Path to the God

C1267 Hand-to-hand

C1267 Hand-to-hand

2The Auction continued, and Liu Xing would occasionally pay attention to Ning Banruo.    


Liu Xing knew that it was definitely when he was in Yama Temple that the physical and mental torture Ning Banruo had endured had already exceeded her limits.    


The more Liu Xing thought about Ning Banruo's appearance, the more he felt that he was apologetic.    


He knew that if he didn't let Ning Banruo walk out of this shadow, Ning Banruo's entire life would probably be ruined like this.    


"Xin Xin, you know so much. Say, if I take down the entire Yama Temple right now, will there be any trouble?" Liu Xing had already decided to take action. He first asked Beauty Rou Zi, who was beside him.    


He had never been able to guess the origin of this Soft Beauty's child, but there must be a reason behind it. Right now, he did not know, nor did he intend to study it.    


The more Liu Xing saw her smile, the more he felt that she was beautiful, but he did not have any thoughts about her.    


After the Soft Beauty laughed, he said calmly: "Little brother, are you really that confident that you can destroy Yama Temple? However, this is our Auction from the east of the Zi Dong Shop. If you want to forcefully take action, I am afraid this Auction will come to an end early! "    


"Okay, then let it end early. With powers that I hate, Siren Race that I hate both human and ghost, since this Auction is here, there is no need to continue anymore! " Liu Xing slightly smiled, looked at box three, and then looked at him as he said a few words.    


That Rou Beauty's beautiful and clear pair of large eyes looked at him with a smile throughout, but he did not take it to heart. He only wanted to give Ning Banruo an explanation, an explanation to the other nineteen Maid.    


"Senior, please do not be reckless. Disturbing the progress of Auction is not a small matter, and fighting Yama Temple is even more so not a small matter. Liu Xing still had not gotten up, so Yang Shuangshuang hurriedly pulled Liu Xing and explained everything to him.    


She really hoped that nothing would happen to Liu Xing. Liu Xing's strength was only at the Thunder suffering, she was truly worried for him. Even those charming Maid s looked at Liu Xing, their eyes filled with worry.    


Liu Xing looked at them and smiled slightly: "The little girl over there has already lost her soul, she is my friend. She has been tormented by the Yama Temple to this extent, I must exterminate the Yama Temple. I can't wait any longer. If I wait one more second, my heart will be in pain for one more second, and my sister will also stay in despair for one more second. Therefore, we absolutely cannot wait any longer! "    


Liu Xing then deliberately looked at the beautiful Maid s and said: "Ladies, wait for a moment. Once we leave, I will bring you all to the Yama Temple and let you all vent all the hatred and Resentment in your hearts. "Now, let me help that poor girl out of her misery first!"    


After Liu Xing finished speaking, all the beautiful Maid nodded their heads.    


Liu Xing stood up, and all of them stood up. They watched as Liu Xing walked towards Ning Banruo step by step, but they only watched, watched, and did not speak.    


Liu Xing walked to Ning Banruo's side and squatted down, his eyes maintaining a balance with Ning Banruo's empty eyes, but Ning Banruo's eyes were still empty, treating him as if she were nothing.    


Liu Xing's face became extremely serious, and said to Ning Banruo earnestly: "Hannya, I'm Liu Xing!"    


Ning Banruo's originally empty eyes suddenly gained some light, and after that returned to a hollow state, she muttered: "Liu … "Her voice is different …"    


Just as she finished speaking, two streams of clear tears unconsciously appeared in her eyes.    


Liu Xing quickly reached out to wipe her tears, and she instinctively turned his head to dodge. The moment Liu Xing's hands touched his face, she suddenly turned pale with fright, screamed, and fell towards the stone chair. He hugged his arms, and curled up into a ball, curled up like a cat, as he screamed crazily, "Don't come over here …"    


Ning Banruo's ear-piercing scream and scream instantly calmed the Auction down. Everyone was attracted by the scream and scream, and their gazes locked onto Liu Xing and Ning Banruo.    


Seeing Ning Banruo's current state, Liu Xing's eyes narrowed, and tears welled up in his eyes. He almost couldn't hold back the pain in his heart to the point of tearing up.    


He thought that since he knew that Ning Banruo had been kidnapped by the Yama Temple, he shouldn't have listened to Ye Ruoshi and should have immediately gone to save him.    


He suddenly felt that he had let Ning Banruo down, that he had harmed Ning Banruo, and that he had to take responsibility for it.    


Liu Xing clenched his teeth, shook his body, returned back to his original appearance, and said to Ning Banruo: "Hannya, look, I'm Liu Xing, I'm Liu Xing!"    


"No, no, you are not Liu Xing. You are fake. Liu Xing won't come to save me, he doesn't even have me in his heart, he won't come to save me … " However, Ning Banruo shook his head with all his might, tears flowing.    


She knew that the person in front of her was Liu Xing, but she no longer dared to believe it.    


In Yang Shuangshuang's heart, there were already those charming and moving Maid. When she discovered that the ordinary middle-aged Dashu in front of them had actually turned into a young and handsome young man, she was instantly shocked speechless.    


This sudden turn of events had truly shocked them too much.    


The cultivator present were equally shocked. They never would have thought that Liu Xing would be so young, yet so courageous and handsome.    


This included the Sea Demons of the Siren Race, they were completely shocked. They never thought that the one who dared to go against them would be a youth who looked to be at most twenty years old.    


Only the Black and White Star Sovereign, Zhang Saichi and the others in room number 1 nodded with a smile. Liu Xing's appearance proved that their guess was right.    


Liu Xing and Ning Banruo communicated with each other for a good while, but Ning Banruo still refused to acknowledge that he was Liu Xing.    


Liu Xing had no choice, he pounced and hugged Ning Banruo forcefully, allowing Ning Banruo to scream and pounce on him, kicking and punching him. He did not care about the clothes on his body being torn, he just did not let go.    


Finally, Ning Banruo held Liu Xing tightly and cried as she laid on Liu Xinghuai. As she cried, she mumbled to herself again and again, "Liu Xing, why didn't you come to save me? Why didn't you come to save me?    


Listening to Ning Banruo crying one sentence after another about why you didn't come to save me, Liu Xing didn't say anything from start to end, and even gritted his teeth so hard that they almost shattered, her cheeks were trembling slightly from using too much strength. She tried her best to hold back the tears in his eyes, but the tears still flowed from his eyes and slowly gathered at the corners of his eyes, finally condensing into two crystal clear tears, and fell down onto Ning Banruo's three thousand strands of green hair.    


But Liu Xing only used these two drops of tears, and used the rest to slowly nourish his eyes, not letting them fall again.    


After a long while, Ning Banruo no longer talked to herself, and actually fell asleep in Liu Xinghuai's arms. Liu Xing reached out to wipe the tears off Ning Banruo's face. He wanted to carry Ning Banruo on his back, but Ning Banruo held him tightly.    


Liu Xing smiled slightly, the smile looked extremely unnatural. He carried Ning Banruo in his arms and gently kissed Ning Banruo's forehead, allowing Ning Banruo to rest on his chest and fall asleep. He said to Ning Banruo gently, "Hannya, don't worry, from today onwards, as long as I, Liu Xing, am not dead, no one can bully you. "Now, I will make all those who hurt you pay the price!"    


Ning Banruo did not have any reaction, but a tinge of color slowly appeared on her pale face.    


Liu Xing continued to hug Ning Banruo as he suddenly flew up into the air. His long hair fluttered in the air, and under the gazes of everyone present, he flew towards box three and kicked him from afar. A translucent Zhenyuan wrapped around his leg, and as if it were solid, it carried the sound of whistling wind and light whistling sounds as it smashed towards box three.    


"Boom …"    


The big foot collided against the curtain of the box three and made a loud noise, instantly shattering the curtain made of special materials into pieces, and continued to crash into the room like it was supposed to be made of special materials, causing everything in the room to crumble to pieces. The big foot even kicked a large piece of the wall behind the room, revealing a huge hole.    


Liu Xing stood outside the box three with Ning Banruo in his arms. His body shook, and a wave of energy scattered out, sweeping away all the shattered pieces.    


The inside of the box three was a mess, there were no traces of the existence of the cultivator at all.    


Seeing this, Liu Xing frowned.    


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