Emperor of Pills and Martial Arts



2Chu Mo sighed, and said: "Sigh, I had long guessed that the Rong Family would send people here to snatch the Crape Myrtle Emperor Flame, but I did not expect them to arrive so quickly, and to actually dispatch the Rong Family directly. This situation is truly a bit too damn! "    


Yuezheng Hanrui looked at Granny Rong who was standing proudly in front of him and said: "With uncle master here, they will definitely not succeed."    


Chu Mo lowered his voice and said, "I have a question!"    


Yuezheng Hanrui asked: "What questions?"    


Chu Mo said: "You said it earlier, if we obtain the Crape Myrtle Emperor Flame, Rong Family would be able to leap and become one of the strongest forces on the continent, and Granny Rong is surnamed after her after all, there is no reason not to hope that Rong Family will shine again!"    


Yuezheng Hanrui shot a glance at Chu Mo, and said with an unfriendly expression: "You suspect Uncle Master?"    


Chu Mo curled his lips and said: "Ruirui, don't forget, you haven't even known this great uncle for half an incense's time, do you have to be so biased against her?"    


Yuezheng Hanrui said: "Even so, I will not allow you to slander my Senior Master!"    


Chu Mo rolled his eyes, he really didn't know what to say.    


At this time, Ling Er also opened his mouth and said: "Big brother Chu Mo, if you still doubt my Master's name, then I won't call you Big brother Chu Mo anymore!"    


Seeing that the two Young Girl s were wholeheartedly defending Granny Rong, Chu Mo was truly helpless and said: "I just don't understand. Logically speaking, as a citizen of the Rong Family, Granny Rong would definitely wish for the Rong Family to revive, right? "    


Ling Er said: "Senior Sister has obtained the Crape Myrtle Emperor Flame, Rong Family can also be revitalized like before!"    


Chu Mo reminded him: "But Qianqian doesn't have a surname!"    


Ling'er said, "Granny once said that before Rong Cheng fell, she had left instructions that the inheritance could only be passed on to someone with the ultimate Fire Vein, regardless of that person's last name or last name. In other words, according to the teachings of the ancestors, as long as it was an extreme level fire meridian, no matter if it was Senior-apprentice Sister Qianqian or Rong Ao Lin, as long as they had the ability to subdue the Emperor Amethyst Flame, they would become a descendant of fire spirit. Furthermore, Rong Ao Lin's Ultimate Fire Vein was obtained from the Fire Elemental from Senior Sister Qianqian's body. Therefore, it could not be considered an Ultimate Fire Vein. Thus, the reason why Grandma did this was to follow the ancestor's teachings of the Rong family. As for the other members of the Rong family, they have all left their ancestral teachings. That is why Grandma separated from the Rong family and took Senior Sister and me back to the Rong family stream in the ancestral land!     


"So that's how it is!"    


Chu Mo finally understood, so all of this was because of the Rong City's teachings.    


Actually, suspecting Granny Rong at this point of time truly shouldn't be possible, but it was very difficult for Chu Mo to believe a person, even if that person was Qianqian's Master. He had to have a perfect explanation ? ? And now, after Ling Er gave her an explanation, Chu Mo was relieved.    


However, it was difficult for Granny Rong to forget about it. She turned her head to look at Chu Mo and said: "Kid Chu, are you tired of staying idle? You actually dare to doubt this old one?"    


Seeing Granny Rong's eyes, Chu Mo was shocked. He quickly replied: "Senior misunderstood, I was just casually asking. I hope Granny doesn't mind."    


Granny Rong coldly asked, "Now, have you finished your questions?"    


Chu Mo nodded, and said: "I've finished asking!"    


Granny Rong asked, "Do you have any other questions?"    


Chu Mo shook his head, and said: "There are no more questions!"    


Granny Rong stared straight at Chu Mo and said: "Are you sure? If you have any more questions, you'd better ask them all at once, because you have to choose to trust me. "    


Chu Mo said: "Granny believes, Junior will definitely unconditionally believe you!"    


Granny Rong nodded, and said: "Since that's the case, then you should take good care of Qianqian, and prepare to leave!"    




Chu Mo replied as he tore a piece of cloth from his clothes and tied Mo Qianqian, who was on his back, tightly onto his own body. At the same time, he also ensured that his actions would not be affected while locking the other party in place.    




Suddenly, right at this moment, Rong Family Rong Ying Fa who was at the opposite side opened his mouth and laughed coldly.    


Granny Rong's expression did not change. "What is it, a beautiful girl? This old woman has asked her men to leave, are you going to stop me? Or could it be that you are not prepared to listen to my words as a Big Sister? "    


Rong Ying Fa sneered and said: "Sister? Do you really take yourself as a sister? "    


Granny Rong said: "Even though I'm just your older cousin, I'm still your older sister. What's the matter, now that I'm the Rong Family, you don't even put me, the older sister, in your eyes?"    


Rong Ying Fa shook her head and said, "It's not that I don't think much of you, it's just that you chose to do so yourself! As a member of the Rong Family, you actually chose to side with outsiders.    


Granny Rong asked, "An outsider?" Who is an outsider? "    


Rong Ying Fa pointed to Chu Mo and the others, and said: "These people are all outsiders!"    


Granny Rong asked: "Including Ling Er and Qianqian?"    


Rong Ying Fa nodded and said, "That's right, including those two little girls!"    


Granny Rong said: "Ling Er has been a member of my Rong Family since childhood, and as for Qianqian, the moment she was brought back by me, the moment she confirmed that she was of the extreme fire meridians, she was already a member of the Rong Family. Even to this day, I still remember very clearly how happy all of you were when you found out that Qianqian had the extremely rare Fire Vein, which was a thousand years old. "But ?"    


After saying all that, Granny Rong's tone changed and she continued, "But who would have thought that all of you harboured malicious intentions? You all wanted to plunder the extreme fire meridians in Qianqian's body. And in the end, when you finally took a thread of fire seed from Qianqian's body and successfully planted it in Ao Lin's body, you all had completely abandoned Qianqian. This ungrateful method, could it be that this is the way your Rong Family governs his family? "    


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