elixir before. In fact, among the three great families in Tianqi City, the Jade Pill was very precious. Only a few people were qualified to enjoy it.    


Of course, since it was a spiritual pill, it was more or less effective. If it was used for cultivation, it could help the Cultivator absorb spirit energy faster, and it could also be used to replenish spirit energy.    


In order to make Liu Fei go all out in the trial, the Liu Family would do such a thing. They gave him a full bottle of Jade Pills. Originally, they wanted Liu Fei to use it in the trial. But now, he asked Liu Fei to bring all of them. It filled his stomach.    


If the experts of Liu Family knew about this, they would probably be so angry that they would vomit blood.    


"Hu! It doesn't seem to be that bad anymore. " The moment Liu Fei swallowed the pill, he felt a warm feeling. It grew in his stomach and spread in all directions. His originally weak limbs had also given birth to a new strength. He was no longer weak.    


Even the system's broadcast did not appear, which meant that it was not an illusion.    


He was a transmigrator, yet he was almost starved to death. Liu Fei... His face was flushed red, and he couldn't describe the awkwardness. Luckily, there was no one else here. His embarrassment... No one knew. Otherwise, he wouldn't have the face to face others.    


"Ding! The host consumed a spirit pill for the first time and obtained the title of 'Drug Eater'." The system notification made Liu Fei vomit blood. This title was really too awkward, and it was very hard for him to accept it. What he didn't know was that he had eaten too many spirit pills. It had caused a change.    


"[Medicine Master: The effect of the spirit pills consumed by the host will be increased by 50%.]" The system gave a detailed description. Even if it's a pure spiritual pill, the spiritual energy within it is still very powerful. The Cultivator would not be able to fully absorb it, and would be depleted.    


According to the Cultivator's constitution, cultivation base, and other factors, it would consume spirit pills. The effects were also different. The more, the more he could absorb. At the very least, he could only absorb one percent, or even one thousandth. Of course, such an exception was rarely seen.    


The most common one was three to four tenths. Most of the pill's effects would flow out of the body.    


Liu Fei, who had a strange title, could guarantee that he could absorb the effects of the pill. At least fifty percent. It was indeed very impressive. Instantly, Liu Fei felt the warmth in his body become even stronger. It made him feel a little hot, as if he was sitting beside a stove.    


Obviously, the bonus from the title had already begun.    


"Eating panaceas with the title is just so awesome." Liu Fei was overjoyed. All of his strength had returned. Even the level that he had dropped due to his weakened state. It had also returned. However, the strange thing was that the system did not remind him again.    


"Boom!" Suddenly, Liu Fei felt as if his body was about to explode, and a burning force was rising inside of him.    


As the saying goes, extreme joy brings sorrow. That was more or less the case. Originally, he had swallowed more than ten Jade Pellets at once, but at most, it only made his spiritual energy overflow. There wouldn't have been any negative effects. However, now that he had been given the title, he had to consume spirit pills. The amount of spiritual power he absorbed had greatly increased.    


This power exploded out and filled his body. It almost overloaded his entire body. This was because he had already broken through to the first level of the Mortal Core Realm. Although he had fallen, his foundation was still there, so he hadn't exploded.    


However, the amount of spirit energy he was gathering in his body was increasing. Not only did it not decrease, it was also increasing.    


"What should we do? What should we do?" Liu Fei was burning with anxiety. He opened his mouth and spat out hot smoke. It seemed like he was about to spit fire. If he didn't do anything, he would eventually burn from inside out. He would be burned to nothing by the spiritual energy, not leaving even a bit of bone residue.    


Liu Fei didn't even think about using water to cool himself down. What was in his body was the spiritual energy and fire, not ordinary flames. If he wasted his time searching for water, it would be useless.    


Under normal circumstances, when faced with such a situation, the Cultivator would activate its cultivation technique. It would use this energy to increase its cultivation base. Even if it failed, it could alleviate the crisis it was facing. However, had Liu Fei practiced any cultivation technique before?    


The answer was no.    


Besides the Fierce Dragon Fist, he only knew the Profound Heavenly Change. But these two were both martial skills and secret techniques. However, he used the spiritual energy in his body instead of the cultivation method. At this time, it was completely useless.    


If the spiritual power in his body wasn't so vigorous, he might be able to vent it out. But now, it was hard to say.    


"How can there be a skill formula and a skill formula?" Liu Fei secretly complained. The system really did not have a cultivation skill. Otherwise, he would not have needed to burn his eyebrows to find a cultivation skill.    


"That's right!" Suddenly, his gaze shifted and once again landed on the table. He vaguely remembered that there were several ancient books. He didn't ask for much. As long as one of them contained a skill formula, the danger he was facing... He would be able to solve the problem easily and would no longer be in danger.    


"'Ding... discovered Purple Cloud Art. Learn? '"    


"'Ding... discovered Flame Yang Palm. Learn?'"    


"'Ding... discovered Flame Dragon Art. Learn? '"    


"'Ding... Discovered Wind-smoke Step, learn? '"    


Four system notifications fell into Liu Fei's ears. It was so wonderful. Among them, the Purple Cloud Art was what he desired the most. This was also the most basic skill in the entire Liu Family. It was hard to say how good it was. But at least, it was not a common skill.    


Besides, Liu Fei still had a choice?    


"Learn, learn, learn everything!" Liu Fei quickly agreed. There was no need to think about it. In an instant, a few streams of light flew out from the books. They entered Liu Fei's forehead and disappeared. After that, Liu Fei felt countless figures appearing in front of him.    


They were the remnant figures of those who had cultivated these techniques before. His appearance couldn't be seen clearly, but his cultivation method was very clear.    


Among them, other than the Purple Cloud Art, which was a cultivation technique, the other three parts... They were all martial techniques. There was the Flame Yang Palm that he had seen before, and also the Flame Dragon Technique that he had never heard of. There were even movement techniques. Coincidentally, this was Liu Fei's biggest weakness.    


The few times he had killed powerful enemies had all been because he had borrowed a tremendous amount of power. Also, those enemies were too careless. It was impossible. He always placed his hopes on this. Then, learning more martial techniques was inevitable.    


Although these martial skills of the Liu Family might not be of high quality, it was still better than nothing to him.    


At most, he could exchange them after obtaining a higher level martial skill.    


He skipped over the scene of the martial skill and focused all his attention on it. Putting it on the Purple Cloud Art, it only took about ten breaths' time. He had completely mastered the Purple Cloud Art and started to circulate it. At this moment, his clothes had already been burned by the spiritual flame. Even his slightly pale skin had turned dark red.    


From afar, it looked like he had turned into a bloody man. In reality, there were indeed drops of blood that seeped out from his billions of pores.    


"Ding! Do you wish to spend 50,000 experience to derive the Purple Cloud Art?" At this moment, the System had a new trick. Perhaps even the system could not bear to watch Liu Fei cultivate such a skill. It was only because of this that the system had provided him with help. Of course, it was not free of charge.    


Liu Fei had only obtained 50,000 experience points from killing Ninth Layer of Body Tempering Gray-robed Elder, and he was surprised that he needed so much to deduce the Purple Cloud Art.    


"Push! Push it to death!" Liu Fei's face was ferocious as he gritted his teeth and shouted. Experience points and whatnot would appear in the future. It was a chance to deduce the cultivation method. However, it might not appear again. How should he choose? Did he need to hesitate?    


Rustle, rustle, rustle...    


As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Fei felt that he was really about to explode. As his cultivation base fell from the first level of the Mortal Core realm, the bonus he received also disappeared. His body, which was already on the verge of collapse, became even worse. Blood continuously oozed out of his body.    


His entire body was covered in blood. It was extremely frightening. But even so, Liu Fei gritted his teeth and persisted.    


"Take it as compensation for the time that was wasted." The series of events that happened caused Liu Fei to blame himself. This guilt... At this moment, it erupted. It had become the motivation for him to persist and provide him with endless power.    


At the same time, the overlapping figures in his mind were also changing rapidly. In the end, they returned to nirvanic extermination. There was only a figure formed by a fiery light in front of him. Slowly cultivating. It allowed him to see very clearly.    


"Deduction complete. Purple Cloud Art leveled up. Name it True Purple Cloud Art." The System was too lazy to name it so casually. Luckily, Liu Fei didn't care about that. Whether it was called True Purple Cloud Art or not... Or something else, it doesn't matter.    


To Liu Fei, the cultivation of the True Violet Cloud Art wasn't difficult at all. In an instant, he had entered into a state where he gathered the scattered spirit power into a ball.    


Then, he guided the spiritual power ball to follow a specific path in his meridians.    


"Sizzle... Sizzle..." A strange sound suddenly rang out from within Liu Fei's body. It was his meridians that were being destroyed and rebuilt by the burning spiritual power. This... The pain was too shocking. Even with Liu Fei's willpower, he couldn't help but groan.    


Luckily, the True Purple Cloud Art that the system had deduced was indeed different. It destroyed and at the same time, quickly repaired his meridians. It prevented Liu Fei's meridians from being destroyed.    


Along with the cultivation of the True Violet Cloud Art, Liu Fei's body originally had no elemental spirit energy. It had all been converted into dark red spiritual power, and steam was rising from it. This process continued for a long time, until finally, Liu Fei entered the state of cultivation. He had actually forgotten about time.    


When he woke up again, it was already late at night.    


Although there was no light in the room, he could see everything. His eyes, from time to time, were flickering with fiery light.    


"Haha, Fiery Golden Eyes!" Liu Fei was very pleased with himself, feeling refreshed and refreshed. All the discomfort from before had already left him. Blood oozed out of his pores and formed a scab on the surface of his body. He easily tore it off and immediately transformed into a new person.    


"Fire, come!" Liu Fei spread out his palm. A dark red flame appeared in his palm and transformed into various shapes.    


It was a feeling of familiarity.    


Although his cultivation base had fallen, he felt that... His own strength has increased quite a bit. If he encountered a Ninth Layer of Body Tempering again, he would be able to kill him with a flick of his finger. As for the level of the True Violet Cloud Art that had been modified by the system devil... There was no comparison.    


"My spirit is too good, I can't sleep, what should I do?" After cleaning up the traces of his cultivation, Liu Fei was very distressed. Normally, he would have fallen asleep.    


But now, let alone not feeling sleepy, all the cells in his body were indescribably active, as if he was rejoicing that he had received a new life.    


"Since that's the case, continue to work hard and continue cultivating." Liu Fei thought that there were still three more techniques that he had not had the time to cultivate. The Flame Yang Palm skill was used by Liu Shan, who had died in his hands. He felt that it was just an ordinary skill, and it had been abandoned by him.    


He wanted to study the remaining Flame Dragon Technique and Wind-smoke Step.    


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