CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



3Seeing that Mu Qianqian was still sleeping, Hua Yunrong didn't dare to stay by the bed any longer. He rushed into the bathroom and slapped his face with cold water, trying to cool down the blood that was boiling in his head.    


After doing all this, Hua Yunrong walked into the living room of the presidential suite, picked up his coat and left.    


When Hua Yunrong's figure disappeared in front of the elevator, a gorgeous figure walked out from the safe passage. With the card in her hand, Zhou Sitong walked into the room that Hua Yunrong just left.    


As soon as Mu Qianqian opened her eyes, the morning sunlight became even more dazzling. She gently stretched out her hand to cover her eyes before opening them in a daze.    


With a lifeless look in her eyes, Mu Qianqian could only feel the pain on her back. It was as if she had climbed a huge mountain. The scene in front of her eyes made her feel unfamiliar. Mu Qianqian laid on the bed in a daze. Her entire body was weak, and her mind slowly started to recall where she was right now.    


Wearing the clothes that were embedded with diamonds, going to the banquet, meeting Hua Yunrong's fiancee, facing Ling Jinghan's disdain, and the mockery from the surrounding people, shamefully hiding in the grass, following Hua Yunrong to the bar, encountering a hoodlum who was taken advantage of …    


As her consciousness slowly returned to the cage, the scene that flashed through her mind made Mu Qianqian abruptly sit up from the bed. She covered her mouth that was about to scream and started trembling.    


Looking around her surroundings, Mu Qianqian felt upset.    


This was not Rong Manor, this was a hotel!    


This knowledge caused Mu Qianqian to unconsciously start trembling. The aching pain in her body reminded her of one thing. She might have experienced something dirty that she simply could not endure last night!    


Mu Qianqian immediately pulled back her blanket and looked at the nightgown that didn't belong to her. Tears immediately welled up in her eyes.    


What should he do? What should he do? She's dirty, she's dirty!    


Who would do this to her? The thugs?    


Thinking of this possibility, Mu Qianqian's body trembled even more violently. Suddenly, the scene of her pulling Hua Yunrong and running nonstop flashed through her mind. Mu Qianqian's tears stopped instantly.    


No, no, it wasn't like that. She had to calm down, she had to calm down.    


Mu Qianqian thought back carefully. She probably escaped with Hua Yunrong, and Hua Yunrong seemed to have been dragged away by her and escaped the pursuit of those thugs.    


Then why was she at the hotel? Right, it was Hua Yunrong who brought her here! Could it be that she had gotten into an argument with Hua Yunrong?    


As Mu Qianqian thought of this, the trembling of her body became even more obvious. There were no more tears, and only despair remained in her heart.    


So it turned out that after going around in circles, even though she had risked her life, she hadn't been able to avoid fate playing around with him. In the end, she still forced herself into an even more embarrassing situation.    


She actually did it with Hua Yunrong, how could he do that? How could he do that! She was his big brother's woman, she was Rong Heting's woman!    


Without tears, there was only despair in Mu Qianqian's eyes. She didn't know what to do.    


Did he have to repeat the same trick again and shoot himself? Now she really felt like she was living a life worse than death.    


Quietly getting up, Mu Qianqian walked out of the room. Without washing or changing her clothes, she walked out with her hair loose and looked dull.    


Hua Yunrong put on his apron and placed the breakfast on the table. When he saw Mu Qianqian walk out of the room, he revealed a smile on his face.    


"Hurry up and prepare it at the table. The food I made is so delicious that my big brother won't even have a chance to taste it. I'll make it for you today alone!"    


After saying that, Hua Yunrong went back into the kitchen and put down the clay pot on the stove with gloves on. Then he opened the lid and smelled it, then he picked up the empty bowl on the table and started to scoop up the porridge for Mu Qianqian.    


Mu Qianqian walked quietly to the dining table and sat down. She kept her head down without saying a word.    


Hua Yunrong placed the bowl of seafood congee in front of Mu Qianqian. Just as he was about to proudly show it off, he was interrupted by a few words from Mu Qianqian.    


"Why did you do this to me?"    


Hua Yunrong didn't notice the oddity in Mu Qianqian's tone. He also scooped a bowl of porridge and placed it on the table before casually saying, "I like you. Are you touched?"    


Seemingly not needing Mu Qianqian's answer, Hua Yunrong sat at the dining table and tasted the porridge. Just when he felt that it wasn't bad, Mu Qianqian asked again.    


"Why are you doing this to me?"    


This time, Mu Qianqian's voice became louder. If you listened carefully, you could still feel the trembling in her voice. Hua Yunrong immediately noticed it. He looked at Mu Qianqian's pale face, not knowing how he offended her.    


"You could have clearly sent me back to the Rong Manor last night. Why did you bring me to the hotel!?"    


Finally, without letting Hua Yunrong be stunned, Mu Qianqian asked the question that she had kept in her heart the moment she saw him.    


When she noticed Hua Yunrong's sullen expression, Mu Qianqian noticed that his eyes were too cold. Mu Qianqian looked elsewhere, but couldn't find the strength in her voice as she muttered to herself.    


"You know that I am Rong Heting's man, but such a thing happened to you and me. Did I betray my body to save my brother that you would all look down on me?    


Because of a dishonorable identity, a body that was so easily looked down upon could allow others to trample upon my dignity.    


Hua Yunrong, these days, I thought there was a moment when we were friends. Why do you always send me into the abyss when I want to extend my hand of friendship?    


"Last time at Rong Heting's office, it was like this again."    


Mu Qianqian spoke softly and finally looked at Hua Yunrong, who was staring at her.    


"Last night, when you appeared in front of me and pulled me into your arms, I really felt like I had a friend I could rely on when I was in despair.    


When I was afraid to face Brother Feng because of my mistake, there was still one person who could let me vent the sadness in my heart without any grudges.    


But did I misbelieve it again? Why do I have to face such a nasty thing when I wake up in the morning!    


I'm not that kind of woman, I'm really not that kind of woman! "    


Mu Qianqian slowly spoke the words in her heart. Ever since she saw Ling Jinghan last night, her heart had never been at peace.    


Mu Qianqian suddenly realized that her heart had long since turned cold, numb, and loveless under her despair.    


Hua Yunrong finally understood what Mu Qianqian was talking about. All the good mood in the morning was dissipated by the tears on Mu Qianqian's face. Hua Yunrong suddenly felt angry.    


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