Path to the God

C322 tiger in sheep

C322 tiger in sheep

1After Liu Xing located the Spiritual Sense, he continuously pulled at the trigger, and the "tat tat tat tat" sound came out. The Ytmaker in front did not have enough time to pull the trigger, and was hit by the Bullet, falling to the ground and dying.    


The Ytmaker behind him panicked, he raised his spear to retaliate, a huge battle was about to start!    


Liu Xing rushed into the Ytmaker's Team, raising his spear in all directions, completely disregarding his own life and death.    


Cao Mei and Bai Yu were initially hesitant, but seeing Liu Xing rushing forward recklessly, they pulled their trigger s and rushed towards Ytmaker!    


Liu Xing and the other two rushed into the Ytmaker's Team like tigers charging into a flock of sheep. In that instant, gunshots were heard.    


In order to prevent Cao Mei and Bai Yu from getting injured, Liu Xing wrapped the Spiritual Sense with it and swept all the weapons within thirty meters of the Ytmaker into the Eternal World.    


The Bullet flew horizontally. The Ytmaker in front of them had no time to escape at all, as they fell down one by one!    


The moment the gun sound came out, Gou Sikelang's face turned serious. He immediately stood on the carriage and used his binoculars to look ahead, completely shocked.    


Gou Sikelang saw three people in front of him carrying light machine gun, rushing towards his Team and recklessly shooting at them, while the soldiers were like idiots, their guns not even knowing where to put them, with both of their hands empty. Some of them were even hit by machine guns, falling onto the ground one by one before they could even react!    


In Gou Sikelang's eyes, there were two women carrying the light machine gun. One was an angel, one was a devil, and the other had long white hair that was extremely terrifying. Wearing red clothes, they looked like gods of death.    


In less than a minute, the three of them had already taken down dozens of soldiers.    




Gou Sikelang smashed the telescope in his hands onto the carriage and immediately ordered the few lieutenants beside him: "Retreat thirty metres now and create some distance between us and the enemy. Artillery Team, move immediately and destroy them!"    


A captain said, "Lieutenant, there are still our soldiers in front of us!"    




The three enemies in front of him were too terrifying. He did not dare to lower his guard, and even ignored his own soldiers as he shouted, "Break them together!"    




Liu Xing saw that the Ytmaker was retreating crazily, so he no longer chased after him and stopped. He swept out seventy to eighty hand grenades from the Eternal World, stacked them in front of him and pulled and Bai Yu who were about to be in pursuit away, and said: "Throw the spear, help me pull the lead for the grenade, and then hand it over to me!"    


After Liu Xing finished speaking, he immediately squatted down and began pulling the lead. After pulling the lead, he immediately scanned into Eternal World.    


Cao Mei and Bai Yu looked at each other, not understanding what Liu Xing was doing. He was actually willing to give up such a good opportunity to beat a drowning dog up.    


But since Liu Xing was their leader, they didn't say much and immediately threw away their spears to help him pull the strings.    


Very quickly, they had pulled all the strings of the hand grenades. Liu Xing said to Cao Mei and Bai Yu: "Wait for me in the carriage, I'll be there immediately!"    


After Liu Xing finished speaking, without waiting for Cao Mei and Bai Yu's reply, he used limitless leg shadow and rushed towards the Ytmaker!    








Cao Mei and Bai Yu picked up the light machine gun on the ground and quickly ran back. After running a few steps, they heard an explosion behind them. The two of them turned their heads and saw that Liu Xing had already charged into the Ytmaker's Team.    


Seeing this scene, the two of them instantly understood why Liu Xing allowed them to pull the threads. Although they did not understand how Liu Xing controlled the grenades to not explode, they were glad that he was able to kill Ytmaker.    


As Liu Xing fired his gun, he swept the grenade in the Eternal World to where there were a lot of people. In a short period of time, explosions could be heard everywhere. Ytmaker's flesh and blood was flying everywhere from the explosions, and his corpse was lying on the ground. He had suffered heavy losses.    


Gou Sikelang saw that his subordinates were collapsing one after another, while the white-haired god of death was still darting around killing people everywhere. He had no choice but to order his cannons to stop the bombing and retreat once again.    


Although the artillery had stopped their bombardment, the Team in front of them still continued to emit explosions. Ytmaker continued to be blown up, and it was unknown whether they were dead or alive.    


Gou Sikelang was furious, he ordered the machine gun squadron to advance forward, and immediately set up heavy machine guns to shoot at the soldiers on the wall, in an attempt to kill Liu Xing along with them.    


Seeing that, Liu Xing retreated quickly. With a sweep of the Ytmaker's heavy machine gun, all of the Ytmaker who were trying to escape were shot to death one by one.    


Many of the Ytmaker s did not die from the enemy's massacre. Instead, they were shot to death by the sibling's machine guns, and many of them died with grievances.    


There was a heavy machine gun in front and a light machine gun at the back. In less than two minutes, all the Ytmaker in the middle were exterminated.    


When the smoke dispersed, Gou Sikelang picked up the binoculars and looked forward. There was still a person standing in the middle of the road, it was Liu Xing. He raised his middle finger at Gou Sikelang, turned and ran!    




Gou Sikelang was incomparable angry. He had lost two to three hundred people on his side, yet the other party was completely unharmed. Furthermore, he even had to point his middle finger to provoke him.    


Gou Sikelang pulled out his blade, waved it up, and shouted: "Go!"    


The road was destroyed by the explosion, causing the cars to be unable to pass, Gou Sikelang jumped off the car and chased after Liu Xing.    


Liu Xing ran to the SUV, swept out a bottle of wine, and drank it all in one gulp. He then activated the Cars and quickly drove towards egg village.    


When they almost reached the place where Zhu Dapeng and the others were waiting, Liu Xing stopped his Cars and kept it in the Eternal World. Then, he brought Cao Mei and Bai Yu along and found a concealed place to lie down.    


Bai Yu's big eyes were fixed on Liu Xing, filled with worship, and a trace of unconcealable love!    


Cao Mei saw Bai Yu's expression and said: "Bai Yu, you keep staring at Liu Xing, do you like Liu Xing?"    


Bai Yu laughed, his face turning red, he said: "Of course, who wouldn't like a handsome, elegant, elegant, brave and handsome guy like Younger brother Liu Xing? "But I'm already willing to devote my life to you, so it's just as well that you don't think much of me!"    


Cao Mei still wanted to say something, but Liu Xing hurriedly interrupted: "You guys don't talk nonsense, rest well. Wait until all Ytmaker s pass and listen to my orders, we will charge out together and take care of Ytmaker from behind!"    


After about ten minutes, Gou Sikelang finally caught up with them with the Ytmaker.    


Liu Xing and the other two remained motionless, but when Ytmaker passed by, Liu Xing used the same trick and swept all the Bullet s, grenades, explosives and other weapons into the Eternal World.    


A few Ytmaker s immediately felt that something was wrong, as though their bodies had suddenly become much lighter. They initially wanted to check what was going on, but since Gou Sikelang was the one in front, they didn't dare to stop.    


After the last few Ytmaker s ran over, Liu Xing immediately stood up. Raising his hands, the iron rod appeared in his hands.    




The last few Ytmaker s heard Liu Xing's roar and turned around. Seeing Liu Xing and the others rushing towards them, they lifted up their hands and immediately pulled back their trigger.    


Just when the last few Ytmaker felt that it was strange, Liu Xing's Great iron rod had already swept out!    


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