Path to the God

C1327 mutation

C1327 mutation

0When the black cloth heard Liu Xing asking him what he wanted, he laughed out loud. He liked to see Liu Xing wanting him to die the most, but being unable to do anything about it.    


"Hahahaha …" The black cloth continued to laugh out loud, and said: What do I want to do? My request is simple, I can give you the array flag in my hand to save the Sword Spirit of the Nine Tribulations but I have a recommendation, and that is, you must let me go.    


Liu Xing frowned slightly as he thought about it in his heart. He then took out a Chinese thumb and flicked it, and the smoke immediately ignited. He took a deep breath, and after spitting out the dense smoke, he looked at the black cloth and said.    


The black cloth smiled, and directly threw the array flag to Liu Xing, which was kept by Liu Xing in the Eternal World, and then the black cloth said: Alright, now that the array flag is in your hands, then the Young Master will leave, and we will meet again.    


After saying that, the black cloth entered the cabin and drove the Airship away, but after walking two steps, its body suddenly stopped, and he realized that he couldn't move, he couldn't even speak, he wanted to say something, he had something to say, but he couldn't make a sound at all. Liu Xing seemed to know that he wanted to speak, so he immediately released the natural silk, reducing the binding so that the black cloth could speak.    


"Liu Xing, you despicable scumbag, you did not keep your promises!" The black cloth suddenly realized that it was much easier to deal with than normal and immediately scolded Liu Xing a few times.    


Liu Xing smiled slightly and said: "black cloth, with a person like you, there is no need to talk about promises and promises. If you have anything more to say, just say it out, if you don't, I will bring you to save the Sword Spirit of the Nine Tribulations, I don't have that much time to bullshit with you."    


"Liu Xing, don't you know how despicable and shameless you are? That array flag was created by merging a bit of my own Soul into it. As long as I am not dead, I can use Thought at any time and destroy that array flag instantly! " The black cloth coldly said a few words, looking at Liu Xing with incomparably fierce eyes, as if he wanted to immediately put him on the spot.    


Hearing that, Liu Xing frowned, he knew that it was fortunate that he had held back. If the black cloth truly allowed the black cloth to leave, with a move of the Thought, it would destroy his array flag. Then, even if he went outside the array, he would not be able to open it, nor would he be able to rescue the Sword Spirit of the Nine Tribulations inside it. The black cloth were really too insidious.    


"black cloth, how good can you be? Do you want me to destroy that formation flag right after I release you? Now that I know what you're up to, do you think I'll let you go? What's more, I placed your array flag in a dangerous place, so you can control the Thought and let him destroy it? I guarantee that you won't succeed even if you try a hundred times! " After Liu Xing thought it through, he smiled slightly and said a few words to the black cloth. If the black cloth wanted to escape, it would definitely not be that easy.    


Immediately, he controlled the Thought, causing the array flag to explode. However, after controlling it for half a day, he felt that the array flag still existed. It was just that he did not know where it was, and it did not explode. The black cloth was secretly impressed. Liu Xing still had some pros and cons, he was not that headless.    


"Liu Xing, if the array flags don't explode, I admit that you are cheating. But, do you want to grab me to unseal the array and save the Sword Spirit of the Nine Tribulations? I will tell you this, as long as I can get within a thousand miles of the array, because that array has a trace of my Soul, I can control the array to explode. At that time, even Sword Spirit of the Nine Tribulations will not be able to save you, do you believe me? " The black cloth said a few more words to Liu Xing, threatening him.    


This was what all the black cloth meant. They had to let him go, otherwise, Liu Xing would not be able to go and save the Sword Spirit of the Nine Tribulations. However, if Liu Xing released him, he could also think of ways to make that protective array explode. It would definitely not be that easy for Liu Xing to save Sword Spirit of the Nine Tribulations.    


"black cloth, then you are still thousands of miles away from the protective array. If you can't let the array flag explode or the protective array explode, then I'll just have to punish you, and see if you can't accept this! You should be familiar with my methods, right? I can take you in as my servant and turn you into my dog, do you believe me? " Liu Xing said a few words, the corner of his mouth slightly rose, and said a few words.    


When the black cloth heard Liu Xing's words, his face completely changed, and he was extremely shocked in his heart.    


If it was really as Liu Xing had said, then Liu Xing would take him in as a servant. Then he would have to listen to Liu Xing, and as long as he did not die, Liu Xing could easily undo the protective array, his plan would be in vain, and Liu Xing would truly obtain the final victory.    


"Liu Xing, if you have something to say, then say it, if you have to say it, then talk it out. Look, if you go and save the person, I won't stop you, but can you let me go first? I have a large amount of heavenly and earthly treasures and wealth here that I can give you all. As long as you let me go, we will not disturb each other in the future, what do you think? " The black cloth suddenly changed, his face was full of smiles. Although his smile was not sincere, but it was indeed very bright.    


"Don't think too much into it, just be my servant first!" After Liu Xing said a few words, the natural silk immediately wrapped itself tightly around the black cloth, preventing it from moving or saying anything. Following that, he directly walked in front of the black cloth and pressed his palm on the black cloth's forehead.    


The black cloth let out a silent scream in its heart. The Spirit Sea was in incomparable pain, as if it was about to explode. Liu Xing didn't care much and continued to force the black cloth out.    


When the Vital essence and blood forced its way to the top of the black cloth's head, Liu Xing suddenly felt a majestic pressure explode out from the black cloth's head. A powerful wave of energy instantly sent him flying, and the Airship that was tied up with the black cloth was unable to resist the pressure, and was also forced to release all of them, returning back to Liu Xing's Glabella.    


"Ah …" And at this time, the black cloth suddenly clutched its head, and let out an incomparably miserable scream. The black cloth cried out miserably as it rolled on the ground. It was already in so much pain that its facial features had distorted, the blood in its entire body was flowing even faster, and the Skin was becoming redder and redder. The pain that it endured was something no one could imagine.    


Liu Xing was sent flying by the imposing aura, and quickly crashed into the ocean. However, his injuries were not heavy, and quickly recovered.    


"Holy shit, what happened just now?" The cries of the black cloth continued, but when Liu Xing, who was below, thought of what happened just now, he felt that it was simply too strange. The Vital essence and blood that forced the black cloth had already been forced out of the Spirit Sea, and it looked like it was about to be forced out. Where did the vast strength pressure information that was being spread out by the black cloth and Spirit Sea come from?    


Without enough time to think, Ye Xiaomi's voice could be heard from the Spirit Sea. Ye Xiaomi said to him anxiously: Brat, hurry up and take a look, I'm afraid there's a change to the black cloth!    


Hearing Ye Xiaomi's words, Liu Xing's face became stern, and immediately merged into three, activating her movement technique. Like a rocket flying in the sky, she immediately flew up the Airship.    


Although he did not know what change the black cloth that Ye Xiaomi was talking about had meant, since Ye Xiaomi wanted him to hurry up, he had to do it quickly. Otherwise, if there was something that was beautiful beyond imagination, it would definitely not be fun.    


When Liu Xing ascended to the top of the Airship, it was still hugging its head and screaming miserably. said. At this time, Ye Xiaomi's voice rang out again, and this time it was clearly more anxious than last time, Ye Xiaomi said: "Kid, kill him, use all of your ability to kill him. Quickly, kill him, don't let him continue possessing!"    


After hearing Ye Xiaomi's words, Liu Xing's eyes narrowed. He did not care what Ye Xiaomi meant by those words, he knew that now was not the time to ask, and he had to use all his strength to kill the black cloth.    


He immediately took out his Chili pepper s and wrapped around his body. Three Special fire bead s, seventeen matching Special fire bead s, eighteen great tier-2 isobaric heart, and a top quality tertiary isobaric heart all shot out at the same time and smashed towards the black cloth that was rolling in pain on the ground. With so many Special fire bead and isobaric heart, there probably wouldn't even be a problem to kill True Immortal.    


"Rumble …" The moment the Special fire bead s and isobaric heart struck the black cloth, it immediately exploded. The sound was earth-shattering, even the ocean below felt like it was being swept away by a tsunami, the sea water rolled, and countless of sea creatures were directly killed.    


The top rank nine spirit ship turned into nothingness in an instant and disappeared without a trace.    


Even Liu Xing, who was wrapped up by the Chili pepper was blasted flying into the distance by a majestic wave of air.    


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