Soul And Martial Emperor

C148 The Top Eight Was Born

C148 The Top Eight Was Born

0The top 148 is born.    


Meng Hao had won the competition with his incredible strength. Now, everyone knew who he was. The way they looked at him had changed. They were now looking at him with great respect.    


After that, the other four matches also came to an end beautifully. The number of people who would be able to enter the next round had also been determined.    


Among them, Meng Hao was more familiar with Leng Qingfann, Ye Tianqing, Yang Ruoxi, Xia Xiaoshan and Lu Guan, who also came from the Shadow Killing Pavilion.    


Including Meng Hao, there were only six people, followed by Dongfang Aoyun, who was ranked first in the last year's Earth Tiger List, Wu Dao, and Situ Mengxiao, who was ranked third.    


There was also He Hongxuan, who was ranked sixth in the previous Earth Tiger List, and Di Yan, who was ranked eighth.    


As for the other four people, two of them were experts from the Earth Tiger List. They were ranked 23rd, Chang Yebai, and Yu Wenshu, who was ranked 27th.    


The last two were also the dark horses of the newcomers. They were called Lai Qing and Mao Hongda, and they were also strong competitors. It was obvious that they weren't weak to be able to stand out from the competition of so many people.    


Among the 15 people, one of them was lucky enough to enter the top eight. However, this still needed to be decided by drawing lots.    


The result of the draw was Yang Ruoxi entering the top 8, while Meng Hao's opponent was Chang Ye Bai, who was ranked 23rd in the Earth Tiger List last year.    


The referee gave the order and the competition continued. The first match was Wu Dao versus Yu Wenshu. The result could be imagined. Yu Wenshu couldn't even withstand a single strike from Wu Dao and was defeated cleanly.    


Dongfang Aoyun, Situ Mengxiao, and Leng Qingfann also revealed their abilities and defeated their opponents in one move.    


Next was Meng Hao's martial arts competition. Chang Ye-Bai sized up Meng Hao. Meng Hao smiled and said, "Let's fight. Since those guys in front are so fierce, I will not show mercy."    


"Great Luo Palm!"    


Chang Yebai also knew that Meng Hao was not simple, so he naturally did not dare to underestimate him. He took a deep breath and attacked.    


In a flash, he appeared in front of Meng Hao. Soul force surged on his palm. Immediately, he struck out with his palm, causing the air to explode and shatter. A rumbling sound was emitted.    


Swoosh swoosh!    


The Star Thunder Sword on Meng Hao's palm suddenly came out of its scabbard. Two consecutive sword strikes landed on the terrifying palm prints.    


Meng Hao's attack was very fast. When Meng Hao withdrew his sword, the terrifying palm force actually shattered with a loud bang, and the sharp sword light went straight for Chang Ye Bai's face.    


Chang Yebai's toes suddenly tapped on the ground when he saw this, and his body quickly retreated backwards. However, the two sharp sword lights were like maggots that were rotting bones, and they kept chasing after him.    


Helpless, he could only open his mouth and admit defeat. As the two words' admit defeat 'fell, the two sharp sword light also dissipated. Meng Hao easily won the match.    


Similarly, he had defeated his opponent in one move. Meng Hao had used ten percent of the sword intent. It was reasonable for Chang Yebai to lose in one move.    


After that, Xia Xiaoshan and Di Yan had also finished off their opponents. At this point, the top eight were officially born. They were Dongfang Aoyun, Wu Dao, Situ Mengxiao, Leng Qingfann and Di Yan. Xia Xiaoshan, Yang Ruoxi, and Meng Hao were the eight of them.    


The judge announced, "Now that the top eight have been born, the competition for the championship will be next. Let's take a rest today and recuperate. Tomorrow will be the last day of the Battle of Earth Tiger List, and the champion will be born tomorrow.    


Meng Hao and the others returned to their respective camps and places. The disciples of Purple Sun Hall looked at Meng Hao with a trace of admiration and respect.    


Just as Meng Hao entered the state of cultivation, a faintly discernible voice sounded in his ears, "Little guy, I have seen your performance in the competition. Your performance was outstanding, so I couldn't help but want to say something to you."    


Meng Hao's expression changed slightly. He was stunned for a moment before he continued his cultivation. He had already guessed the identity of the person who sent him the voice transmission. It must be Domain Lord.    


"Good kid. You have actually guessed my identity. I have underestimated you. Work hard and fight for it. If you can win the championship, I will give you a big gift. I guarantee that you will be satisfied with it."    


"Alright, work hard. I will come to you personally after the competition," the voice said and disappeared after a few words. Meng Hao's heart was in turmoil, especially the big gift that Domain Lord had mentioned. He did not know what it was.    


Meng Hao suppressed the doubts in his heart and continued cultivating. He was currently comprehending the Will Stage of Fire. Currently, he had already comprehended 55% of the Will Stage of Fire with the help of the Flaming Fruit, and he had even comprehended a trace of Profound Meaning from it. The Profound Meaning of Fire.    


Profound Meaning was an existence that was above the Concept, and was much stronger than the Concept. For example, once Meng Hao comprehended the real Profound Meaning of Fire, the power of his Fire Soul Skill would be increased by more than 20%.    


However, Profound Meanings were very difficult to comprehend. Ordinary people could only comprehend one Profound Meaning in their lifetime, but they were also geniuses who could comprehend many kinds of Profound Meanings.    


Although the Soul Skill was divided into nine parts, it could be called the Profound Meaning Martial Arts when it reached the seventh part. However, it could only be considered the lowest grade of the Profound Meaning Martial Arts. The eighth part was the middle grade of the Profound Meaning Martial Arts, and the ninth part was the high grade of the Profound Meaning Martial Arts.    


Above the high level Profound Meaning Martial Arts was the top level Profound Meaning Martial Arts, followed by the super Profound Meaning Martial Arts. Its power was simply unimaginable.    


However, it was also very difficult to comprehend the Profound Meaning Martial Arts. A single Profound Meaning Martial Arts might cause one's body and soul to go berserk.    


Usually, only Spirit Peeping Stage warriors could use the Profound Meaning Martial Arts. Meng Hao was only at the sixth level of the Heaven realm, so he still had a long way to go.    


In a relatively quiet place, Domain Lord sat cross-legged on his bed. The middle-aged man next to him said softly, "Domain Lord, I have already investigated that kid called Meng Hao. He is from the Meng family, one of the seven big families in Black Profound Domain. There are two Saintly Martial Stage warriors in his family. His identity is also relatively clean, there is no problem with that.    


Domain Lord said with a smile, "That's even better. That little guy has comprehended the Will Stage of Fire, Will Stage of Thunder, and the Concept of Shadow. Among them, the Will Stage of Fire is close to the peak, and it won't take long for him to comprehend the Profound Meaning of Fire. When his strength reaches the Spirit Peeping Stage, no one in the Black Profound Domain will be a match for him. Therefore, he was a talent worth nurturing. In the future, he would send people to pay more attention to the Meng Family. If there were any other major powers who wanted to attack the Meng Family, then 'kill', do you understand?    


The middle-aged man was a little surprised. He nodded and said," I understand, Domain Lord. I heard that the Beiye Family and the Northwest Heaven Sect are going to deal with Meng Hao. Do you need me to eliminate these two major powers? "    


Domain Lord thought for a moment and said," No need for that. That little guy might be my son-in-law in the future. Let him deal with this small matter himself. Just treat it as a tough-training."    


The middle-aged man nodded. A smile appeared on his face. He couldn't help but think of the cold girl in his eyes. It seemed that the cold girl was with the girl called Meng Hao. It was truly unbelievable.    


Meng Hao didn't know about these things. At this moment, he was cultivating with all his might. However, he didn't know much about the Profound Meaning. So, he would wait until he met that Domain Lord in the future. He could ask him about it when the time came. It was said that Domain Lord was a Spirit Peeping Stage expert. Presumably, he had a better understanding of the Profound Meaning.    


While thinking about this, Meng Hao thought of his master, Huo Xingtian. Spirit Peeping Stage was the Domain Lord of Black Profound Domain, and his master was the Sect Master of Fire Spirit Sect, one of the most powerful forces in Spirit Heaven Domain. He didn't dare to imagine how powerful his master was.    




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